
The Villain Has Feelings Too

Let me tell you a story. A story where even villains have their own stories to tell. In this world where we tend to believe what we saw more than what we hear, is what we saw really the full story? And in this world where we tend to believe what we hear when we aren’t there to witness, who is to say what is the truth and what is false? A point of view from a small villain: “You have seen all the crimes and evilness I’ve committed by reading the story. You have seen what I did that made you hate me. But, have you seen my story? Do you know why I did all those things that made you wish I would die 100 times? This novel will tell you my story. I hope you won’t give me your pity when you finish reading it. I have no need for your pity for by then, I have already suffered enough or died horribly to atone for my sins.” . . . Yin Yu committed 99 crimes in heaven. In order to cleanse his own sins, he is to go to the mortal realm to collect all 99 cores of sins from 99 different people who committed the same crimes as his. What started out was once a ruthless, cold, and unfeeling man. As his journey progressed, these mortal feelings of warmth, love, and kindness, he is bound to never forget for eternity.

XiaoYun_PiaoFu · Fantasy
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9 Chs

A Guqin, A Song for You

Yin Yu was walking through the bustling street. As he walked past a building, he suddenly felt as if someone was watching him. Stopping on his track, Yin Yu turned to look towards one of the buildings on the third floor. There he saw a woman wearing a veil, looking at him from the window without moving her gaze away.

If this was any other day, Yin Yu would've ignored it. However, something about her piqued his interest the moment he laid eyes on her.

Yin Yu then shifted his gaze to look at the sign at the door of the building: Thousand Flower Brothel.

Without feeling embarrassed at all, Yin Yu entered the building. At the entrance, there were also 4 beautiful prostitutes welcoming customers.

One of the four prostitutes came up to Yin Yu. "Mister. Is this your first time here?"

Yin Yu nodded once.

"Thousand Flower Brothel is the most famous brothel in the entire town. You can find any kind of beauties you want."

Yin Yu went straight to the point. "I want the one on the third floor."


The woman hesitated. There's a total of 3 floors in this brothel. The first floor's beauties are just slightly above average looking. It doesn't cost that much to spend the night with them, only 100 copper coins. The second floor's beauties are full of beautiful women that are hard to resist when looking at them. They cost 100 silver taels one night. However, the third floor is different.

Currently, there is only one beauty in there. It isn't the customers that get to choose her. Instead, she is the one to choose the customer. No matter how much money they have, she won't even accept it if she doesn't find them worthy of her attention.

"Mister. The beauties on the second floor are all gentle, sweet, and great in skills. Since this is your first time, we will do a discount of 15 percent off."

Yin Yu took off his bamboo hat, showing his full appearance to the girl in front of him. He repeated, "I want the one on the third floor."

The prostitute widened her eyes in shock. 'Oh my god! Why is this man so handsome?! I've never seen such a man as attractive as him before!'

"M-Mister. Please come in to have a seat and wait first. I'll send a message to the people on the third floor."

When she left for the third floor, she was still blushing hard and heart-pounding loudly.

While Yin Yu waited at the table, he could feel many gazes on him. Especially those from girls. However, Yin Yu was unbothered.


Somebody called out to Yin Yu. "Why is nobody attending to you? You seem lonely."

A woman wearing a pink revealing dress that could almost see through her breast came and unhesitantly sat on Yin Yu's lap. "Why don't I fill up the loneliness in your heart for the rest of the day?"

Yin Yu looked at her face for a moment before saying, "When you open your mouth, do your customers not vomit?"

"Wh-What?" The woman opened her mouth wide. 'Is he saying that I make my customers vomit with my words?'

But no matter how angry she was by Yin Yu's mocking words just now, when she looks at his face again, she just didn't want to lose this opportunity to spend time with a man that has extraordinary handsome looks.


Suddenly, a serving girl came and pulled on the woman's hand, making the woman get off Yin Yu's lap. She didn't stop at that and even slapped across the woman's face. There was a loud *paa* sound across the first floor.

The woman's eyes were wide opened. She covered her cheek that was slapped and looked angrily at the girl who just slapped her. When she was just about to reprimand, she was shocked to see that it was a serving girl from the third floor.

She tried to hold back her anger as she questioned, "Xiao Sui. What was that for?"

Xiao Sui sneered. "Hmph. You are touching my miss' customer. If I don't teach you a lesson, won't that be the same as if the first floor is better than the third floor?"

The woman was shocked. "He's Miss Qingying's customer?"

Xiao Sui ignored the woman and politely said to Yin Yu. "Mister, my miss is waiting. Please."

"En." Yin Yu nodded as he stood up from his seat and allowed Xiao Sui to guide him to the third floor.

As Yin Yu walked up the stairs, there were many people who were shocked.

"Miss Qingying rarely serves customers. Once a month is already a lot. Now she is accepting him?"

"Sigh. Even rare beauties like her can't resist handsome men of her level."

"Are you blind? His looks are on another entirely different level. Can Miss Qingying even match up to him?"

"Oi that person who just said that Miss Qingying can't match him. Have you seen her before?! Don't say such bullsh*t words like that about my fairy!"

One after another, chaos started to form on the first floor.

However, Yin Yu was now already in front of a room. When Xiao Sui guided him all the way up to the third floor, it was quiet.

"Mister, please wait for my miss to call you in."

After Xiao Sui finished saying that, she turned and left the area, leaving Yin Yu to wait outside of the room alone.

Yin Yu stood there for almost half an hour. However, he was still patient and didn't mind waiting. Finally, a gentle voice called out to him from inside the room, "Come in."

When Yin Yu entered, he was in a big room. There were 3 areas in this large room. The entertainment room, the dining room, as well as a room for "night activities".

The first area Yin Yu was in was the entertainment room. All over the area of the entertainment room, there were instruments of all kinds and in the middle of it, was a woman. In front of her was one of the instruments people like to play and listen to the most, the guqin that is a stringed zither.

"Mister, you must've waited long."

Yin Yu stared at her quietly for a moment. Unlike earlier, now she wasn't wearing a veil. She really lives up to expectations of her beauty. With fair skin, beautiful eyes, and red moist lips. But it's a pity. Yin Yu has seen prettier women in heaven.

When Qingying coughed lightly, Yin Yu smiled slightly. He then went and sat down on the ground that has a small table at the side filled with snacks and wine.

When Yin Yu finally sat down, Qingying began to play the guqin while saying, "Mister, this is your first time here. I will sing you a song. I hope you don't find it boring and will listen until the end."

Then, she began to sing as she plucked strings after strings:

"Flowers have blossomed, every creature sings a song of life.

You have come to me, saying how your love is full of honesty.

Every day, Every night, Our body intertwines

A sky so blue, as I thought of you…

Flowers have withered, every creature sings a song of death.

You have not come to me, there is no more love of honesty.

Every day, Every night, Our fate parted

A sky so red, as I filled it with bloodshed."

The song ended, the strings left unplucked. Qingying looked towards Yin Yu with a smile. "Mister, I hope you don't mind me playing another song.

Qingying stopped smiling as she looked down on her guqin. Then, she started playing again. This time, there was no song to sing, only the sound coming from the guqin.

The first minute, the song was happy and peaceful.

The next minute, the song was sad and sorrowful.

The third minute, the sky suddenly turned dark…

The fourth minute, Yin Yu could hear a sobbing voice next to his ear.

The fifth minute, Qingying disappeared from the room. Yet, the sound of guqin could still be heard playing.

Yin Yu stood up from his seat and walked to the middle of the room where the guqin can still be seen playing by itself. The song was full of sadness that can drown any mortals of their own sorrows and sufferings even to the point where it can make them commit suicide.

Yin Yu looked at the guqin. Then, he suddenly smiled. "You want my blood?"

Stretching out his hand towards the guqin, Yin Yu took out a dagger from who knows where and cut his palm. However, instead of scarlet blood flowing out of the newly made cut, it was of golden color. The blood of a god.

The guqin shook the moment it absorbed Yin Yu's blood. Not even half a minute passed and the guqin cracked.


Writing that poem/song took me a long time to think. I'm not that good at making it elegant and poetic like those really great poems so don't be too harsh on me T_T

XiaoYun_PiaoFucreators' thoughts