
The Villain Is No Longer The Villain

Kai befalls a tragic death and wakes up to find that he has reincarnated into the body of the most villainous noble from a novel he last read. The power is now in Kai's hands to either accept his inevitable fate as the villain or to alter the threads of fate to carve out of his own destiny.

Low_IQauthor · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Lord Thor's Anger

Navigating the lengthy, ornate corridors of the Thor Clan stronghold, Kai and Jie Yan's footsteps echoed softly against the walls until they finally arrived outside the imposing Lord Thor's chamber. Guarded by stone-faced sentinels, the entrance exuded an aura of power and authority.

"Please announce my arrival," Kai instructed the guards, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

The guards, standing tall in their armor, nodded in acknowledgment before announcing Kai's presence to Lord Thor.

As Kai stepped into the vast and lavishly decorated chamber, he was immediately struck by the opulence and grandeur that surrounded him. The room was adorned with intricate tapestries, gilded furniture, and shelves lined with ancient artifacts, a testament to the wealth and status of the Thor Clan.

"Father," Kai greeted Lord Thor respectfully, the tension in the room palpable.

Lord Thor, seated at a polished wooden desk, poured himself a cup of steaming tea, the fragrant aroma wafting through the air. His gaze, as cold and unyielding as steel, met Kai's with disdain.

"Why did you do it? Why did you impose yourself on Lady Song?" Lord Thor's voice cut through the silence, filled with disappointment and anger.

Confusion clouded Kai's features as he struggled to comprehend his father's accusations.

"What do you mean, Father?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Lord Thor's expression darkened, his frustration reaching a boiling point.

"How many times must you bring shame upon our name? Why can't you conduct yourself with the same honor as your brothers?" His words reverberated through the room, laced with a mixture of disappointment and fury.

With each accusation, Kai's confusion deepened, the weight of his father's disappointment heavy upon him. Suddenly, without warning, Lord Thor's anger erupted, and he flung his tea cup at Kai, the fragile porcelain shattering upon impact. The powerful blow inflicted on Kai sent excruciating pain coursing through his skull, causing the blood from his head wound to saturate the bandages wrapped tightly around his head.

Kai felt a familiar numbness wash over him, a shield he had learned to don in the face of accusations and blame, reminiscent of the unfair judgments he endured at the orphanage.

"Father, you must be mistaken. It was Brother Ying, not me," Kai attempted to clarify, his voice steady despite the storm brewing around him.

Lord Thor's eyes flashed with fury, his patience wearing thin.

"Must you resort to lies now?" his voice boomed, each word dripping with disbelief and indignation.

As the tension in the chamber escalated, Kai braced himself for the onslaught of his father's wrath, steeling himself against the accusations and condemnations hurled his way. Kai stood in silence, his words faltering as he knew nothing he said would change Lord Thor's anger that burned like a relentless flame.

The Thor and Qing clans stood as pillars of power and influence in the Yi Providence, their wealth and status shaping the very landscape of society. The intricate dance of competition and cooperation between the two families held the region in a delicate balance, their actions and alliances shaping the destiny of the province.

The discord between Kai and Lady Song, the second daughter of the Qing family, threatened to disrupt this delicate equilibrium, stirring up tensions that resonated deep within the core of the Thor and Qing clans. Lord Thor's unwavering sense of duty and pride in his family's honor fueled his anger, propelling him to defend their reputation with fervor and determination.

"Father, no matter what I say, you won't acknowledge me. Therefore, I would like to make a proposal," Kai finally spoke, his voice steady despite the storm brewing around him. His words hung in the air, a flicker of defiance in the face of his father's wrath, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf them all.

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