
The Villain's Rhapsody: the faith of the blasphemous

Filled with realities about the past and present, Jasmine is thorn between a world of great legends who doesn't seem to remember who there were in their previous life. With her ability, will she be able to over come the shadow that lurks behind the dark or will she be an instrument designed by fate to fulfill destiny? Will the lurking darkness deserve the better end? Find out more in this beautiful yet thrilling novel as Jasmine is yet to discover greater yet horrifying truth! The cover is made by "Stoshy_Toast"

Red_Venerable · Urban
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63 Chs

Drunk Thomas?

[Quest: Survive - Complete]

[Host will now acquire memories of an evil spirit]

[Host acquired Evil spirit form]

After the blinding light was gone, Thomas opened his eyes and saw he was on the same street as he left. He checked the phone and saw he was gone for about 30 minutes. He could hardly believe it was the case, even the game of chase felt like an eternity. Thomas went to the nearest wall and sat down while leaning on it. He began to regain his memories of when he was an evil spirit.

"Well this sucks…" he spoke to himself as he felt traumatized by the wrath he once felt. Not only that, after facing himself he realized that none of the spells that are used by humans could ever harm the monster. He began to feel depressed. If there was a rift in a world with these types of creatures, the world would be doomed. Thomas knew, even though as an evil spirit he was stronger than most of the same species, he was still not the strongest. Even mid-tier demons could defeat him without breaking a sweat.

After resting for a few minutes, he realized he needed to relax. He checked his wallet and saw that he still had enough money for some drinks in a bar. After walking for a few minutes, he noticed a cheap tavern. He crossed the street and walked in. There was a group of people laughing around and harassing a waitress. Thomas decided not to get involved. Soon one of them noticed Thomas.

"Hey kid, what the hell do you think you're doing here?" he shouted arrogantly. Thomas ignored him and went straight to the bar. And bought some beer. He realized he was lucky that he had a wallet with him. Even if he had money, he still needed ID to prove he was an adult. After the waitress poured his drink she returned his ID card.

"It will be 1 copper coin, sir." She had a fake smile on her. How could she have a sincere smile, after the group of thugs kept harassing her and touching her in inappropriate places?

One of the thugs got angry because Thomas dared to ignore him. "you lowly mutated piece of crap, did no one teach you to answer when someone is talking to you?" He began to irritate Thomas. They saw Thomas shivering, and began to mock him. "Look at that guy, he's gonna piss his pants! haha"

Thomas wasn't afraid of them, he was still recovering from shock after meeting his past self. He slowly finished the beer and asked the waitress for something stronger. She poured him a mana wine. It was quite expensive, due to having an energy recovering effect, but this couldn't be used in dungeons, due to drinking the whole bottle, which means you're out of the game. Thomas asked for the whole bottle.

The waitress was surprised but decided that's not her problem. She gave him a glass and a bottle of wine. "This will be 10 silver, sir."

Thomas paid her and began drinking straight from the bottle. Group annoyed that Thomas was ignoring them, came to him, and one of them poured his glass of beer on his head. Thomas began to get irritated. He came to the waitress and asked for a second bottle. He paid her and went straight home. When he came home, his family went straight to their rooms. They saw Thomas carrying two bottles of wine, and taking a sip out of one. They knew they would rather not deal with that psychopath, especially when he's drunk.

*Four hours later*

The group of thugs got out of the bar and went straight to their hideout. They were mid-tier hunters, but that was still enough for them to feel cocky in the city. There aren't many mid-tier hunters or adventurers in that part of town. Soon the three women in their thirties arrived. The boss took two of them and went straight to his room.

Soon he began to hear screams and crashing noises. "What in the world is going on?" He asked himself and pushed the woman that was on top of him away. He quickly got dressed and shouted "Can you idiots ******* shut up? I am trying to have a good time!"

He thought it was someone from his party fighting. However, when he opened the door, he saw a woman shaking and quietly praying. She held her hands to cover her eyes. The rest of the room was a complete mess. The party members were now dead as their body parts were all over the room and in the middle of this mess, there was the same mutant that they decided to harass in the tavern. Thomas had a sinister smile, as he created a black fireball on top of his palm, all of the bodies and blood that was on the ground turned to ashes, and soon vanished.

Thug leader realized his mistake, he messed with the wrong person! As Thomas pointed a finger to him, he began to beg for mercy. From the finger came a black light, and soon the leader dropped dead.

"Good girl, good!' Thomas told the woman. "Aren't you glad that you couldn't see my face?" He began teasing her. The women, even the two in the other room right now were blind, deaf, and mute because Thomas used curse magic on them while he was in a spirit form. The spell will end in a few minutes. And Thomas used spatial magic to return home. Not before he took a few bottles of alcohol he found in the room.