
The Villain's Rhapsody: the faith of the blasphemous

Filled with realities about the past and present, Jasmine is thorn between a world of great legends who doesn't seem to remember who there were in their previous life. With her ability, will she be able to over come the shadow that lurks behind the dark or will she be an instrument designed by fate to fulfill destiny? Will the lurking darkness deserve the better end? Find out more in this beautiful yet thrilling novel as Jasmine is yet to discover greater yet horrifying truth! The cover is made by "Stoshy_Toast"

Red_Venerable · Urban
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63 Chs

Isaac's ambition

Isaac was floating around the galaxy. For the first time since he woke up, he was all alone. He tried to fall asleep once more, he wanted the pain to go away. But his love was too strong. He tried to forget, so he traveled around the galaxy. But everywhere he went, no matter how beautiful the universe was around him, Elizabeth's face was haunting him.

He realized eternal sleep will never come. It's been too long since he gained intelligence. He can't return to being just a natural phenomenon. He also wanted revenge. Now, what he needs is to find a rift in the human world. After that, he will find her family, classmates, and everyone that ever laid their dirty hands on her. He did not realize this, but he was already driven to the brink of insanity. He flew all over the galaxy. He found many rifts, but most of them were to the different worlds, however, none of those were to the human world. The only times that he stopped to rest, he kept torturing himself by rewatching memories, when the two of them were together. This even further damaged his already broken heart. Now, he wanted to rip the hearts out of the people that hurt her. After a year or so, he finally got his hands on the rift to the human world. As a being from natural holy energy, no one could distinguish him from the natural world's energy.

When he came to the human world, he flew to the Holy kingdom. He wanted to get revenge as soon as possible, maybe then his heart would be at peace. But then he sensed something familiar. His mind couldn't recollect what. His mind was already broken. He took some time and realized. It's the same feeling, he got from Elisabeth in her last moments. Whoever this is, must have been through the same! He was enraged. Yet another human, has to suffer the same fate as her. Then he thought to himself. What if, he could help that person get his revenge as well? He vanished from the sky where he floated and rushed to the source of this pain. This was a school. The kid died just a few moments ago. Before Isaac did anything, he decided to check his memories first, just to clarify that this is not a malicious person. At the same time, a low-ranking demon appeared to take away his soul. As a person who committed a sin of a suicide, he was supposed to be taken to hell. Funny, Isaac thought to himself. If you want to escape your torture in life, you will end up tortured in hell. Isaac decided this is not fair. He WILL let this human have another chance in life. He showed himself to a demon, smiled, and with a snap of his fingers he sent him back to hell.

After this, he gave Billy power. A power that Elisabeth denied. Billy laughed like a maniac, while using his bare hands, to rip apart his classmates. He tore their limbs and crushed their heads. No, Billy was not a malicious person. If not for Isaac's influence, he would have denied revenge and been happy with just being reincarnated. However, Isaac's insanity began to corrupt his holy aura. Now the person that gains Isaac's blessing also gains his fury and obsession for revenge. And after killing all those people, Billy was already corrupted enough and did not feel any remorse. At least after he will be reincarnated, this corruption will be long gone.

Isaac soon found another victim. This one jumped off the company's building. Not even his body was intact. Isaac yet again used his holy power, to reconstruct the man's body. And just that was enough for Isaac's corruption to take the man over. This person also couldn't resist a sweet opportunity for revenge. Yet again, not because he was a malicious person, it was because Isaac began to influence him from the moment he fixed his body.

After Isaac corrupted Brian, he realized he began changing. His aura was still holy, but his body began to resemble more of a demon. His eyes became blood red. He realized that he began to become a devil in other words a demonic god. But for him, this is a good thing. As a god, he was unable to get revenge on those humans who betrayed Elisabeth on his own. But after he will become a devil, he will be able to fuse himself with a human. And then he remembered. The young man, that Elisabeth defended before her demise. Young man, that was now in a coma. First, Isaac will become a devil, and after that, he will fuse that man's soul with himself. Then, the two of them together will rule the world. He wouldn't refuse him after all, who would refuse to become a god!

"What was his name?" Isaac thought to himself. "Oh yeah, Jim. Wait for me, after I am fully transformed, you will become a new god. God of Vengeance" Isaac began laughing like a maniac. And he began looking for new victims, whose hatreds for human's malice would rival even his own. Then Isaac made a sinister smile.

Hey guys, what's up. I was checking today my chapters, and I realized... There were TONS of mistakes. So guys, if you find a spelling or a grammar mistake in my novel, please don't be quiet and comment on it. Thank you, I want this novel to be perfect for you and myself. :) Have a nice day/morning/evening/night <3

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