
The Villain Refuses to Die!

If there was 1 thing Jun regretted in his life it would when he named a game character the worst name his drunk ass could think of. A name that embody the villain who dies in every route of the game. "If he's going to be trash? Why give him a good name? Eh, just let me name him like a typo~" Jun, who passed due to stress and severe sleep deprivation after completing all 25 endings, have woken up to be the very villain he named. ... [ Warning! Major story characters cannot change names. Changing names will lead to a system error resulting to a penalty.] "..." [All points and rewards will be deleted. Actions will be restricted and freedom of speech will also be removed. Do you wish to proceed, Vadgai Tash?^w^] With a tear, Jun, no, Vadgai Tash. The villain who refuses to die, voluntarily died a little bit inside.

Era_Valle · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Author's Note

Hello! This is Era_Valle, the author of The Villain Refuses to Die! First, I would like to thank you for picking this story up. I'm new to writing and this app, so I have much to improve.

I would like to apologize for any plot holes, errors, or inconsistencies. I decided to write this on a whim to combat boredom. Publishing while writing. Consider it the first manuscript of sorts with minimal editing from my good friend and beta reader Coke (who willingly sacrificed themselves).

This story takes place in a world where technology and magic meet. It is completely fictional and such all names, places, etc. are product of the author's imagination or have been used fictionally.

I hope it helps combat your indolence as well. Once again, thank you for picking this up! See you in Chapter 1!