
The Villain's Rhapsody: the faith of the blasphemous

Filled with realities about the past and present, Jasmine is thorn between a world of great legends who doesn't seem to remember who there were in their previous life. With her ability, will she be able to over come the shadow that lurks behind the dark or will she be an instrument designed by fate to fulfill destiny? Will the lurking darkness deserve the better end? Find out more in this beautiful yet thrilling novel as Jasmine is yet to discover greater yet horrifying truth! The cover is made by "Stoshy_Toast"

Red_Venerable · Urban
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63 Chs

Elemental king.

*A few hours earlier in Elemental kingdom's royal capital's castle*

Elemental king was walking around the castle's garden. He was waiting for the report from the adventurer's guild. Yesterday he learned about the existence of a new type of mutant that not only has rank S amount of energies but also has rank S talent for using them. If this was not told to him by his adviser, he would never believe it, however, that man never kept a secret from him or told a lie before. He was proud of the loyalty his subordinates have for him and this loyalty is always rewarded with gold, magic books, and skill books. Usually, there are always people who work for royalty who always take bribes or at least some of the subordinates are corrupted. However, due to the elemental king's generosity, taking a bribe would be a huge loss for them. Not only, but they might also be caught and imprisoned, even if they didn't, it is guaranteed that they would lose their positions in the castle.

King decided to take a rest and sat on the bench. He stared at the beautiful crystal flowers that grew in his garden. Those flowers were not usually grown in the gardens, due to them being almost impossible to pick up. Those flowers were as sharp as a sword. At the moment, his view was blocked by a shadowy cloaked figure. The person in front of him kneeled and bowed his head.

King stared at him with a poker face and ordered " Speak."

"Your majesty. The information about the new type of mutant is indeed true. Both adventurer's and capital's town's hall admitted it." a person revealed her face. She was a young woman with pure black eyes. She was a shadow and darkness magic-user. It was perfect, both as an assassin and as a spy.

King just smiled. Then nodded. " Then this is indeed a piece of good news. I suppose I should invite this person to the castle. A man like this would be perfect as a candidate as a husband for my daughter!

An assassin listened to the king and instantly told him. "Your majesty, the man's name is Thomas Walker. I checked on his background. He is from an ordinary family. He has two siblings. Twins Arthur and Monica. Arthur has an average B rank energy and even worse talent for spells. However, the girl has an S rank talent and B rank energies of four types.

Also, I am sorry for being bold. I do not think that a person like Thomas, is right for Princess Margarita.

King frowned. It is rare for his opinion to be rejected by one of the subordinates. Even so, if this happens, it is always for a good reason. So he decided to request for an explanation." And why is that? Because his background is ordinary? Jessy, you should know the best, that it's not the background that is important for the kingdom. It is power. Power and knowledge. Or maybe you would prefer till one of the other kings would make a move and use one of their daughters to seduce Thomas?"

"That's not the point my liege." Jessy realized her insolence. But she still could not agree that her master Margarita would be married to this kind of man, so she still pushed on her opinion. "The man named Thomas was non awakened. Due to this, he was abused for five years straight. Because of this, he has mental issues and already tried killing himself. I checked on the hospital's records, and they noticed that Thomas began to mutate, but they were not sure if the mutation will be complete, or just end halfway, so they did not warn the parents. There was also a note, that even tho Thomas does not have depression, he has a personality disorder and anger issues. In the hospital, he was locked away three times, due to beating up the patients that called him worthless or powerless. Also, just after he left the hospital, he has beaten his own family. Except for his sister. All of them were hospitalized."

Jessy kept staring at the feet of the king and told him "Due to the abuse that he felt before and the power he currently possesses… He is a walking time bomb. He should be forbidden from learning magic and punish those who will teach him. Because teaching a person like this, is raising an S rank monster!"

Hey guys, what's up. I know most of you were expecting me to post at least three chapters today, however, I woke up REALLY late. (How late? spoiler, it was already dark outside.). So now it's 5 am and I have just finished this chapter. I am sorry to disappoint you, but today I won't be fixing mistakes from today's chapter nor I will write a new one, I am way too tired.

Anyways, to the point. If we reach today at least 10 comments and power stones on my novel, I will write 5 chapters tomorrow!!! So thanks, and have a good day/morning/evening/night. <3

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