
67 - Realisation

Fang wasn't faring much better than Ren, either. He went to school, attended the sessions with his psychiatrist and his therapist and accompanied the three furballs at home. He missed Ren so much that it was like a physical ache gnawing away at him.

Deep down, Fang held on to the hope that Ren would come back to cajole him...and then he would apologise properly to Ren and...maybe things would be all right again.

However, even after two weeks, there was no sign of either Ren or Pax. Fang finally couldn't take it anymore and asked Wolf where Ren was.

"He left," Wolf said.

Fang's heart dropped. "Left? When? Where did he go?"

Wolf shrugged. "Does it matter?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.

Fang bit his lip. "I...is he ok? Is Pax with him?"

Wolf shook his head. "Pax is already back at Sirocco," he replied.

Fang went pale. "Ren...when is he coming back?" he asked in a whisper.