
The villain's side of the novel

[ Discord: name : Merciless Clan lien: https://discord.com/invite/2m7XzWyEDQ] In this unique twist on the typical hero-villain dynamic, our protagonist, the villain, finds himself compelled to save humanity from powerful races threatening its existence. Meanwhile, the hero is preoccupied with gathering a harem. The story unfolds as the villain must not only confront external threats but also challenge so-called heroes, proving his perspective and ultimately taking on their responsibilities to ensure humanity's survival. As alliances shift and moral complexities emerge, the narrative explores the unexpected journey of redemption and sacrifice.

Fri123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
229 Chs

Nahl The cemetery general

"What is this? Are these the spirits used by the Parada family?" someone questioned, his eyes fixed on the powerful beings before him.

"It actually looks a bit strong," another person from the crowd said, assessing the formidable presence emanating from the spirits.

"But even so, I don't think he will be able to defeat Mr. Reynold," a spectator commented confidently, underestimating the potential of the battle about to unfold.

"Do you think this insect will be able to defeat me?" Reynold arrogantly inquired, pointing his sword at Fray with disdain.

"Nahl, be quick," Fray commanded, with an emotionless expression.