
The Villain's Hero

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Peto · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


No matter how serious the injury is, taking the Dayan Pill can lead to a quick recovery. It can be said to have a life-changing effect, bringing the dead back to life.

Moreover, that piece of the robbery formation map is a valuable treasure!

The treasure possesses deadly and cutting abilities, making it the ultimate offensive weapon, second only to the sacred weapon.

With this tribulation map, Chu Xu has a powerful weapon in his hands!

Chu Xu collected the three treasures with satisfaction. Although he was the prince of the Hou Mansion, this system had still helped him a lot, providing support for his future domination of Zhongzhou!

In Chu Xu's heart, he yearned more for luck and villain values...

At that moment, Song Zheng's respectful voice came from outside the hall, saying, "Second son, Song Zheng requests an audience with you."

Chu Xu raised his eyebrows, a smile of interest appearing on his face. It seemed that he was interested in the matter concerning Chu Tian...

Chu Xu whispered, "Come in."

Although his words were gentle, they resounded clearly in Song Zheng's ears.

With a solemn expression, Song Zheng entered the hall and deeply bowed to Chu Xu, saying, "My son, Chu Tian's whereabouts have been investigated these past few days."

Chu Xu casually replied, "Tell me."

Song Zheng explained, "Enlighten the eldest son, it was a chance encounter between Chu Tian and Su Weiran. A few months ago, Chu Tian was in the imperial capital fighting for a lowly slave, and Su Weiran happened to witness it.

That cheap slave was a domestic servant of the Li family in the imperial capital, and Chu Tian had a grudge against the Li family because of this. He was nearly humiliated.

However, Su Weiran intervened, forced the Li family to retreat, and Chu Tian became acquainted with Su Weiran."

Upon hearing this, Chu Xu furrowed his brows.

Chu Tian was truly fortunate to be able to associate with Su Weiran, even though he was a cheap slave...

Chu Xu was aware that the Li family in the imperial capital was a first-rate power in the Great Zhou Dynasty, with many formidable individuals under their command.

Their ancestor was a Heavenly Palace realm expert, bestowed with the title of "Green Dragon Politician," and many of their relatives held high-ranking positions.

However, compared to the Sushen Hou Mansion, they were insignificant, like ants.

Although Chu Tian was suppressed within the Hou Mansion and became a laughingstock in the imperial capital, he was, after all, the eldest son of the Sushen Hou Mansion by name.

Even if ordinary forces looked down on him, they would refrain from humiliating him due to his status.

Chu Xu could also guess why the Li family in the imperial capital had targeted Chu Tian to such an extent.

They probably wanted to gain favor with him and the princess by humiliating Chu Tian, taking advantage of the opportunity to curry favor and secure the princess's protection!

Unfortunately, Chu Tian's good fortune protected him. Not only did their plan fail, but it also brought forth the formidable Su Weiran, leaving themselves embarrassed...

Chu Xu pondered for a moment before asking, "What is Chu Tian's current cultivation base?"

Chu Tian possessed broken veins and usually kept a low profile. Although the previous owner often oppressed him, he didn't pay much attention to Chu Tian's cultivation.

After all, what significance did the cultivation of someone with broken veins hold?

But now, Chu Tian seemed to have cultivated into the Nirvana stage overnight, drawing the attention of several clan elders!

Previously, when Chu Tian had no attention, killing him would have been effortless, and no one would have said a word.


now that Chu Tian gradually revealed his cultivation talent, had Su Weiran as a backer on the outside, and attracted the attention of the clan elders internally, many people were secretly observing him.

It would be much more difficult to eliminate him unnoticed...

With this in mind, Chu Xu couldn't help but smile. It was a textbook example of the previous owner being a standard villain's cannon fodder. WeChat Mini Program

Realizing that Chu Tian wasn't much of a threat, Chu Xu could easily suppress him.

However, by the time he reacted, Chu Tian, the fortunate son, had already become formidable!

Now, Chu Xu understood the horror of a fortunate son and felt a murderous intent brewing within him.

While Chu Tian hadn't fully grown yet, he wanted to seize this opportunity to eliminate him!

Song Zheng shook his head and said, "My subordinate is incompetent and couldn't determine why Chu Tian suddenly reached the Nirvana stage. I have thoroughly investigated it. Chu Tian's resources within the Hou Mansion have remained the same as usual, with no significant changes!"

Chu Xu nodded slightly. Ordinary people couldn't fathom the miraculous nature of a child blessed with luck. Perhaps it was the day his Goldfinger was awakened.

Song Zheng whispered again, "However, my subordinate has discovered something else. Chutian has frequented auction houses and street stalls lately, often using spirit stones to obtain some worthless items.

I have questioned several merchants, and they all claim that the things sold to Chu Tian were incomplete and useless..."

Upon hearing this, Chu Xu sneered, instantly understanding what Chu Tian's "Goldfinger" was.

So, it was the Wang Qi technique!

Hehe, this Goldfinger had the ability to accurately discover hidden treasures at a minimal cost.

Perhaps Chu Tian had already obtained a method to repair his broken veins through this Goldfinger!

Thinking about the system's ability to plunder a fortunate son's Goldfinger, Chu Xu's heart burned with anticipation.

However, if he wanted to kill Chu Tian, he would need to sever his connection with Su Weiran first...

Song Zheng whispered again, "Moreover, it seems that Chutian has made an appointment with Su Weiran. They plan to participate in the Wanxiang Building's auction three days from now. Young master, would you like to employ some means to make Chutian miss the appointment?"

Upon hearing these words, Chu Xu contemplated, and a plan formed in his mind.

An enigmatic smile appeared on his face as he said, "No need. Three days from now, I will also go to the Vientiane Tower and have a look!"

The imperial capital sprawled vast and boundless. WeChat Mini Program

As the largest city in Zhongzhou, the imperial capital extended for tens of millions of miles. Its palaces and pavilions stretched endlessly, and its expanse couldn't be captured in a single glance.

This was the heart of Zhongzhou, the gathering place for countless court powers.

It housed the entirety of the Great Zhou Dynasty's most influential and powerful families!

Imperial Capital, Vientiane Tower.

Although the imperial capital occupied a vast area, as the central hub of Zhongzhou, it was also a land of opportunity. The Vientiane Tower stood proudly at the heart of the bustling city.

Its location attested to the tower's profound strength and extensive connections.

The Vientiane Tower was a renowned landmark in the imperial capital.

Frequently, grand auctions were held in the Wanxiang Tower, featuring rare treasures that shook the world. Rumor had it that even His Majesty Zhou had visited the place.