
The villain tyrant: What should I do if I use more luck?

Through the book, he became the whetstone boss of the villain's protagonist. Zhao Zheng obtained the villain's tyrant system. Every time he made a "negative" decision, the decline of the dynasty's luck would feed back his cultivation base. Master Xiuwei +99 days, appointing a noble family +999 days, bombarding Xiuxian Zongmen +6999 days... In order to survive the decisive battle three years later, Zhao Zheng was madly defeated by luck, but Hu Meixiu became a fox immortal, and all the teachers of Jiaofang were talented. Three years later, the protagonist of the Realm of Hundred Tribulations went to the Qiankun Hall to take revenge, and saw the ceiling that almost collapsed the book. Zhao Zheng: Author, do you call this a small boss?

DaoistoADzhJ · Fantasy
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203 Chs

Chapter 112 Sneaky

Jiaofang Division, Juyuan.

"Huh, huh."

The voice of humiliation overflowed.

"Miss, there is a lot of noise outside, I heard that the disciples of the Earth Immortal Palace are here to have fun, oops!"

A servant of the Jin family heard the movement outside and ran into Jin Chunfeng's room quickly. She was originally a servant of the Jin family, but now her identity is the same as that of Jin Chunfeng. The majesty of her, and she also pretends to be her maidservant.

Rushing into the house, the servant girl Xiaoqiu was dumbfounded.

"Ah! Miss!"

Xiao Qiu screamed.

"To shut up!"

Jin Chunfeng glanced at Xiaoqiu angrily.

Xiao Qiu quickly covered her mouth when she heard the sound.

"Unfortunate! It ruins the good mood of the master."

A big man got up from Jinchunfeng# and put on his battle armor with a displeased expression.

Jin Chunfeng said with a smile: "Don't blame the general, the little sister Xiaoqiu has always been reckless. When the general comes next time, the slave family must bring the little sister to make a good apology to the general."

After she looked better, she was much more confident.

She is weak.

She is very clear.

She is not Jin Yingying, not an immortal cultivator. If she wants to take revenge, she will definitely not be able to rely on her own strength.

There must be an external force.

In the past, if she entered the Jiaofang Division with such an ugly appearance, she would feel that it was humiliating her, and it would be better to let her die.

But now, she is ready to rely on herself to attract help and take revenge.

Seeing that Jin Chunfeng said those words with the style that only a brothel woman would have, Xiaoqiu stayed where she was, she didn't know her master.

This one is the direct daughter of the Duke of Jin!

"Are you still taking nothing?"

The big man asked after putting on his armor.

Jin Chunfeng smiled and said: "Yes, as long as you introduce the slave family to General Yang Can, the new Duke of Jin, and bring Duke Yang Jin once, Chunfeng and Xiaoqiu will never want money."

"You didn't say before that I would bring Duke Jin! You are trying to take revenge by assassinating Duke Jin. I certainly can't help you, and I can't tolerate you!"

When the big man heard this, he was in a hurry.

Before, it was he who escorted Jin Chunfeng to the prison car, and Jin Chunfeng invited him to the Jiaofang Division.

"Don't worry, general, don't worry, you look at the slave family like the kind of people who dare to kill! The slave family is not looking for revenge on Jin Guogong, but the slave family is at odds with that Jin Yingying from the Meiyuan next door, and the slave family wants revenge. Find a backer, otherwise, Jin Yingying is fierce and will definitely not let the slave family go, woo woo woo."

While Jin Chunfeng comforted the big man, he pretended to cry softly.

The big man is a rude man. He has never seen such a battle. When he thinks that the eldest young lady of the Jin State's palace, who used to be so delicate, now treats him so tenderly, his heart softens.

"Well, she's Jin Yingying. If you don't take revenge, I can consider this matter, but this general needs to investigate you for a while to make sure you don't want to use me to assassinate Duke Jin."

But the big man is not a fool.

When he said something, Jin Chunfeng was immediately stunned.

Son of a bitch, want to be white for a long time! #BenMiss!

Jin Chunfeng didn't dare to be angry, she continued to pretend to be soft and said: "General, this is a win-win situation, if you say that I am the daughter of the former Duke of Jin, the new Duke of Jin will definitely meet I am interested in the old daughter of Jin State."

"Oh?" The big man looked at Jin Chunfeng seriously, and he suddenly approached Jin Chunfeng and said, "Little Niangpi, you are so rude."

Jin Chunfeng accompanied her with a smile.

She was furious.

No one had ever dared to say that to her.

But when he thought that this was to endure humiliation for revenge, he held back his temper.

"Ha ha ha ha."

The big man laughed and left, and when he walked to Xiaoqiu's side, he grabbed a hand on Xiaoqiu's body, causing Xiaoqiu to scream in fright.

"General, what about what the slave family said?"

"Next time, next time."

The big man is gone.

But Dahan did not leave Jiaofangsi directly, but went to the Meiyuan next door.

The plum courtyard was deserted, and only Jin Yingying was alone.

There were originally two, but the servant girl of the Jin family who lived in the Meiyuan with Jin Yingying didn't know that Jin Yingying had been powerful in the Jin family. She looked at Jin Yingying as if she was going to die, so she disliked the bad luck and took the initiative to go. another yard.

Jin Yingying was isolated.

Dahan knows about Jin Yingying's situation, and he knows a very important point. Jin Yingying is a cultivator, a genius, and a legendary innate realm!

The troubled genius girl of the Xiuxian family!

Moreover, when escorting the prison van, he noticed Jin Yingying, who exuded a distinctive temperament.

He was frightened by Xiaoqiu, and was aroused by Jin Chunfeng again, but Jin Chunfeng was too open and the waves gave him the illusion that he wanted to find Jin Yingying.

Inform Jin Yingying of Jin Chunfeng's request and force Jin Yingying to submit.

It was so exciting to be the first to taste a cultivator.

Compared to an immortal cultivator, the Jin family's direct daughter is nothing, and besides, Jin Yingying is also the daughter of the Jin family.

In short, he felt that Jin Chunfeng was not very valuable.

The plum courtyard is desolate, the courtyard door is wide open, and the door is also open.

Jin Yingying lay down, her face pale.

With the palm of the Human King Realm, her whole body's energy was shaken away, and her meridians were also severely damaged.

She is embarrassed now.

She was powerless. After being thrown here, she had no ability to take care of herself. She was covered in dirt, and the smell in the room was also very indescribable.

Lying in the filth, Jin Yingying couldn't move.

She tried to recombine the meridians again and again, but it was painful, and each time she nearly fainted from the pain.

The big man went away happily.

He entered the door, his little head full of thoughts.

But as soon as he entered, he was dumbfounded.


The big man vomited directly, and his interest faded in an instant.

"This is an immortal cultivator? Why don't you kill such a useless person? Why bring it back? It's a pity that I would have woken up early if I knew it earlier."

The big man covered his nose and approached Jin Yingying, Jin Yingying's hair was scattered and covered her face, listening to the big man's words, her eyes became sullen, but she still didn't make a sound.

The big man lifted Jin Yingying's messy hair with one hand, and then saw Jin Yingying's beastly hateful gaze, the big man suddenly became smart, looking at Jin Yingying's gaze, the big man raised his hand and slapped.


"M's, the stinky woman dares to look at me like this, do you think you are still Miss Jin? I will give you the level today..."

"What are you doing for her?"

A cold voice came out.

It is the voice of the King of Kings.

Zhao Zheng was also there.

The big man was shocked again when he heard the sound, and he quickly went to tie his waistband, "General, why are you here?"

This big man is not a general, but an ordinary soldier escorting a prisoner cart. It happened that Jiaofang Si Xinkai needed manpower and was on duty there. Jin Chunfeng called him a general to please.

Zhao Zheng straightened his waist and raised his head and said, "So, I see this matter, and it is necessary to report to Your Majesty. Let's not talk about the Juyuan he went to before. This one is the girl Jin Yingying that His Majesty wants to see."

The face of the King of Kings suddenly changed.

Earlier, Zhao Zheng and Renwangjing were arguing when they heard Xiaoqiu's scream, and they looked at Juyuan together.

As a result, I saw the big man who was too fascinated by thinking about good things came out of the Juyuan and walked to the Meiyuan happily. Maybe it was because he wanted a seamless connection too much. Although he was wearing armor, his waistbands were not tied.

They went along with them.

With those cold eyes, that sullen look, and a distinctive temperament, Zhao Zheng felt that she was different at first glance.

Mainly, with yellow numbers on top of their heads.

This is the task number!

[Jin Yingying, villain, favorability -50. Using it for fun will randomly lose a small amount of luck, and earning a subordinate will randomly lose a part of luck, and influencing him will lose a lot of luck! (Yellow) (Real-time update of favorability)]

Listening to Zhao Zheng's words, the big man was directly angry: "Who are you! What a black case, the people from Jiaofang Division are not just playing, you can't find death! Besides, how could Your Majesty come to Jiaofang Division this dirty The place!"