
The Villain's Hero

for personal use

Peto · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


Now, if she is reluctant to continue competing with Chu Xu for this ancient jade.

It's just too rude, not knowing what's good or bad!

And it will be thought that it was the Su Family who rejected the kindness of Sushenhou Mansion's offer!

As a renowned lady, Su Weiran naturally prioritizes her family's interests...

Seeing Su Weiran's silence, Chu Tian couldn't help but feel anxious. Although he was born in Sushenhou Mansion, his life experiences were rough, and he had never received a proper family education.

Therefore, he doesn't understand the unspoken rules among families at all.

From Chu Tian's perspective, Su Weiran and Chu Xu's competition for treasures is simply frowned upon!

He didn't know Su Weiran's concerns.

He only saw Chu Xu bidding and Su Weiran going silent, no longer competing with Chu Xu!

Seeing another golden opportunity slip away, Chu Tian finally got angry!

He held back his anger and said solemnly, "Wei Ran, this ancient jade is very important to me!

Please help me this once, I must obtain it!"

Su Weiran sighed, shaking her head, and said, "Brother Chu, that eldest son is clearly determined to win. Even if I compete with him, I can't match him.

On the contrary, it would completely offend Sushen Hou Mansion..."

Chu Tian became even angrier when he saw that Su Weiran was unwilling to offend Sushen Hou Mansion for him.

Not even willing to pay two million?

What do these two million mean to you, Su Weiran?!

For me, this is an opportunity to change my destiny!

He is willing to confront the world for Su Weiran, but Su Weiran dares not offend his enemy for him!

I treat you with sincerity, but you treat me like this?

Chu Tian's mentality completely collapsed.

He growled in anger, and his expression distorted. "So Chu Xu clearly wants to seize my chance. Are you unwilling to help me?!"

But Su Weiran only felt that Chu Tian was being unreasonable.

She was arguing about this ancient jade, but how did Chu Xu know that Chu Tian wanted it?

If she could obtain this ancient jade, Su Weiran would naturally help Chu Tian get it based on their previous friendship.

But now it's obvious that they can't compete, and Su Weiran can only step back.

She chooses to be a good friend, so as not to create trouble in Sushen Hou Mansion.

But this made Chu Tian feel betrayed. His goddess is actually cozying up to his enemy?

Su Weiran was not willing to sincerely help him!

Su Weiran looked at Chu Tian's furious expression and said softly, "Brother Chu, calm down..."

But how could Chu Tian calm down in his anger?

He appeared crazed, as jealousy and anger consumed his sanity.

Turning back with an angry smile, he said, "Calm down? How can you calm me down!

Su Weiran, I truly misunderstood you. I thought you were different from others and treated me sincerely.

Unexpectedly, you're just like those women who bully the weak and fear the strong, wanting to climb up the social ladder!"

Fine, you can continue to please Chu Xu, kneeling and flattering that eldest son!

Su Weiran, from now on, there will be no more relationship between us!

I will make you regret your choice today.

You will never know what you've missed today!"

Continuing to please Chu Xu, kneeling and flattering that son?

Hearing Chu Tian's spiteful words, Su Weiran's pretty face turned pale, and her body trembled with anger!

She looked at Chu Tian's hysterical appearance

and his distorted and terrifying face.

At this moment, Chu Tian resembled an evil spirit!

Su Weiran couldn't connect the person in front of her with the courageous young man who had traveled to Xiangzhou with her before!

She could only sense a strangeness about the current Chu Tian!

She had done everything she could for Chu Tian.

She supported him in suppressing the imperial Li family, knowing that he faced difficulties in Sushen Hou Mansion, and often provided him with cultivation resources.

She even risked opposing Sushen Hou Mansion to plead on Chu Tian's behalf!

Using the Su family's connections, she arranged for Chu Tian to enter the border and make contributions.

In the future, Chu Tian could use his military achievements to become a Marquis.

She regarded Chu Tian as her elder brother and had done so much for him, ensuring a promising future.

But how did Chu Tian treat her?

Not only did he fail to understand her difficulties, but he also humiliated her like this!

Kneeling and flattering that prince?

What does he think of her?!

Does he see her as a prostitute?!

Su Weiran felt bitter in her heart, and her nose tingled with the urge to shed tears.

But she forced herself to hold back and looked at Chu Tian coldly.

The warmth in her eyes vanished, replaced by immense disappointment... and indifference!