
The villain tyrant: What should I do if I use more luck?

Through the book, he became the whetstone boss of the villain's protagonist. Zhao Zheng obtained the villain's tyrant system. Every time he made a "negative" decision, the decline of the dynasty's luck would feed back his cultivation base. Master Xiuwei +99 days, appointing a noble family +999 days, bombarding Xiuxian Zongmen +6999 days... In order to survive the decisive battle three years later, Zhao Zheng was madly defeated by luck, but Hu Meixiu became a fox immortal, and all the teachers of Jiaofang were talented. Three years later, the protagonist of the Realm of Hundred Tribulations went to the Qiankun Hall to take revenge, and saw the ceiling that almost collapsed the book. Zhao Zheng: Author, do you call this a small boss?

DaoistoADzhJ · Fantasy
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203 Chs

Chapter 186 Spring Compromise! The Ministry of Affairs Pavilion is old and desolate!


After being silent for a while, Chun spoke again, and she was ready to break the game.

In Zhao Zheng's hands, she was the passive one, and she had to break through the bottom line.


Zhao Zheng took his eyes off the memorial and looked at Xiang Chun.

This battle was an astronomical figure. Fortunately, his emperor was not the previous emperor. Otherwise, the treasury would have gone bankrupt. Not only that, but the treasury had gone bankrupt and owed astronomical amounts of money to those vassal kings.

Fighting is too expensive.

This still has his teleportation array, otherwise, the travel expenses alone are extremely terrifying.

In the previous era, it was impossible to realize the dynasty of immortal cultivation, not only because of the monopoly of sects and immortals to cultivate martial arts, but also because of the lack of financial resources.

Chundao: "We can talk again, I can use my spiritual core contract, and I will never do anything to you, Great Yan Emperor Kun, and besides, as long as you need it, I can do it for you three times, externally, Both I and the alien race can bow down to you, Dayan."

"Well, with your spiritual core contract, you can't fight against my opponent, nor against anyone in Dayan. As long as I need you, you will immediately appear by my side and take action for me. What I want, That is, you can't take action against any human race."

Zhao Zheng replied with the next sentence.

"Emperor, you have been trampling on my bottom line."

"If you think so, well, I admit, you are trampling your bottom line."

Negotiations have once again reached an impasse.

Spirit core contract, this matter is too big.

If you can't shoot at people, it means that anyone can kill her, and spiritual power is invalid to people, so children with swords can kill her.

Chun's ambition is to make the Eldar reappear and rule the world.

And now the largest land is in the hands of the human race. She absolutely cannot accept such a contract.

"His Majesty."

Chun changed her name, and her tone softened: "You can talk slowly if you can't talk well, but can you be nice to me now, your rope is too tight for me, I'm almost out of breath. "Your Majesty, please be kind to Xiangxiyu."

"behave in a spoiled manner?"

Zhao Zheng quickly approved two chapters of memorials. This pile of papers is basically for money, and the ordinary papers are handled by the cabinet, that is, these documents of the vassal kings and those who need the prime stone, ask Zhao Zheng made the approval himself, and paid for it by the way.

The Zunhuang faction is very lucky, because Zhao Zheng is rich now, he is not a stingy person, he

"Everyone in the world knows that I love beautiful women and are soft-hearted, but they don't know that I only do that to my own woman. When you talk like this, I don't have the slightest feeling of pity and cherish jade, but I want to destroy you a bit, such as , I'll add a steel cage for you."

Relax a bit?

Do not.

That's what Zhao Zheng did on purpose.

Facing this kind of boss, a boss who was even better than his emperor boss, Zhao Zheng took it very seriously.

A hint of disappointment flashed in Chun's eyes.

She hummed, just wanting to find a chance to break free of the green robe when Zhao Zheng loosened her bond. Now she has already figured out that what seals and isolates her spiritual core power is this green robe, as long as After breaking free, she can instantly communicate with the power of heaven and earth and obtain pseudo-god-level spiritual power.

At that time, even if Zhao Zheng speaks to her again, it must be considered whether the volume should be lower or whether the tone should be gentle, because the power of the pseudo-god can destroy the world with a single gesture!

"Come on."

Zhao Zheng looked at the memorial and suddenly shouted.

"His Majesty."

Cui Xi responded, and he walked quickly from the door into the Emperor's Palace.

Zhao Zheng said: "Xuan Scorpion people come in."


Cui Xi hurried down.

He said at the door: "Xuan Yizu Ten Tailed Scorpion Zi Zun enters the hall."

When the scorpion man heard the sound, he strode into the palace of the emperor.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw the alien leader Chun, who was tied like a twist by dragon tendons.

Chun and the scorpion man looked at each other, her eyes glanced down, and she intentionally pointed to her upside-down green robe.

The scorpion man blinked his eyes calmly.

"I'm here, scorpion man, where are you looking?"

Although Zhao Zheng didn't raise his head, he knew that the two alien races must be communicating.

"Your Majesty atonement."

The scorpion man clenched his fists and apologized.

Zhao Zheng said: "Scorpion man, tell me what the current situation of alien races is. If I send a large army to attack, I will have a good chance of winning."

"Ah? Your Majesty wants to fight West Desert?"

The scorpion man was stunned for a moment: "This, looking at the strength of His Majesty's troops, it must be very easy to beat Xi Mo."

After hesitating for a while, he decided to say so.

Because, only by making Di Kun feel that Xi Mo is easy to handle, so that he and Chun will have a chance to return to Xi Mo alive.

"Well said, well said, then since that's the case, Chun died in the Southern Wilderness battlefield for me, what do you think, if you are the king, what kind of reward should I give you? There is a big one like the Southern Wilderness. How about a new territory, plus one million top-quality spirit stones?"

Zhao Zheng smiled.

The tone of his words was relaxed and cheerful, as if he was joking.

"However, the leader Chun didn't die in battle."

The scorpion man did not follow Zhao Zheng's words.

"She has no power at all now, kill her, kill her and you will become the new king of the alien race, I will help you recover the declaration of the Spirit Race, seal the homeland of the Southern Wild Forest for you, and then support you with a large number of spirits. Shi, you can build a city in the Southern Wilderness Forest, raise monsters, and live a normal and peaceful life. During the war, you can go to battle, I will give you chips, and you can rest there. The only thing is that you cannot expand the territory of the human race again. , but you can trade fairly with the human race, such as the pigs, dogs, cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks raised by the human race."

Zhao Zheng then said a bunch of words in one breath.

The scorpion man was just stunned.

He looked at Chun.

Chun looked at Zhao Zheng and said: "Your Majesty, you are not being authentic. Since you want my life, you can kill me. You want him to kill me because you want our big ethnic group to fight within each other. Bar."

Zhao Zheng responded: "I gave you a chance, you don't want it? Just make your contract, your own spiritual power is invalid for the entire human race, so you are still your false god, and you are still invincible among the spiritual race. , I can protect you when you need it!"

"Chun, what should I do?"

The scorpion man scratched his head vigorously.

He was really moved just now, Zhao Zheng's price was too high.

But Chun's words also reminded him that this matter is not so simple. Killing Chun here is a temporary relief. When he goes back among the alien races, he is going to start an infighting. No matter whether he wins or another alien powerhouse wins, the alien race There will be huge damage, and I am afraid that it will not almost touch the human dynasty in a few decades.

Spring is ambitious.

And Zhao Zheng's condition is to completely suppress Chun's ambition.

Pseudo-gods are too rare.

Especially in this era to become a false god, this is something you can't find.

Chun does not hesitate to be in the company of the human race. This is an opportunity to obtain such an opportunity to transform and break through with the sacrifice of hundreds of millions of souls.

Once she agrees to Zhao Zheng's request, she has made a contract and will not be able to take action against the human race, which means that when she is alive, the alien race will have no chance to take action against the human race, and she will not be able to fulfill her ambition.

"You and I have a baby."

Chun suddenly said: "After this, I will start to contract with the spiritual core. My spiritual power is invalid for all races."

"It's okay to have children."

"No, this is a necessary condition, and our children, whether male or female, will be the future kings of alien races, and the future kings of alien races will have the blood of you and me. If it can be done, then Come here."

Spring compromised.

She also wanted to understand.

If there is such a child, at least, if Zhao Zheng destroys the alien race later, he will also keep their one.


Zhao Zheng is really different.

This emperor is too cruel, and he is still so young.

Chun didn't say anything about the contract several times because she was worried. If she made a contract not to hurt everyone, the emperor would destroy the alien race for the sake of the human race. At that time, she would have no power to tie the chicken, and she could only wait to die.

"What do you think?"

Zhao Zheng didn't reply immediately, but looked at the scorpion man.

This is Zhao Zheng's respect for the scorpion people.

The scorpion man was moved in his heart. The emperor talked to the king, but he still asked his opinion. The scorpion man said excitedly: "I can look at it any way I want. I can stand and watch, lie down, and sit and watch. The whole bottle of His Majesty and the king ordered."

In the end, the emperor and Chun became a family.

Chun lost the ability to fight against the human race, but still retains absolute control over the alien race.

With the emperor, Chun also strengthened the external assistance, and was able to stand more stably among the alien races.

"Go down."


The scorpion man stepped back respectfully.

"The sooner you finish it, the sooner you can go back to Western Desert."

Zhao Zheng opened his arms.

"it's here?"

Chun froze for a moment.

Zhao Zheng nodded: "Well. I'm busy with me, and you are busy with yours, just depends on your ability."

He was a little angry.

If you look at the accounts, the finance department has had major problems in recent years. There are a lot of national brand industries in Dayan, all over the world of Dayan. Even in the West Desert, there is an exchange with foreigners. However, it has been hundreds of years. , The "Affair" Department of this Dayan has no input to the Ministry of Finance.

It was as if the Ministry of Affairs had gone out on its own.

It is also because of this that the treasury and silver coins of the Dayan Dynasty are very thin, and they can only rely on ordinary taxes, and Zhao Zheng has reduced taxes in many places, which makes the temples very poor.

The level of wealth is not comparable to some big kings.

If it weren't for his system, let alone doing so many things now, it would have been hard to fight the Arctic Kingdom at the beginning.

Prime Stone he has.

But it's not infinite either.

Moreover, he has a system, but after he ascends or dies, he handles it.

Eating the resources of the entire Dayan Dynasty, it has been running all the time, but there is no money. This is a problem, a big problem.

Spring drilled under the table.


The corner of Zhao Zheng's mouth twitched.


The dragon girl closed her eyes, the picture was too beautiful, she dared not look at it.

She knew that with Zhao Zheng's virtue, he had already done everything, and this woman would definitely not be able to run away.

But she didn't expect that the birth of a child was the final decision made by Chun.


Hospitality Hall.

late at night.

Beibingqi couldn't sleep.

This is the third time that he has come to the imperial palace of the Dayan Dynasty. The first time, he was young and frivolous, and he valued Yang Xiaoyou, who was in the palace of the Duke of Zhen. But he killed his own father and got a huge punishment. This is the third time.

In the yard, Beibingqi looked up at the moon.

"Father, you should be resting your eyes now. Your son is no longer the young and frivolous boy he used to be. Now your son has fulfilled your long-cherished wish and led us Beibing to in-depth cooperation with Dayan. After that, We are all Great Flame Orcs, and I have successfully grown into a qualified Northern Ice Dragon Tiger."

"You didn't die for me in vain!"

"Under the protection of Dayan, all ethnic groups in our Arctic will be able to live a good life."

"Whenever my son is exhausted, he will think of you. When he thinks of you, his son is full of motivation. This is just over a month, and his son has done it all!"

Looking at it, he muttered to himself, and then his eyes became wet.

Now the North Pike is very proud.

To unify Beibing, to convince all races of Beibing, and to become an orc of Dayan, he has accomplished so many things in such a short period of time by himself. This is absolutely unprecedented.

He has successfully completed the orcs' southward journey, and completed what the ancestors were unable to do.

he does not know.

He strayed.

If the North Ice Dragon Tiger had just died and knew that he had done these things and tamed the clan and surrendered to Dayan, it is estimated that he would have been able to come back to life with anger.

Now it can't be done, the coffin board is too nailed to death, and it can't be resurrected.

"Sir, it's getting late, rest early, the emperor will reward you early tomorrow."

Beibingying put on a huge and large cape for Beibingqi.


Bei Bingqi held Bei Bingying's hand with a smile on his face.

Bei Bingying is a beautiful little female leopard and the niece of the dead Arctic Leopard One. Although she is not as beautiful as Hongying from the Arctic Fox clan, she is also a first-class wild companion.

Beibingqi felt that his life had reached the peak and everything was getting better.

He now calls himself the Duke of Juncheng, but he has a feeling that after this battle, tomorrow will be rewarded with the big head of their orc race.


the next day.

Mao Shi.

As soon as the genius was bright, the gate of the Emperor's Palace was opened.

Zhao Zheng walked out of the Emperor's Palace wearing a costumed dragon robe.

In the Emperor's Palace, Chun passed out, foaming at the mouth.

It was not long after Zhao Zheng left that she woke up and changed clothes under the service of the palace maid, and the terrified look on her face was hard to dissipate.

She didn't know that the human race could be so tyrannical and domineering.

"Your Majesty, representatives of all parties have arrived."

Qin Wangming waited first in front of the Emperor's Palace: "Lao Huanglong from the Ministry of Finance is also here."

I heard the old minister of the Ministry of Four words, Zhao Zheng's eyes narrowed, he was thinking of looking for this old minister of the Ministry of Finance who had not met before when someone came.

Qin Wangming said again: "Your Majesty, I will come first, just to remind you of something."

At this time, he reduced the volume.

"Well, let's talk." Zhao Zheng nodded and put his ears close.