
The Villain's Lament

In a world filled with pain, fear, and prejudice, Eleanor faces accusations and judgment from her former lover Gabriel and his lover Alice. As tensions rise, Eleanor seizes a sword and confronts them, defying their expectations. Gabriel pleads for her to stop, expressing concern, but she remains determined to free herself from oppression. She died, and upon awakening, found herself transported back to the age of fifteen. Determined to alter her destiny, she embarked on a journey of transformation, only to discover that everything she had experienced was built upon deceit, allusion. " so what I live is not real "

Reveries_ · Fantasy
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91 Chs


still don't understand why do I dream ? But is it really a dream? I'm started to think this is not a dream. I'm going crazy? I don't know what is going on? Everything is too complicated for me to process. Where is my peacfull life. Everyday same dream and even yesterday.... Yesterday... When did I sleep? It is morning already what time is it ? Wait yesterday John tell me something sweet Rehes I remember. I remember clearly but what happened after that? Did I passed out because of shock? Where is Jennie?





"I apologize for barging in like this, John," I began, my voice sincere. "I need to talk to you about what happened yesterday," I said, addressing the matter at hand. He looked at me with concern in his eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine care. As he sat on his bed in his pajamas, I couldn't help but find him incredibly attractive.