
Report to the Baron

Sebastian stood in front of the large oak door leading to the baron's office, waiting for permission to enter.

As he was let in he gave a courtesy bow and greetings as a professional and capable servant must. Still, of course, this child in an adult's body who became a baron by some god's grace and survived so long somehow was already in a joyful mood albeit a little stressed due to the second young master's condition.

"What is it that has brought you here father-in-law"

The tick that appeared on Sebastian's face was the only indication of his irritation. He let go of all professionalism to hit the dancing adult on the head and stopped that horrendous music.

"What the hell, you should be working why are you dancing and especially on songs for babies even the youngest master Sarah doesn't listen to them anymore and she is 5 are you younger than her?"

"Ow! So mean and of course not, my kids grew up to fast so I decided to live their childhood, I miss the days when I and all the kids used to dance around like this (suddenly his face turned gloomy) or most of us used to"

Sensing the sadness of the baron the butler sighed "Well now that we are on the topic of him I have come to report".

The baron immediately turned serious immediately all traces of mirth on his face gone as if they were non-existent