
Where am I

After a long time, Drake woke up. He was disoriented trying to make sense of his surroundings. He looked around in panic only to find himself surrounded by the endless black void, 'Where am I?'

He struggled to move around but nothing happened. 

He remembered Kane switching control over the body, then that push and roll with the massive pain. Everything became black after that. 

Did Kane succeed? Is he controlling the body? How is the body? Many thoughts rushed to him. 

He shook them away and tried to focus on the body. It was a relief that he was not feeling that pain just thinking about that made him shiver- 

Wait what going on? It hit him that he was feeling nothing, there was no pain nor any other sensation from the body. 

Before the chaos started inside his mind he asked, [Hey Kane you there? What happens to me?]

He waited in silence for the response but Kane said nothing.