
The Villain's Rhapsody: the faith of the blasphemous

Filled with realities about the past and present, Jasmine is thorn between a world of great legends who doesn't seem to remember who there were in their previous life. With her ability, will she be able to over come the shadow that lurks behind the dark or will she be an instrument designed by fate to fulfill destiny? Will the lurking darkness deserve the better end? Find out more in this beautiful yet thrilling novel as Jasmine is yet to discover greater yet horrifying truth! The cover is made by "Stoshy_Toast"

Red_Venerable · Urban
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63 Chs

The end of a beautiful dream

Days passed and with Elisabeth's teachings, Isaac has gotten familiar with humanity's common sense. At the time Elisabeth was in a human world, he entered his dreams and started learning from them. He learned how to play any musical instrument, he could speak any language, he learned biology and used this knowledge to create animals in his own world. He created castles, mountains, oceans, and many other things. He used his knowledge to help Elisabeth with her studies, he thought her how to dance. He constantly warped the world, so it would fit Elisabeth's fantasies. He wanted to make all her dreams come true.

However, in the human world, Elisabeth could never be happy. No matter how good with Isaac's help she became at her studies, it was never enough. This was never enough. This was a cursed fate of a person, who has no talent for magic, in a magic-ruled world. At school, everyone verbally abused her, some girls that were jealous of her looks, often resorted to violence. Whenever she asked teachers for help, they just shook heads and pushed her to ask for help from someone else. In their eyes, she had no future, no matter how good her grades are. At home, she was always ignored. Parents forgot to feed her, so as soon as she came home, she took her pills and went to sleep. Isaac's world was the only good thing that she had.

Isaac kept asking for permission to bless her, but she always refused. The world she comes from does not deserve a person blessed by him. Even if she was blessed, the kingdom would just force her to work for them. Even tho it saddened Isaac, he never went against her wishes. So instead, he decided to create a perfect world for her, where she could always be happy. Isaac did not realize, but the two of them soon fell in love.

Isaac created solid clouds, that a person could stand on. It had a beautiful sight, from there you could almost see the whole world/ Although a regular person could not reach it, Isaac who could fly, always took her there. He warped the wind, so it wasn't as cold as it should be at such heights. Elisabeth started to hide the fact that she was bullied because Isaac began to have anger issues. One time, when they were having dinner on the clouds, she realized that Isaac began to look down on humanity. He began to blame humans for the unfair treatment she received. And even tho she knew he was right, she always reminded him, that there are good humans, good people. She also reminded him that she was also human.

"Then WHY do you have to receive such treatment. Why don't you let me give you power!" Isaac started to raise his voice. The world around him started to shake, thunderclouds formed. As soon as he saw her saddened face, he regretted it. He swore to himself, that he'll never raise his voice at her ever again.

Elisabeth was extremely happy in his world. She knew, if she became happy in the original world, she would most likely lose Isaac. If she gained holy magic, she would no longer receive sleeping pills. Her body would naturally heal and would purify the pills. Even if she had the power to rule the world, it would mean nothing if she lost Isaac. But she never told him that.

She met Isaac every day for a whole year. Isaac created a beautiful church where they have gotten married. The world that day looked beautiful. Isaac filled the world with trillions of flowers. Dragons, Phoenixes, and other mythical creatures were there to witness their happiest day ever. Later they danced in the beautiful castle and later each other's virginities, the same castle where they took each other's first kiss . But this happiness did not last long. Elisabeth was brutally beaten by her classmates. Those girls were making fun of another powerless classmate, who was tortured by his classmate. Elisabeth defended him, and becouse of that received a brutal beating. The young man was in a coma for months, while the culprit was a young master of a noble family. He did not receive any punishment, because the victim's parents were happy to receive compensation and did not pursue the case. Isaac was worried about not meeting her in a long time. But he was patient. When she woke up from the coma the moment she came home, she took all the pills she had left and drunk them all. Maybe now, she'll stay with him forever.

The moment she came to his world Isaac hugged her from behind. He told her, how much he missed her. She started crying, cursing the human world, cursing her fate. Isaac became worried, so he checked her memories, and became furious. But soon, his anger turned into worry.

"What… have you done?" Isaac said, after seeing her vanish from his world. He realized he could have saved her if he knew beforehand that she committed suicide. He could have stopped her soul from disappearing, but the moment he found out was already too late. Isaac screamed in furry, he cursed humanity. The world around him started to crumble, creatures vanished, flowers and trees died. Lightning from thunderclouds kept hitting the ground and crumbled moons became meteorites that completely destroyed his world.