
The Villain's Hero

for personal use

Peto · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


On the side, Gong Yueshuang suddenly "consoled" and said, "Chu Tian, you have misunderstood Wei Ran. This is a rule within the family. You don't understand..."

Although she seemed to be comforting, for Chu Tian, it undoubtedly added fuel to the fire!

Upon hearing this, Chu Tian became even more furious, and his eyes turned red!

He came from a family, but his status was low, no different from that of a servant.

But if that's the case, Chu Tian would be even more envious of others' mockery.

Saying that he doesn't understand the rules of the family, doesn't it mean that he has a low status?


So, it turns out that deep down, you also look down on me!

Like everyone else, I'm just a beggar who can be discarded at will!

Chu Tian stormed away and shouted, "Su Weiran, you will regret it, and the Su family will regret it too!

Thirty years east of the river, thirty years west of the river. Don't bully the young and poor!"

With that, he slammed the door angrily and left the hall!

Meanwhile, Su Weiran had long been trembling with anger.

This Chu Tian is simply unreasonable, like a mad dog!

How could she have been so blind before, regarding Chu Tian as an important friend, like an elder brother?

Gong Yueshuang also approached Su Weiran and said comforting words, "I didn't expect Chu Tian to be so extreme. Wei Ran, you just didn't fight for him over the ancient jade, so he's furious with you...

It's clear that this person is narrow-minded and ungrateful.

Although he has had a difficult life, people of this class often have extreme temperaments.

They stop at nothing to climb up the ladder.

I'm afraid all his previous showiness was just a pretense to win your favor.

With your status in the Su family..."

Under the malicious gossip of a close friend in her private chamber, Su Weiran completely lost hope in Chu Tian, feeling only sadness and disgust!

She took a deep breath and weakly said, "Never mind, I can use this opportunity to see a person's true colors..."

She shook her head, clearly not wanting to mention Chu Tian.

Gong Yueshuang was delighted, knowing that Su Weiran had severed ties with Chu Tian.

She casually mentioned, "However, what that Chu Tian said about the Duke's eldest son is so unbearable. I don't believe it's true.

He's so extreme, he must have a lot of prejudice against that eldest son.

Now that I think about it, that eldest son had a good reputation in our Great Zhou Dynasty, and he never did anything evil.

Chu Tian is just jealous of him, probably spreading malicious rumors..."

Gong Yueshuang was right. Although Chu Xu was cruel, he knew how to pretend, both in the past and now.

He had always been spoken highly of in the Great Zhou Dynasty...

Su Weiran fell silent too, remembering her previous interactions with Chu Xu. His graceful demeanor had captivated her.

In addition, Chu Tian had shown his "true colors" to her today...

It seems that the Duke's eldest son was indeed innocent...

With this realization, Su Weiran couldn't help but feel a trace of guilt...


In the hall, Chu Xu also heard the sound of the system's notification.

"The relationship between the Duke's son, Chu Tian, and Su Weiran has completely broken down, affecting the fate of the Duke's son, resulting in a loss of 30 points of Luck Qi and gaining 50,000 villain points."

Chu Xu couldn't help but laugh.


just one day, he had already stolen a total of 60 points of Luck Qi from Chu Tian, depleting his Luck!

Now that Su Weiran no longer supports him, Chu Tian can be considered cornered!

In fairness, Chu Tian is considered a good person.

He is resolute, righteous, and despite the humiliations he has suffered since childhood, he always carries a sense of justice in his heart!

These qualities easily garner the goodwill of others.

However, his character has a weakness—being somewhat extreme.

Especially when facing Chu Xu, he easily loses his composure and becomes suspicious of everything.

The terrifying thing about Chu Xu lies in how he drove a wedge between Su Weiran and Chu Tian's relationship.

He didn't attempt to hide Chu Tian's merits. Instead, through a seemingly insignificant incident, he magnified the flaws in Chu Tian's character infinitely.

He amplified them to the point where Su Weiran couldn't accept it.

With Gong Yueshuang's support, they finally severed all ties!

Chu Xu smiled faintly, his appearance remarkably handsome. This smile seemed to radiate fortune from heaven and earth, leaving Mo Ji dumbfounded.

He chuckled softly, saying, "My dear older brother, now that you've lost the support of the Su family, your path should lead to your demise...".

Angry, Chu Tian stormed out of the Vientiane Tower.

It was already late, and a bright moon hung in the sky, casting silver light upon the earth.

But the imperial capital was still bustling, with people coming and going on the streets and formidable cultivators flying in the air.

Even in the distance, colossal flying carriages rose and descended, heading towards the outside world.

This was the foremost city in Zhongzhou, the imperial capital!