
The Villain Always Dies in the End

Winner of WPC #308 Bronze --- I was a regular guy. I had a regular job. A regular family. And, although I was still a bachelor, I had been in several relationships, although none of them got far enough to lead to marriage. Then, I was stabbed in the back. I didn't even get to see their face before everything blacked out. 'Why was I killed? I just lived a normal life!' Then, I woke up in a baby's body. At the age of 10, when we were finally getting our status windows, I suddenly realized something. When I looked at my twin sister, I almost choked from shock. 'Fuck, don't tell me I got reincarnated into "that" novel!' 'And furthermore, I'm the main villain, the villainous brother!' This is the story of my quest for a lazy life, one where I didn't have to do anything. I just wanted to live a lavish life as the son of the duke, my sister could do whatever she wanted and save the world, and I wouldn't interfere. At least, that was what I thought at first. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Rate: Check the schedule Chapter Length: 1000-1500 words per chapter My chapters are edited by myself, so forgive me if I make any mistakes. Just comment if there is a mistake anywhere. My other novels: When the Reader Descends Into the Novel With a System: https://www.webnovel.com/book/when-the-reader-descends-into-the-novel-with-a-system_23122762806287305 Discord Link: https://discord.gg/8ePQESSSHT All names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this story are purely fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, or products are intended. Note: The cover doesn't belong to me. If you are the original owner and want me to take it down, please leave a comment on my latest chapter.

WorthyAdversary · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Getting Slapped (1) - 44

A/N: So, if you guys have read my diary, then you know why I've been gone for the past few days. If not, then here are the reasons:

1. NMSQT Test, a major test that determines the majority of your scholarships in America. This is obviously really really important.

2. Physics Test.

3. Flunked the physics test, with a 50 on the multiple choice and a 40 on the free response, so yesterday, I got the "White Room" treatment from my dad, where I spent 8 hours in a room doing just straight up physics problems.

4. After the "White Room", my family hosted a gathering that went until 12.

5. Today, I had a 7 hour long cybersecurity competition, and I just got back.

Yeah, I got some pretty good excuses, so please bear with me as I go through real life stuff.

Anyways, now I'm back, and I'm better than ever. Also, because this novel is gonna be featured on both Editor's Choice and New Arrivals starting tomorrow, or for some of you, it's already started today, I'll be posting once every single day for this entire week, also celebrating the fact that we have now passed 1k cols, and that this is the first of my novels to do so.

Welp, here's the chapter, and yes, I didn't include this long ass author's note in the word count, so don't worry about the chapter being shorter than usual, I'm a guy that doesn't like to cheat.

A/N: Me coming back during the edit of the chapter, it's an extra long chapter actually.


I didn't show any emotion on my face as I walked down from my seat up in the stands and arrived on the other side of the stadium, turning around to face the instructor after I had gotten to my designated spot to start the match.

"What are the rules?" I asked, obviously anticipating that the instructor could kill me and just say later that there was no rule against killing each other.

"No killing, no maiming, no moving outside of the arena, and I'll be lowering my aura to a level that you can handle."

"What constitutes, "A level that you can handle"?"

"My aura won't cause you to faint from touching it."

'Well, that's unfortunate, for me.'

Knowing that I would obviously lose this battle, I started thinking of ways to lose, but whilst also gaining something.

"And what's the punishment for breaking one of these rules?" I asked, after thinking for a little while.

"The destruction of a mana star and a fine of 15,000 gold coins."


Hearing this, I whistled, acting a little bit worried about the price of failure, but it wasn't like I was able to back away in the first place, well, let me rephrase that, I could back away from this fight if I used Vasilie's name, but then, I would lose face, and with my social standing already where it was, well, it shouldn't really get any worse, or I'd be royally screwed, in more ways than one.

And the punishment for failure was one in my advantage too, as, first off, I didn't have a single mana star, so the first part didn't even apply to me, second off, if he lost, he would be losing something much more valuable than me, even if I had a star, as it was harder to make a star the more stars you already had, and third, the monetary price for failure was like nothing to me, as I still had a lot of money from my savings.

"Well, should we get started then?" I asked, clearly looking at his body, as I tried to predict his next move.

Well, I would definitely be able to predict it. Now, it was just a question of if I could react faster than the attacks that headed for me.

Long story short, I couldn't, and immediately, I was pummeled into a pulp.


His palm hit my left cheek, causing two teeth to fly out, as my spit and a little bit of pink blood shone in the air.


His palm hit my right cheek, causing my nose to break, and causing the blood vessels in one of my eyes to rupture, causing a bloody nose and a black eye.


His fisted hand came down from above and onto my head, slamming my body into the floor of the stadium.

This continued on for a while, as each time he would pull me up again and subject me to the exact same treatment.

(A/N: I'm taking a psychology course, and, it's only when your entire brain blows up, or when a part of your old brain is removed, that you either fall into a coma, which is the most likely scenario, or you die. I mean, there was once a guy who had an iron rod blasted through the bottom of his mouth straight up through his brain, making a hole with a radius of 5 centimeters in his head, and he was still able to walk home and then walk to the doctor afterwards. Anyways, what I'm trying to get at, is that what's about to happen next is realistic.)

In the end, I was in a 7 meter deep, smoking hole that was shaped like my body in the ground, with almost every bone in my face broken, with a little bit of brain matter spewing out of my ears.

But still, I withstood the pain, as it was nothing compared to any of the things that I had experienced before in my life on Earth, and so I was able to push my body back up again.

After all, he had only targeted my head the entirety of this time, and my body had been relatively unharmed except for the repeated slamming of it into the ground.

"Oh, so you're still able to get back up after that? Then let me help you down again."

Hearing this, I braced for another impact, and once again, my body made another hole in the ground.

"Just stay down and it'll be over kid."

I could only laugh in my mind after hearing this, as I picked myself back up for the hundredth time, spitting out a little bit of brain matter from my mouth.

Honestly, my condition was now extremely serious, and I could black out at any moment, so I knew, it was now time for me to strike back.

After all, the instructor had lowered his guard already, and he was now just looking forward to beating me into the ground every time I got back up.

I mean, I held no resentment towards him or anything, as he was just doing his job, so I wasn't really angry.

In all honestly, right now, I was solely fueled on just pure hatred at myself for being so weak.

And this next move was set to change everything, as a sneer, well, something that only slightly resembled a sneer formed on my face.

"A distant memory of fire, a close feeling of despair, no one is left unharmed."

He looked at me weirdly for a second after I uttered those words, but he still raised his hand up, and then brought it down.

Yet his hand never reached me, as, with my arms hanging limply by my sides, I blearily looked up at the sky.


Something exploded, and the arena turned into a hell on this land, as the explosion dyed everything a bright white, encapsulating the entirety of the space inside of the arena.

I was still looking up at the sky, as the bright light engulfed me.


A Few Moments Earlier:

<Vasilie's POV>

I looked down at the image of Lysander's broken figure, as he picked himself up once more.

Why? Why was he doing this? He could have just pretended to faint after the first attack, and it all would have been over.

And how? How could he still stand back up after getting so utterly destroyed?

His brain matter was literally falling out for god's sake, but still, he would always get back up.

I couldn't fathom it, and neither could the rest of the audience, as they all stared at him with alternating looks of horror and fear on their faces.

You see, even though he was being thoroughly beaten up, the thing that allowed him to stand back up each and every time, that was what made him a monster never seen before.

Yes, in the minds of everyone here, there was no mistaking it, we all feared him.

He was a monster that we couldn't comprehend, as sometimes, the one thing that a person could fear the most was an opponent that would never fall down, somebody that would wear you down all the way until you were just a puddle on the ground.

Also, there was the disgusting sight of his mutilated face that made some of the bystanders vomit, as he looked more like a demon than a human.

Yet, I knew, from having sparred with him so many times before, he was about to lose.

After all, once one's energy was all expanded, there was nothing else they could do, and Lysander was running purely on his emotions right now,

And yet, why did I feel, in my heart, that there would be a different outcome to this fight?

I quickly tamped this hope down though, as I watched Lysander's last moments standing.


But then, we were all shocked to the core, as we saw his lips moving for a second, before a bright light illuminated all the faces that stared at the scene in disbelief.

Some of us even flinched back, as the billowing white flames pushed hard against the barrier between the fighting area and the stands, causing a huge crack to form on the surface.

Then, the white explosions all hanged in suspension for just a second, stopping, before they were all pulled back into nothingness, as if a black hole had suddenly appeared in the middle of the arena.

It was as if time had suddenly stopped.

And the scene that it left behind was one that none of us would ever forget for the rest of our lives.

Standing there, in the middle of it all, was Lysander, standing proudly, his back straight.

I mean, I could tell that his body was actually under huge strain, as his knees were slightly trembling in their locked position, and his arms were hanging limply by his sides. But still, it was a majestic sight.

As for the instructor, well, he was currently nowhere to be seen, but an instructor shaped hole had been made in the far wall of the arena, so...

Then, as if time had suddenly started back up again, blood exploded from Lysander's body, as it bathed the entirety of the arena in dark red, but still, he stood there, as the almost black liquid slowly dripped from every single orifice, from every single hole in his body.


And finally, he fell forward, into a pool of his own blood, as all killing intent left the arena.

It was only then that I realized it.

We had all been frozen in that second, held down in place by the massive killing intent that had radiated from that young boy.

And when he fell, only one thing passed through each and every single one of our minds.

"He won."

We all shivered at that thought.


I put an Alan Gratz reference in there, don't know if anybody caught it.

Anyways, as we've finally surpassed 1k cols, I'll also be doing a mass release of 5 chapters on Saturday.

If we get to 1k cols with WRDIN too, which is at 980 cols, then I'll do a mass release of 5 chapters for that on Sunday.

One more thing, I'm releasing a new novel.

It'll be taking up the Tuesday spot on the schedule, which currently, is just a do whatever I want kind of day.

Also, if y'all are wondering why this is coming out of nowhere, well, just read my diary.

It's all explained there.

Welp, here's the title and synopsis of the new novel.

And yes, it's my last "serious" novel, there won't be any more, I promise. (Till the end of the year at least.)


Title: The Regressing Villain Returns


I died as the villain.

I reincarnated, but wasn't able to take over the body. Turns out, the body I got reincarnated in was the body of the author who created my original world.

After that body died, I was finally given control, but I was transmigrated back into my original world.

I guess, now, I'm a regressor.


That's all, I hope you enjoyed that extra long chapter (1.8k+ words), it was extremely fun to write.

Thanks for reading!

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