
The Villain Always Dies in the End

Winner of WPC #308 Bronze --- I was a regular guy. I had a regular job. A regular family. And, although I was still a bachelor, I had been in several relationships, although none of them got far enough to lead to marriage. Then, I was stabbed in the back. I didn't even get to see their face before everything blacked out. 'Why was I killed? I just lived a normal life!' Then, I woke up in a baby's body. At the age of 10, when we were finally getting our status windows, I suddenly realized something. When I looked at my twin sister, I almost choked from shock. 'Fuck, don't tell me I got reincarnated into "that" novel!' 'And furthermore, I'm the main villain, the villainous brother!' This is the story of my quest for a lazy life, one where I didn't have to do anything. I just wanted to live a lavish life as the son of the duke, my sister could do whatever she wanted and save the world, and I wouldn't interfere. At least, that was what I thought at first. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Rate: Check the schedule Chapter Length: 1000-1500 words per chapter My chapters are edited by myself, so forgive me if I make any mistakes. Just comment if there is a mistake anywhere. My other novels: When the Reader Descends Into the Novel With a System: https://www.webnovel.com/book/when-the-reader-descends-into-the-novel-with-a-system_23122762806287305 Discord Link: https://discord.gg/8ePQESSSHT All names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this story are purely fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, or products are intended. Note: The cover doesn't belong to me. If you are the original owner and want me to take it down, please leave a comment on my latest chapter.

WorthyAdversary · Fantasy
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89 Chs

The Depths of the Ocean (4) - 72

The Next Day:


"Wake up Micheal! It's time for breakfast!

Being woken up for the first time by somebody else, I honestly was lost in trying to handle the situation.

Was I supposed to yell back?

Was I supposed to ask for more time?

Was I supposed to open the door and answer her with my bedhead on full display?

'Arggghhh! What do I fucking do?'

Yes! It was my first time in a situation like this, and it was definitely not going well already.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*


"I'm coming... just let me freshen up first..."

The banging on my door stopped after that.

"Oh... okay..." She said, through the door, in a voice that was quieter than a mouse and impossible to hear for normal people.

As everything went quiet, I couldn't help but wonder about one thing.

'Did I do something wrong?'


"So, what was your life like before this?"


Looking up from my sorry looking breakfast consisting of oatmeal and raisins, I couldn't figure out what to say for a little bit, but then came out with a half truth that I had prepared if anybody ever asked this question whilst I was trying to achieve a "normal" life.

"I was in the marines, joined right after graduating high school. Never had parents, so it just felt like the right thing to do."

Even though I basically just told my "entire life story" to her, she could easily see through at least some of my lies, as she furrowed her brows.

'She's probably questioning the validity of some of my statements, especially the fact that I sounded happy whilst talking about everything.'

After all, I was never happy or even emotional in the slightest when talking, so me acting all happy when talking about my life story was definitely suspicious.

She could clearly see this, as she was somebody that faked happiness almost all the time.

But, I knew she would understand, and wouldn't pry, as she wouldn't want anybody else doing it to her, at least I hoped she would look at the situation that way.

And she thankfully did, as she quickly tried to move on to another topic of discussion.

But, I had to ask her, I just had to ask her...

"What did you do before coming here?"


"Oh, sorry if it's not a good subject to talk about." Yet, even though I said this, I still looked at her hopefully, as her face, which showed vivid emotions when she wasn't just acting happy, was seemingly nostalgic at the moment, in a happy way though, so I still had hope that my question would be answered.

So, I went with the tried and true method of yanking someone out of a flashback, and so I splashed cold water on her face.


Let's just say... it was definitely one of the worst decisions of my life.

As I lowered my head under her seemingly endless verbal and physical abuse, the nurses quickly came over and separated us.

But, seeing that no harm was done, most of them let out a long sigh like this was something that happened everyday and was something that they were tired of, before escorting the both of us back to our respective rooms.

Then, we were both put on a one day ban of leaving our room before they closed our doors for what I believed was an eternity, as I though of millions upon trillions of different scenarios regarding, first, what Rua's reaction would be after seeing me again, second, what I would do to apologize, and third, what her reaction would be to my apology.

Agonizing over this had just made the time fly by slower, as I banged my head against the wall in my imagination.

I would never do that in real life, lest the nurses move me to the "suicidal" wing of the asylum.

In the end, I just sat there in a ball on my bed, racking my brain over the future that was yet to come.




For some reason, maybe it was because she was the first person ever to wake me up, maybe it was because she was the first person that invited me to breakfast, or maybe it was because she was a beautiful woman in all her glory, but, for some reason, I felt an unexpected connection with her, and she must have felt the same way, as we both cried out each other's name before running towards each other.

"I'm so sorry for asking you about a touchy subject." I told her, bowing, as we stood there, face to face with each other in the hallway, the distance we had ran being about 2 inches.

"Nononono! Raise your head up! You did nothing wrong!"

Frantically touching my body, trying to raise my head for me, she inadvertently let out the fact that she had been worried about me too.

Trying her best to salvage the situation back into a happy one was quickly as possible, she asked me this one question,

"You know what? C'mon, let me show you something."

And so, here I was, with glassy eyes and all, as I saw Rua in a completely new light, her hand grabbing mine as she pulled me in a certain direction.

In that moment, the only thing I could focus on was how dazzling she looked as the sun shined through the windows and made her short, black hair glitter as it flew through the air for a short while once she spun around, her smiling face beaming as she truly smiled, a smile that fully reflected her feelings, her passion towards what she was about to show me.

It was a smile one had on when bragging about their children, it was a smile one used when proud, when overcoming impossible odds.

For me, the person studying this smile in its full glory, it was as if time had slowed down, just for me to witness this sight.

And, it was only then that I realized it.

In that moment...

She was beautiful.


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