
The Villain's Rhapsody: the faith of the blasphemous

Filled with realities about the past and present, Jasmine is thorn between a world of great legends who doesn't seem to remember who there were in their previous life. With her ability, will she be able to over come the shadow that lurks behind the dark or will she be an instrument designed by fate to fulfill destiny? Will the lurking darkness deserve the better end? Find out more in this beautiful yet thrilling novel as Jasmine is yet to discover greater yet horrifying truth! The cover is made by "Stoshy_Toast"

Red_Venerable · Urban
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63 Chs

a warm meeting

Thomas heard a loud knock at the doors. He opened the doors and saw Mark. Mark was smiling and holding a storage bag. Then he checked Thomas from head to toes. Thomas took time, but soon he recognized the person in front of him.

"Wow, just look at you! All grown up!" Mark said. He was excited to see Thomas. He hasn't talked to him in months now. When he last saw him, Thomas was depressed, but now look at him. He's smiling. That mutation did him good.

"Yeah! Long time no see." Thomas replied. He began smiling. this was one of the rare times, that Thomas smiled sincerely after he was reincarnated.

"Those ears look good on you! haha, hey a quick question. What about your human ears?" Mark started laughing. He was intrigued by seeing such a unique mutation.

"Gone, completely burned off when I mutated." He showed his head. The spot where his human's ears should be was empty, only hair was on that spot." Anyways, where is aunty Stephany? I really wanna meet her!"

"She's in the guest room, waiting for you. Anyways, as I said. I brought you some gifts!" Mark smiled. He gave Thomas a storage bag. Storage bags are really expensive. One costs at least 5 gold coins. Regular silver ranked adventurer's salary a week is 1 gold, 2 if a week was good.

"Storage bag? No, I can't. Seriously, this is too much" not only he couldn't accept such an expensive gift, but he also had no use for it. He already had space-type magic.

"What do you mean by too much" he started laughing again. "I brought you not only a storage back but also a computer. newest model phone and gaming console. I didn't know what kind of games you like, so I and Andrea decided to take you shopping!"

Thomas felt happy. Is this how parents should act? Clara doesn't know how lucky she is. For a moment Thomas became sad when thinking about his real parents. But soon he relaxed again and went to meet his aunty Stephany. He ran over to her and hugged her. Unlike when he hugged his mother, this hug was sincere. He was so happy to see her, that his tears started falling unconsciously.

"Oh my. I missed you too Thomas" she hugged him back. She also couldn't hold her tears and hugged him even tighter. After that Thomas looked at his mother and told them to leave the guest room, so Thomas and aunty Stephany with uncle Mark could have alone time.

"So Thomas, have you already been to register your mutation?" Mark asked was curious.

"Yes. I am a rank S in both talent and energy!" Thomas told while being proud of himself.

"Wait, wait, wait. Are you for real?" both Stephany and Mark were shocked.

"Yup, I also can use magic. I heard I am the first case like this." Thomas bragged.

"We're so happy for you!" they did not question him. They knew he wouldn't lie to them.

"Also, please keep the storage bag. I have no use for it. I can use spatial magic. So soon I will also learn the spell for storage!" he insisted on giving back the storage bag. He doesn't know the storage spell yet. But he is sure that he'll learn it pretty soon.

"Are you saying the truth? You know you don't have to make up stories to make us proud. We were proud of you before you mutated and we're even more proud now. But… Spatial magic… Is rare even among most powerful magicians." Mark said. He did not want to question him, but knowing spatial magic seems way too convenient. He thought it was an excuse for Thomas to refuse their gift.

"Anyways, I know a really good coffee shop. Will you join me? It will be my treat!" Thomas decided to spend the rest of his savings. After all, if he'll need money, he'll just go join hunters guild for quick cash. And due to his high rank, he knows he would be able to join a higher rank dungeon, which meant he would get even more gold coins a day than his parents combined a month

"No. No, you shouldn't waste your money" Stephany denied his offer.

"Indeed, she's right. You're still a kid, let us pay. Let's go, I will drive! You can give me directions" Mark smiled.

"No, we won't need a car," Thomas smirked gathered his spatial energy, and made it in a form of a portal. Both Mark and Stephany again were left in surprise. He did not lie, he can use spatial magic! They all went inside the portal and ended up in a coffee shop, that Thomas first met Olivia.