
The Villain's Rhapsody: the faith of the blasphemous

Filled with realities about the past and present, Jasmine is thorn between a world of great legends who doesn't seem to remember who there were in their previous life. With her ability, will she be able to over come the shadow that lurks behind the dark or will she be an instrument designed by fate to fulfill destiny? Will the lurking darkness deserve the better end? Find out more in this beautiful yet thrilling novel as Jasmine is yet to discover greater yet horrifying truth! The cover is made by "Stoshy_Toast"

Red_Venerable · Urban
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63 Chs

Learning without the system

*Next day in elemental kingdom*

Thomas had a great time with aunt and uncle Millers. The moment they teleported into the coffee shop, everyone's eyes were on them. Thomas was proud of his powers so he wanted to show off as much as possible. After a few hours spent with Millers, he came home and chatted with Samantha till he fell asleep.

Thomas woke up late. He had to rush as fast as possible to the town's hall for training with Gray. He had no time for showers nor lunch. He thought he might non need the training from him anymore, so at night he relaxed, but then he realized, even if not for training, he still needs to meet him for his magician/mutant identification card. He also wanted to surprise Gray with his mutation. He wondered how his face will look like when he'll finds out that a mutation as powerful as his, can still use magic.

The moment he entered the hall, he was met by Samantha. She already knew he had mutated from their conversation, but seeing is believing. She stared at him with admiring eyes. Thomas smirked and decided to surprise her even more by creating a blue fireball in his palm.

She could not believe her own eyes anymore. She touched his ears because she thought Thomas might be roleplaying or something. But to her surprise his ears were real.

Thomas began blushing "You know, I also have a tail. Wanna touch it?"

"Really? I can?!?" she was extremely excited. Thomas was already a handsome man before his mutation. But now, he looked cute as hell. She kept touching his tail for a whole minute until Thomas told her to stop.

Then they went to the empty hall, where Gray was waiting for them. He prepared some books about energy control and the elements.

Gray began to gather water energy from the air. Then he gathered that energy on top of his palm and created a waterball "I may not be able to show you too many varieties of spells, but I can show you a few water and darkness elements and energy control basics. Water and darkness are two types I can use."

[System updating 06:24]

Thomas observed and realized, due to the system's update he couldn't instantly learn the spell. But it was fine, he can still learn it manually. First, he gathered water energy and created a big waterball.

Gray saw that Thomas didn't exactly copy his actions. Instead of gathering energy from the air as Gray did, Thomas used it from his own body. Gray was a little bit jealous. Unlike Thomas who has an unimaginable amount of energy, Gray's energies were limited. But even so, learning to control natural energies would still be useful for Thomas. Some magic spells cannot be used unless energy comes from nature. One of those types of spells was search magic.."Thomas, can you try absorbing energy from the air instead?"

Thomas nodded and tried. However, it was harder than he thought. Due to his immense power, his sense of minuscule energy in the air was dull. However, he kept trying. Gray observed and understood what's the problem.

"I thought this might be the case. First, you need to lower your magic as much as possible. To do that, try making it as transparent as possible. It will not disappear obviously, but it will increase your senses for the natural energies."Gray was teaching him.

Thomas did as he was told, he now began to sense a small amount of magic in the air. He tried observing it, but his body was like a black hole. The moment energy came inside his body it disappeared by fusing with his body. Usually, when energy from nature overflows the human body, you can focus it on magic, however, Thomas's body absorbed that energy like an endless pit.

Even Gray was shocked. He did not realize how powerful Thomas's body was after his mutation. Then they both decided to just focus on magic he can use with his energies.