
The Villain Always Dies in the End

Winner of WPC #308 Bronze --- I was a regular guy. I had a regular job. A regular family. And, although I was still a bachelor, I had been in several relationships, although none of them got far enough to lead to marriage. Then, I was stabbed in the back. I didn't even get to see their face before everything blacked out. 'Why was I killed? I just lived a normal life!' Then, I woke up in a baby's body. At the age of 10, when we were finally getting our status windows, I suddenly realized something. When I looked at my twin sister, I almost choked from shock. 'Fuck, don't tell me I got reincarnated into "that" novel!' 'And furthermore, I'm the main villain, the villainous brother!' This is the story of my quest for a lazy life, one where I didn't have to do anything. I just wanted to live a lavish life as the son of the duke, my sister could do whatever she wanted and save the world, and I wouldn't interfere. At least, that was what I thought at first. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Rate: Check the schedule Chapter Length: 1000-1500 words per chapter My chapters are edited by myself, so forgive me if I make any mistakes. Just comment if there is a mistake anywhere. My other novels: When the Reader Descends Into the Novel With a System: https://www.webnovel.com/book/when-the-reader-descends-into-the-novel-with-a-system_23122762806287305 Discord Link: https://discord.gg/8ePQESSSHT All names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this story are purely fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, or products are intended. Note: The cover doesn't belong to me. If you are the original owner and want me to take it down, please leave a comment on my latest chapter.

WorthyAdversary · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Getting Slapped (3) - 46

A/N: I'm gonna bitch slap all of you, because some people are bitching about my story, I'm an author, and I need to protect my creation, my baby.

Here's my response to all you slandering types:

First off, people keep saying that the MC is a dumbass, but all his actions have a specific consequence that he tries to attain, with some of them taking years to manifest, they may just seem dumb now. MC is one that likes to think about the long game, not the short one. If your small brain only wants instant gratification, don't read this novel, because THAT would be the definition of a dumb MC. Second, inconsistencies in height of MC, but like, literally, MC is taller because he grew over a 5 year time skip... I have no fucking clue why people can't seem to figure that out. Third, there's only girls around the MC because that's my writing style. If you read any of my other novels, there's only girls around the MC, but they're just his friends, and it's always no harem (I'm American, I abhor harems, they're absolutely disgusting). Fourth, the MC is gender bent at like chapter 44. BUT! He is only a girl at night time, and he is a regular boy during the daytime. The gender thing is written in the story because there needs to be a consequence whenever any character earns power easily, as the law of equivalent exchange keeps everything in balance. You see, one of my principles is being as realistic as possible, and like, a protagonist's halo is not realistic, so yeah, there needs to be a consequence. This actually then helps his plans and long game, as it helps him get out of many situations and he has already figured out an endgame for this girl transformation at night. Finally, he's a weak ass MC right now and is mostly using scheming and political power because it's not realistic for a teenager with a trash villain body to beat a regressor, a maid of one of the highest families, a friend who has almost infinite mana, and most others because he had to wait until he "officially" awakened to start using mana and start building his body, so it's obvious that he'd be weaker than the other students because they've been making stars around their heart since they were little whilst he couldn't because the ones watching him would have reported it. There's literally a "Weak to Strong" tag on this novel, so fuck off if you want to read about an overpowered MC. The MC is a smart realist, he chose the fusion technique because, although it wouldn't give him instant gratification, he would get much more benefits in the long run. If you don't call looking at the future smart, then, first off, you're a dumbass, and second, don't read my novel because you obviously don't have a high enough IQ to read it.

That's my rant, if you have something to say about it, say it in the comments, and if I'm wrong, I'll go fix it immediately, because even if I'm protective, I'm not a dumbass.

(I also put this at the beginning of chapter one if any of you guys were gonna suggest that.)



"Yes, Young Master?"

"Has the agreement been fulfilled yet?"

"Yes, I've shattered one of his stars and I've taken the money from him."

"Give the money to the children, invest it in their strength. I can already tell, they'll need to be able to fend for themselves in the near future."

"You could just have me protect them, Young Master."

"If our enemies did attack them, do you really think that it wouldn't be a pincer attack?"


Taking the silence as her backing down, I once again looked out the window, deep in thought.

'I've just painted a fucking big ass target on my back, sigh...'

After all, during that duel, I had shown everyone watching a magic that had never been seen before in this world, and the destructive power of that spell was a novelty in this world, well, in this era.

I mean, it was a spell that allowed a no star to beat a 6 star master, something that was unheard of no matter where you went.

Even the King, the strongest person in the entire world of this novel, had never been able to defeat a person with more than three stars than him at this age.

So now, I was viewed as a major danger in the eyes of many nobles.

And so their children would do anything and everything to destroy my pathway.

Even Vasilie's parents were probably telling her to take advantage of me at this very moment, but, this was all according to plan.

The only reason the parents didn't go hound me themselves was because of the Headmaster, who outranked all of them in terms of power, and the Pantheon was her domain, and, well, those that had once touched her domain had already been made an example of before...

Anyways, back to my own problems, I took a closer look at the inside of my body, paying close attention to the flow of mana.

'It's become more viscous, that's good.'

My mana, which had been like a gas before, was now like a liquid, flowing, but not entirely freeform.

To me, this was the ideal state for my mana to be in due to my fighting style.

I wasn't a mage, so I didn't need gaseous mana, and I wasn't a tank or berserker, so I didn't need solid mana.

The only thing that surprised me was how quickly I had reached this state.

After all, most people's mana circuits automatically converted mana from outside the body into a gaseous state, as it was the easiest, so, for non-magicians, there was always this roadblock of reimagining the way that one's body converted mana from outside the body into mana inside the body, the mana that one could actually use.

So, in my case, the thing that had brought about this transformation was the fact that I had completely exhausted all my mana with that last attack.

This had been my "enlightenment", as I was able to achieve something that not even veterans in using mana could do, as most would be stuck in the gaseous mana stage their whole life.

As for me, well, I guess I was just lucky.

I mean, there had been no guarantee that that spell would have worked anyways.

It was only a spell that I had seen in the Library of Karmic Records, and seeing how powerful it was in proportion to the user, I had immediately set about memorizing it.

And a few days ago, it had proven to not be a fruitless task, as it proved to be useful for the first time.

But I knew, from the state that my body was in after using the spell, it was definitely not a spell that I could just spam.

Sure, I could probably use it with less mana, making smaller, but more numerous explosions, but then the effect wouldn't be the same.

After all, I had barely been able to defeat that six star dude, and that was probably only because he had let his guard down, and so he hadn't put up any type of shield at all.

I mean, that was really kind of fighting basics 101, that one had to have a form of defense on at all times.

For me, that was the unique instincts that I had built up over all those years, but even then, they would do nothing against somebody a couple of stars higher than me.

I had to remember that, lest I fall into a similar situation ever again.

"Char, go kill that man."

"Okay, Young Master."

Not even questioning why, as she had arrived at the answer a few seconds before I had even asked the question by studying my body posture, she immediately blinked away, and I was left along again.

If you were wondering why I wanted to kill the guy, well, it was simple. Even though he didn't know how to move his mana through his body to activate the spell, he knew the incantation, which was already half of it.

I, who knew for a fact that there were geniuses in this world that could decipher the mana pattern from the incantation, definitely needed to kill him, before he could blab the incantation I had uttered.

I mean, he probably hadn't even heard the incantation because I had muttered it, but still, it was better to be safe rather than sorry.

Now, it was time for me to deal with the most prominent problem at hand, the problem that I had talked about before.

I needed to get the attention on me off, ASAP, and I already knew one way to do it.

"Gwen, please give this letter to my beloved sister."

Appearing, she looked at me weirdly, but didn't question it, as she took the letter in her hand and then disappeared with it.

Finally, with that, all the puzzle pieces had been hung from above, their only job now was to fall down into place.

And in the end, only I would be standing, trampling on the lives of thousands.

It was time for me to show myself to the world as the devil I was.

With the pieces already there, all I had to do was cut the string.

But, new pieces were bound to show up, and so I had to prepare for those too.

Five Years.

That was the amount of time that I gave myself, the amount of time left before D-Day.

'I will stand unparalleled in this world.'

Thanks for reading!

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