
The Villain's Hero

for personal use

Peto · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


Although this ancient jade is an artifact of antiquity, it is incomplete.

While it possesses the ability to suppress inner demons, there are many treasures capable of doing so, and people are not very interested in this ancient jade.

After a while, only a few daring individuals showed interest in the ancient jade and made offers.

"Eleven thousand spirit stones!"

"One hundred and thirty thousand!"


Chu Tian's eyes gleamed as he realized that everyone failed to recognize the true value of this ancient jade. This was great news for him!

Immediately, he planned to set a price.

But just as the words were about to leave his lips, he reconsidered.

He thought about Chu Xu. He knew very well that he was a thorn in Chu Xu's side and that Chu Xu would certainly target him.

If he placed a bid himself, Chu Xu would likely compete for it!

Chu Xu was the eldest son of the Sushenhou Mansion, and Chu Tian knew the details of the mansion.

It even possessed territories from the ancient times as feudal lands, with abundant wealth in spiritual stones, rivaling that of entire nations!

If Chu Xu got into an argument, Chu Tian would have absolutely no hope of acquiring this ancient jade...

Chu Tian looked at Su Weiran and quietly said, "Weiran, can you help me in acquiring this ancient jade? If I speak up, Chu Xu might also argue with me..."

Su Weiran frowned slightly, but upon seeing Chu Tian's pleading expression, her heart softened.

Despite her disappointment with Chu Tian, they had shared a deep relationship before.

She nodded silently and then said, "Two hundred thousand for the ancient jade!"

Chu Tian was overjoyed upon hearing Su Weiran's agreement.

Considering Chu Xu's fondness for Su Weiran, he shouldn't fight with her over this ancient jade...

Although this move involved using Su Weiran, it presented an unparalleled opportunity.

Chu Tian couldn't afford to be too concerned...

On the side, Gong Yueshuang witnessed this scene and a sneer flashed in her eyes.

Chu Tian's actions can be said to be within the calculations of Chu Xu's son!

Gong Yueshuang acknowledged this internally and secretly transmitted to Chu Xu: "My son, Chu Tian's target is this ancient jade, and we have already persuaded Wei Ran to act on our behalf."

In the main hall, Chu Xu, who was with Mo Ji, received Gong Yueshuang's message and a smile appeared on his face.

The secret agent he had placed beside Su Weiran proved to be quite useful!

He had long anticipated that if Chu Tian valued any treasure, it would hinder his own interests and he would not advocate for it.

Therefore, he informed Gong Yueshuang that if Chu Tian asked Su Weiran to act, she should secretly inform him.

Chu Xu lazily observed the ancient jade in front of Lao Zhao and wondered if Chu Tian possessed the other half of the ancient jade.

No wonder Chu Tian was so eager for this ancient jade...

For Chu Tian, this was likely a significant opportunity!

But if he were to snatch the ancient jade from Chu Tian once again...

Would Chu Tian's spirit break?

Thinking about this, Chu Xu chuckled and declared, "Five hundred thousand!"

His voice was not loud, but it resounded throughout the Vientiane Building, clearly audible to everyone present.

There were still aristocratic youths who had considered contending for the ancient jade, but they instantly abandoned their thoughts.

Five hundred thousand spiritual jade to purchase a fragmented ancient jade was truly not worth it.

Chu Tian's heart sank upon witnessing Chu Xu's bid. The ancient jade

seemed rather unremarkable. Although it held great mystery, its value significantly diminished due to its incompleteness.

By all accounts, individuals like Chu Xu should look down upon it.

Why would he fight for this ancient jade?

Upon seeing Chu Xu's move, Chu Tian couldn't help but feel anxious. This ancient jade was of utmost importance to him, especially if it could be combined with the ancient jade he possessed.

It would undoubtedly create another exceptional opportunity!

This was a golden opportunity! ! !

Chu Tian was consumed by agitation and resentment—Chu Xu, why are you always against me! ?

Meanwhile, Su Weiran furrowed her brows slightly, surprised that Chu Xu was also interested in this ancient jade.

However, this ancient jade held immense value to Chu Tian. She contemplated for a moment and then stated, "800,000 high-grade spirit stones!"

But the next moment, Chu Xu's voice emerged, "Two million high-grade spirit stones!"

He abruptly raised the price by two million.

Su Weiran fell silent.

To be honest, two million spirit stones meant little to Su Weiran, but the situation was not as simple as it seemed.

This scion of the world had revealed his determination to secure victory!

The Sushenhou Mansion's background was unfathomable, and its openly acknowledged feudal lands were immensely vast.

The six dynasties from ancient times, and the current six state capitals were all fiefs of the Sushen Hou Mansion.

There was an abundance of spiritual veins, and the Sushenhou Mansion never lacked spiritual stones.

When it came to financial resources, the Su family paled in comparison to the Sushenhou Mansion!

There was virtually no hope of competing with Chu Xu.

Just moments ago, Chu Xu had gifted her the Profound Cold Divine Flower, displaying kindness to her and to the Su Family.