
The Villain's Rhapsody: the faith of the blasphemous

Filled with realities about the past and present, Jasmine is thorn between a world of great legends who doesn't seem to remember who there were in their previous life. With her ability, will she be able to over come the shadow that lurks behind the dark or will she be an instrument designed by fate to fulfill destiny? Will the lurking darkness deserve the better end? Find out more in this beautiful yet thrilling novel as Jasmine is yet to discover greater yet horrifying truth! The cover is made by "Stoshy_Toast"

Red_Venerable · Urban
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63 Chs

Clara's POV.

When Sandra heard her question, she was terrified. Did Thomas ask about her? Does he want revenge? Oh my god! I used to stop those two idiots from bullying him. I never wanted any of this.

Sandra was almost in tears, then she asked.

"Did Thomas… By any chance asked about me?"Sandra was scared. She knew Thomas became a monster like an awakener. Now if he wants to bully her, she can't do anything about it. Sandra was almost in tears.

"Why do you sound so weird? Did something happen?" Clara asked. However, she already had her suspicions. Thomas did something to her friends.

"Thomas hospitalized them both. When Thomas mutated, his energy exploded and injured them both. Mark still hadn't woken up and Jake was able to take him to the hospital only while running on adrenalin. My uncle works in MMLO and from what he told me… Thomas is an S rank awakener… Both ability and energy.

"You have got to be kidding me! How can this be?" now she remembered shy little Thomas, who always clinging to her. A little crybaby. Do you want to tell me that he is an "S" ranking awakener? I was wondering, why his personality changed so much. His suicide attempt awakened him. This wasn't a common thing, but not unheard of. Sometimes in the case of danger, even those after the age of thirteen get awakened.

"I am not. What's more, he can still use magic. This hasn't made the news yet. But he is the first case in the world, where a high-level mutation can use magic. Not only that, high-level magic." Sandra was gossiping about everything her uncle told her. The man was so shocked, that he called all over his friends and family and spread the news. This is one of the perks of being in MMLO, all news according to mages and mutations, they find out first.

"Oh my god." Sandra had no words. She didn't know what to say. Thomas will probably become a celebrity. As long as he wants to. She also had another problem. How does she tell her parents what happened? Maybe she could pretend that Thomas became too arrogant and pushed her away? I suppose this could work. As long as her parents and Thomas will not meet, neither will find out.

"Anyway, Clara… Could you please talk to Thomas, so he wouldn't bully me? You know it was me who always defended him… And I always avoided the places where Jake and Mark could meet him." Sandra was in tears. She knew Thomas wouldn't believe her. It was her boyfriend who always beat him.

"Yeah, ok. Anyways, I have to go. Call you later" Clara was annoyed with the last sentence Sandra made. So what if she defended him. If Thomas will want revenge, nothing will save them. She hung up on the phone.

She was slowly walking home. She was nearly in tears. She knows what she did was bad. But Thomas is as much to blame as her. He was the one who became cold to her. Whenever she tried inviting him over or outside. He always finds some stupid excuse not to. And whenever he came with her. He was so cold, that it felt she was alone. Even when they were together, he was cold to her. He was not the same boy she fell for. She knew he wasn't awakened, but she didn't care. She wanted her old friend back. Thomas she knew maybe was shy, but he smiled, he cried, he always showed his emotions. But soon after his thirteenth birthday, he changed. He became emotionless. No matter what she did, he had never been happy, sad nor angry. He felt like he had no soul. She tried everything but it was all for nothing. So she decided to stop trying. Thomas probably wanted to be alone, he didn't want her around. That's why he was so cold to her. She was lonely, so soon she found new friends. Sandra, Jake, and Mark. Soon after the fight with Sandra, Mark found out from Sandra's father that it was Thomas who snitched her and even shower Clara's mom a video where Sandra and Clara were fighting. Sandra tried hiding the fact, but they still began bullying him. This is when Clara realized. When they bullied him, Sandra and Clara tried stopping them, however, Clara finally saw Thomas sad again. He had emotions! So she decided. If Thomas won't show her any emotions, she'll at least see him angry or sad due to Jake's and Mark's bullying!