
The Villain's Rhapsody: the faith of the blasphemous

Filled with realities about the past and present, Jasmine is thorn between a world of great legends who doesn't seem to remember who there were in their previous life. With her ability, will she be able to over come the shadow that lurks behind the dark or will she be an instrument designed by fate to fulfill destiny? Will the lurking darkness deserve the better end? Find out more in this beautiful yet thrilling novel as Jasmine is yet to discover greater yet horrifying truth! The cover is made by "Stoshy_Toast"

Red_Venerable · Urban
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63 Chs

Stephany's POV

After Stephany heard about what Clara did she was furious. It was not 6 pm yet, but she decided to leave work early. Thomas to her was like a son she never had. And not only Clara did not tell them that Thomas almost killed himself, but it was also Clara's friends who pushed him into doing this. Poor Thomas. He is such an angel, Stephany was almost in tears. And in the worst moment of his life, they did not even know about it. Stephany's vision became blurry due to tears. She stood for a minute in front of her car and calm down. Then she drove home as fast as traffic allowed her.

The moment she came home, she rushed into Clara's room.

"Mom… I" Clara tried talking but instead met up with a slap from her mother. Yet again, Clara was in tears. Stephany was furious, however seeing her child crying, her anger went down. She sat nearby Clara and took a photo of the table. She looked at the photo and also started crying.

"How could you do this to poor Thomas. He was like a brother to you and yet you bullied him so bad." Stephany's vision was again blurred by tears. It wasn't Clara who bullied him, however, Clara did not deny this. She was as much at fault as Jake with Mark. If she helped Sandra, they most likely would have stopped bullying him. "Where did everything go wrong. No wonder Thomas ignored us when we passed him in front of the store. I knew something was wrong, even if he had headphones, he saw us."

Stephany now remembered how Thomas and Clara first met. They were both about six years old. Thomas was a really shy boy. He was hiding behind his mother when they first met. Clara took initiative and asked if he wants to be her friend. Thomas didn't answer, instead, he started blushing. Clara took him by the hand and pulled him to play. From that day on, they were inseparable. Soon, Thomas was no longer shy in front of Stephany and Mark. One day when Clara fell off her bike, it was Thomas who started crying. Even though there were no injuries on Clara, Thomas was really worried about her. He rushed to Stephany and called her mom. She was so happy, she almost cried. Sadly, after he found out he was not awakened, he rarely come over. He was not the same young lad, who would cry for minor accidents. He matured. She and her husband had their suspicions. They knew that sometimes when a kid is not awakened, parents treat them very differently, sometimes are even abusive. Whenever they tried questioning him, he always remained calm and said it was fine. Without proof or knowing for sure, Stephany nor her husband could do anything about it. Silly boy, we would have adopted you.

Stephany calmed down and went down the stairs. She boiled some water and made some coffee for herself, and her husband. She was extremely sad and angry. She decided to go herself to Thomas's house, she needs to check on him. She needs to explain to Thomas that even without power, he can still live a fulfilled life, he can always rely on them. And she will also take her husband to school to talk with the principal and the teachers. How dare they pretend nothing was going on! Thomas must have told them, but because he was not awakened, they ignored him

"Are you… Okay?" Mark was also worried about Thomas, but now his priority is his wife. She's here, trembling out of anxiety.

"I am fine. Hey Mark. Can we go to see if Thomas is alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, if you want we can go. I was planning on going either way. That poor boy." Mark took a sip of his coffee.

"Thank you. Can you believe this girl?" she stared at the table. She had very mixed feelings. She was furious at Clara, but at the same time, she pitted how pathetic she looked right now.

"Do you think Thomas will forgive her?" Mark asked, however, he thought to himself, would I forgive if this happened to me? "It will take some time I suppose."

They finished drinking coffee and decided to go straight to Thomas's house.