
The Villain's Side Of the Story In The New Plot

I find myself in an unexpected role - the villain. It's a realization that dawns upon me, and I must admit, I never saw myself as the hero. Deep down, I carried a sense of responsibility for the resentment and animosity people harboured towards me. Perhaps I truly wasn't as kind or benevolent as the protagonist. Yet, I can't fully embrace the label of a villain. It perplexes me to awaken one day and comprehend that everyone else, including those I was prepared to protect at the cost of my own life, perceives me as such. To add to the weight of this revelation, fate has bestowed upon me an immense burden—the task of saving humanity itself. The irony is not lost on me. As a villain, it is not my duty to preserve the world. However, to whom should I entrust this responsibility? Should I leave it to the protagonist, whose primary pursuit seems to be amassing a personal harem under the guise of luring beauty? The very hero who possessed the most potent cheat codes yet failed to fulfil his duty in the end. This same hero seeks to safeguard our enemies simply because they currently reside in a state of peace. Ah, the mere thought of that hypocrite, convincing himself that he desires control to protect the innocent, ignites a fire within me. Sighing deeply, I come to a resolution. Yes, I will undertake the task of saving this chaotic world, but I will do it on my terms. Those who dare cross my path shall soon comprehend why the world itself deems me a villain. [This revised novel, a departure from my debut "The Villain Side of the Novel," introduces an alternate plotline where Fray persists in the struggle for the throne. The narrative unfolds on a previously unexplored continent, a departure from the original setting, providing a fresh and intriguing starting point.]

Fri123 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

The Enigma Of The Old Continent

[Now please choose a name for your guild].

" A name !? Oh!! "Casper, a mischievous grin lighting up his face, began to mumble a flurry of name suggestions. "Legendary Victors, oh no, the Killing Vandals, or The Mighty Troops... no, no, Carnage Bringers! Wait, the Sudden Destroyers...."

The group observed Casper in silence, and Adam couldn't help but whisper to Fray, "Kid, are you sure you want this lunatic with us?"

"Maybe Grim Reapers. It has weight and seems scary," Casper continued, undeterred.

Fray, with a stoic expression, interjected, "Casper, we don't need any strong names. We just need a name to send a message for others not to mess with us."

Casper, with a frustrated expression, mumbled, "OK, sir."

Elisa calmly suggested, "Then what about The MercilessClan?"

"Well, it's not bad and straight to the point. I like it," Fray added, turning to Casper and Adam. "What do you think?"

"I don't care, do whatever you want," Adam replied with a lazy voice.

"It's not bad," Casper said with a hint of disappointment.

[ Congratulations, the Merciless clan has been created]

"Then it's time to enter." Fray, holding the stamper, declared. The group fell into a brief silence as they felt a rush from Fray's words. "Casper, give me your hand."

Casper extended his hand to Fray, who took it and placed the stamper on it. Muttering a magical incantation " Rinalyo "

Then a smoke-like material emerged from the stamper, encircling Casper's body. Slowly, a dark, spooky armour materialized, covering him completely ( cover image).

As the phenomenon concluded, Casper stood there, donned in the dark armour, staring at his hand in excitement. "Wow, this is cool."

Looking at Casper, Adam thought, (So this is the power of the stamper.)

Following suit, Fray performed the same ritual with Elisa and Adam. Elisa's armour emerged as a dark, skinny metallic knight's ensemble. Her shoulders were adorned with imposing armour plates embellished with intricate white patterns. A helmet covered her face, exuding an air of formidable strength and mystique.

Adam's armour materialized into a long, smoky robe adorned with elegant blue patterns. A hoodie-like helmet shrouded his head and face, giving him an enigmatic appearance that blended strength with a touch of ethereal grace.

Fray, in turn, donned a substantial and imposing heavy armour. Massive shoulder and arm protectors accentuated his formidable presence. His gladiator-style helmet added an extra layer of gravitas, emphasizing the resilience and power emanating from his imposing figure.

The trio now stood, each adorned in their distinctive armours, ready to embark on their journey into the Old Continent as proud members of The Merciless Clan.

"As I mentioned before, the seven portals each have a distinct path, and the one I'm most familiar with is the highest one," Fray explained, his gaze fixed on the fracture that towered slightly above the others.

Having recently read the novel, Fray possessed detailed knowledge of the path Luke had taken. While he retained useful secrets about other paths, he was most well-versed in the intricacies of the highest portal.

"But that portal seems far. Shouldn't we enter the one above the ocean, the one closer to us?" Casper inquired.

"No, it just appears that way. The portals don't adhere to spatial norms; technically, they all exist in the same space," Fray clarified. "So, are you ready?"

"How are we going to reach the portals?" Adam questioned.

"Wings," Fray mumbled. Suddenly, massive black smoky wings emerged from his armour.

The group, taken aback, followed Fray's lead, and just as he extended his wings, similar ethereal appendages materialized from their own armours.

Under the moonlight, the quartet ascended into the sky, casting shadows against the night canvas. After minutes of soaring through the air, they approached the space fracture, which loomed larger than anticipated.

The fracture, a celestial tear in the fabric of reality, emanated a mesmerizing glow, its edges shimmering with an otherworldly luminescence. It held an aura of both mystery and foreboding, inviting the adventurers to step beyond the known into the uncharted.

As they ventured into the fracture, a digital window materialized in front of everyone who was invited to the Old Continent:

[The Merciless Clan has entered the Old Continent]


Edoria City.

In a grand throne room adorned with regal tapestries and imposing pillars, a group of advisors stood beneath the elevated throne chair. They engaged in hushed conversations, their concern evident in their furrowed brows and whispered exchanges.

"Have we received any reports on the safety of the portals?"

" I've heard rumours, but nothing concrete. Some say they're safe, others claim they're perilous."

"I dispatched scouts, but no word yet. The portals' nature remains shrouded in mystery."

"Pegasus riders attempted to reach the high portals, but they couldn't ascend to that altitude. It seems impossible."

While the advisors debated the uncertainties surrounding the portals, the man seated on the throne remained silent, his hand lazily supporting his face. He gazed out the window, fixating on the fractures in the sky, lost in contemplation.

Suddenly, a digital window materialized before the assembled advisors, displaying a message that sent shockwaves through the room.

[The Merciless Clan has entered the Old Continent]

The group erupted into surprised murmurs, their conversations intensifying with a renewed sense of urgency. However, the man on the throne maintained his composure, still looking out the window. A subtle grin played on his lips as he silently pondered, ( Something big is approaching, I can feel it) 


Meanwhile, in the Guardians' headquarters, ten warriors with tense expressions gathered around a meeting table, their attention focused on a girl with green eyes and fiery red hair. 

Despite her striking beauty, her face bore a tense expression as she spoke " I've come across some intriguing information. There's talk of a mysterious continent that offers challenging rewards for those who succeed and punishments for those who fail. While I can't be certain if this is indeed that Continent, the opportunities within are too significant to overlook."

The room fell into a thoughtful silence before a man with golden hair and a slim, muscular frame, adorned with a sword at his side, spoke up. 

Luke Moonlight, his eyes fixed on the leader at the head of the table, addressed the group. "I'm prepared to enter the Old Continent. We need to explore this and understand what's happening."

A beautiful girl with dark hair and flawless white skin voiced her concerns, her worry evident." But it could be dangerous. We need to weigh the risks carefully." 

The leader, a middle-aged man with a scar on his face, possessed a strong body, and a large sword adorned his back. He asserted with determination." It is dangerous, but we must enter to comprehend our situation fully."

Suddenly, the red-haired woman interjected, casting a shadow of uncertainty" Even if we want to, it will take us days, perhaps weeks, to come up with a way to reach the height of the portals. Even for the ancient families, it's impossible...."

In a surprising turn, interrupting the girl's words a digital window materialized in front of the entire assembly, causing wide-eyed astonishment.

[The Merciless Clan has entered The Old Continent]

Luke, baffled, mumbled in shock, "Merciless Clan!?"


Five figures, draped in thick robes, stood atop a colossal mountain surrounded by towering peaks. 

Their eyes were fixed on the fractures in the sky, a mesmerizing display that seemed to unfold a cosmic tale. A digital window appeared in front of them, casting a faint glow on their mysterious silhouettes.

"Is it one of the ancient families?" One of them asked

Willa, another figure among them, responded, her voice carrying a tone of knowledge " No, it's not the ancient families. They aren't prepared yet."

A third figure pondered, his curiosity evident." So, who is this Merciless Clan? "