
The Villain's Rhapsody: God's Wrath你好!

The last rewrite of my trial novel The Villain's Rhapsody. Enjoy. Something wakes up within the unknown realm. Awakened by the girl named Elizabeth who accidentally entered his world, he set his eyes on human world. Is the world prepared? https://discord.gg/venerables

Red_Venerable · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Reincarnated demon

Elijah wanted vengeance. Royan was smiling as he spread his arms and shouted joyfully.

"Don't say it, just go wild and kill everyone you want. After that, I will claim your soul."

For Royan, a person like Elijah was like an invaluable treasure. Elijah inherited the spirit of a saint from his heroic ancestor. It was so corrupting someone like him and turning him into a demon. It's like the biggest slap in heaven's face.

"You have one week. Have fun! ~,"

Elijah became an evil spirit; he could touch the mortal world again by Royan's curse. He slaughtered every man in his sight. To calm his anger, a tribe of pagans started giving sacrifices of a ram lamb to quench his thirst for blood.

After those days, Royan tossed Elijah's spirit into "The Cage." They already demonized Elijah after killing hundreds of people. Elijah started losing his mind. He grew cat's ears and cat's tail as his spirit developed.

However, in the cage, he regained sanity. And he only felt regret. Why? Why is he suffering like this? The burning spirits of sinners distinguish this place. And in this place. He will suffer for another thousand years.

'He is so similar to that boy… What was his name? Levi? Leviathan? Ah yes. Leviathan.'

Voice echoed within Elijah's mind. 'Let me help you out, bro.'

Elijah's spirit disappears within the cage's flames as he tries screaming. However, no sound comes out as his body could not release any mana from his body anymore. The fear shows up on his face as he wants to continue to exist. He couldn't do anything about it.

"Is this it? Is this the end?"

Elijah thought to himself. Sometimes he wanted to disappear, but now he feels fear. "I don't want this. I want to exist." And then he hears a voice. "Thomas, please, it's my all fault."

"Thomas? Who the fuck is Thomas? How can there be people?" He has so many questions. Then he opens his eyes and sees two people inside the white room. A person is wearing white clothes and a crying teenage girl.

"What in the hell?"

The girl notices Elijah open his eyes. She wants to jump and hug him. However, she changes his mind due to him being severely injured.

"Are you alright, Thomas?" She asks. However, she blushes in embarrassment after realizing it was a stupid question. If he were alright, he wouldn't be here in the hospital.

"My head hurts," Elijah answers. After then, he felt like his head would burst open, and his eyeballs would fall out from the immense pain. He started having a seizure.

[System updating 8%]–Elijah feels helpless while his gained body is in immense pain. He felt worse in hell. However, now his body is not used to torturous pain.

'What in the hell is the System? What is going on with me?'

The girl calls for the nurse.

"Help! Nurse!"

[System updating 100%]–pain ends after the System finishes its update.

[System asks for permission to fuse with the host.]

[In case of rejection, you will lose memories of your current reincarnation,]


Elijah thinks [Accept]

[Fusing previous memories]

"I am... Thomas Walker?"

His name is no longer Elijah. He is Thomas Walker, an 18-year-old high schooler. Because of protecting his childhood friend from bullies a few months ago, those people targeted him instead and drove him to suicide.

"Hehe. So that's how it is. Hehe."

He is not the same as Thomas was. Elijah's demonic nature takes over as he imagines all the painful and torturous ways he could bring those people, and he grins the same way he smiled while killing hundreds of people thousand years ago.

The nurse rushed into the ward and checked Thomas's situation. However, he looked fine.

"Miss, are you sure something happened? He looks wonderful to me," the nurse said with a bit annoyed expression. "I have other patients, so please only call if it is essential."

Thomas did not pay any attention to them thou. A television caught his attention. However, he heard it. Television showed news about a missing person being poorly found burnt in the forest, most likely by a demonic beast. It intrigued Thomas.

"What is this thing? All those moving pictures."

In hell, there was nothing even similar to this "television." Or was there? After all, now that he thinks about it, he wasn't even in hell. He was in "the Cage" after all. He is so focused on television that he doesn't even notice that the girl keeps talking to him. she gently puts her hand on his shoulder, trying to get his attention. Slightly annoyed, Thomas looks at her.

"Who the hell are you?"

How dare this person interrupted his first entertainment when he came into this world?

[System notice]

[Do you wish to gain memories of this person?]


'Why not? Sure. Wait, I can talk to this System?'

[Yes, you can. And before you ask what I am, I am the combination of Thomas's and Elijah's memories. Please think of me as a gift from the gods. Reincarnation fixed your mentality, but we lost many memories of BOTH because of the shock of fusing two completely distinct personalities. It created me as a middle ground for regaining your memories.]

'So, which one is the real me?'

[Both of you are real you. You both are the same person; unique experiences led you to have different personalities.]

Thomas was thinking to himself, realizing he was completely ignoring the girl in front of him.

[Inserting memories–beginning]

Clara Miller was a childhood friend of Thomas. You two were close since childhood, however. About two years ago, she ignored him because of her friends. She decided he wasn't cool enough to hang out with her anymore. She only said "hi" to him because he was her "childhood friend" and her parents liked Thomas. Recently same friends she used to hang out with got into fights with her and started bullying her. She became a loner, but that didn't stop the bullying. She got into a fight with Sandra; Thomas filmed the whole thing and showed Clara's mother.

Sandra's parents were involved, so she did not receive any punishment. She befriended Clara again like nothing ever happened. However, bullying transferred to Thomas. They beat Thomas up every day, and the school did nothing about it. Clara only got involved when she thought things were getting too far. But she didn't stop the bullying in the end. Thomas cut his wrists in the bathroom. However, what happened afterwards? His mind went blank while sitting on top of the washing machine. He fell and seriously injured his head.

[Inserting memories–Complete]

'Ho? Interesting.' Thomas thought to himself.

[Inserting knowledge about this world.]


"Who am I? What are you saying?" Clara felt confused. "Did you lose your memories by any chance? I can call the nurse…."

"NURSE!" Thomas shouted at the top of his lungs.

The nurse rushed in soon. She feared something had happened to the poor kid.

"Are you in pain? What happened? Need medical attention?" the nurse kindly asked? She knew they should monitor a person who had already tried killing himself.

"This person is.." Thomas said with teary eyes. "I don't want to see her ever again."

Elijah knew he had a mental health condition as well. He also knew that hospital would get rid of this annoying bitch if only he pretended to be uncomfortable near her.

"Thomas? what are you saying" however, the nurse quickly pushed her out.

"Young lady, you heard the boy. LEAVE!" The nurse couldn't allow this patient to be disturbed.

Two weeks later, Thomas is still stuck in a hospital ward. His System annoyed the hell out of him because of being triggered every time he does not feel entertained.

[System requires action]

[System requires effort]

[System requires action]

Can you shut it for a few minutes?

[Can you at least turn on the television? If not, go to sleep, or read a book for all I care.]

His demonic self needs to keep focused on something all the time. He does not feel it physically now, but his spirit feels disturbed. However, everything changed yesterday. He could finally have a mobile phone. And a charger. His psychologist wasn't sure if his suicidal behaviour was only a one-time thing or if he had depression and suicidal tendencies would show up in the future. Because of this, they were not leaving a charger's cord. And because Thomas didn't feel any need for the phone, they did not question it. But now, they decided this week would be the last. Thomas is physically and mentally healthy, so any further observations are meaningless. Getting a phone was like a gift from the heavens. INTERNET. It has EVERYTHING, from books to news to even adult sections. During his last days in the hospital, his System was quiet. It only reacted to things Thomas knew or misinformation about demons from movies.

On the last day he arrived, his mother took him from the hospital. However, Elijah didn't care enough to ask the System for information about her.

"Mom, I guess you know my memory is a little foggy?" Elijah said, and instead of sympathy, he met up with a slap.

"You suicidal piece of ****, if you're gonna kill yourself, do it right. Do you know how much is the hospital fee?" Mother screams as she keeps pulling his collar.

'System? What the fuck?'

[Do you want to know?]

'Are you trolling me right now?'

[Your personality and mana were sealed before you gained me, so you could not produce any magical energies. And because of that, you are as useless as a worm to your family, lol.]

'Did this trash just LOL at me?'

[Inserting memories of Thomas's family]

With those memories, he saw a regular family. A happy family, you could say. However, on his thirteenth birthday, when the school checked his skill for magic, they found out it was non-existent. On this day, they started to treat him worse than a dog. Arthur and Monica, twin siblings with whom he had good relationships, also stopped looking up to him. The twins were three years younger. However, they already had a bit of magic, and at that age, it meant they were both destined to be geniuses. When Arthur and Monica reached the age of thirteen, they already had no connections with Thomas. Arthur often bullied Thomas, while to Monica, he was non-existent.

All painful memories and terrified Thomas's emotions flooded his brain. And it was at this moment that his demonic side took over. Everyone present could swear that the boy grew a cat's ears and a cat's tail. He grabbed his mother by the throat and quickly pulled her off the ground.

"All the magic in the world won't save you if I decide to kill you, bitch," Thomas's smile could be seen as innocent. However, because of that innocent smile. His action looked even more terrifying. "Got it?"

His mother was terrified. She could have sworn he had no magic power before. No, SHE KNOWS he had no magical power. So, what is going on? Not only does he easily overpower her. This level of strength should have been impossible so soon, even if he awakened as a mutant instead.

Also, the killing intent was genuine. If this had happened somewhere more secluded, mother would have been dead.

Who is this person? Is this her son? She had so many questions and none of the answers. What's worse. She has to drive this person home. And she's too afraid to stay with him in the same car.

[Having fun?] System asked after Thomas regained his senses.

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