
The Villain's Rhapsody: the faith of the blasphemous

Filled with realities about the past and present, Jasmine is thorn between a world of great legends who doesn't seem to remember who there were in their previous life. With her ability, will she be able to over come the shadow that lurks behind the dark or will she be an instrument designed by fate to fulfill destiny? Will the lurking darkness deserve the better end? Find out more in this beautiful yet thrilling novel as Jasmine is yet to discover greater yet horrifying truth! The cover is made by "Stoshy_Toast"

Red_Venerable · Urban
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63 Chs

Venting anger!

Thomas was still sulking, over his embarrassing behavior in front of Johnson and Olivia. He walked in circles. After that, he decided that he needs to calm down. So he took his phone out of his pocket and started watching funny animal videos.

[System can now be updated]


[Does host wish to update the system] another message popped up.

Why do you ask? You always updated without permission.

[This update is different. It won't take a few minutes like it used to. Now it will update for 24 hours, in that time system will not be active.]

What the…

[However, after the update host will get tremendous benefits.]

Sure, go ahead.

[System is updating. count down 23:59]

"Well that was weird"

At the same time, Thomas heard unlocking doors. He decided it is probably Monica. However, it is rare for her to come home so early. He went to check it out. Doors opened and first came in his father. When he walked into the house, he stopped and stared at Thomas's ears.

"Did nobody teach you that it's rude to stare? Should I teach you that?" Thomas glared at his father. Thomas's tail slapped back and forth.

"You're a mutant?" Thomas's father was so shocked that he still kept staring after getting Thomas's warning. Thomas walked forward and slapped him. However, this time he held back, and his father wasn't injured, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. After getting slapped he fell right on his bottom. His face soon was swollen.

"What is wrong with you Thomas? He just came back from the hospital! Are you insane?" when his mother saw her husband on the ground with a swollen face. She wasn't as surprised to see that he is mutated. She already knew that Thomas must have awakened during the time in the hospital. How else he could have shown such strength after being released from the hospital.

Thomas just smirked, walked over to his mother. She instinctively tried hiding her face, but Thomas didn't slap her. He gave her a warm hug and whispered.

"Isn't this what you wanted mommy? Didn't you want to raise a powerful awakener? You always thought Arthur and Monica, that you can treat those who are weaker as trash. And you know what? In my eyes, all of you are trash!" Thomas smirked while hugging her. Behind her was Arthur, who was terrified. Thomas in his eyes was an evil monster, who wants to harm him and his family. Because of how his mother raised him, he didn't see Thomas as a family. For the five years after Thomas lost his chance to awaken, his mother thought him that he is stronger than Thomas, so he can use him as a punching bag. That's the reason Arthur was always allowed to beat him in the name of training. Monica however didn't want to do anything with Thomas's bullying, she saw this as inhumane, but her mother found an excuse and said it was for Thomas's benefit, that this was his training for the future.

Who would have thought, that roles will be reversed?

While Thomas hugged her, he released his dark energy, which soon turned into the miasma. Because of this, no one in the house could breathe. They rushed out of the house. Thomas was satisfied with their reaction. He thought it was funny how his mother almost wet herself out of fear. He probably wouldn't bully them today, however… Due to his embarrassing behavior in front of Olivia, he wanted to vent his anger.

"Can you stop being so childish Thomas?" his mother shrieked. She realized what he said was true. This is how she thought Arthur to act. Arthur had a rank B energy, even tho his talent's rank was low, he still had a promising future. Because of this, she did not want him to associate with a useless person like Thomas. But now, karma shaped like a cat came and bite her. Thomas's mutation was powerful. Powerful enough to overpower a hunter like his father, who was a silver-ranked magician just before awakening his full mutation. Now that he is mutated, his body must be even more powerful.

"I am just joking around. Come in! I won't bite" Thomas said. "Probably."