
The Villain's Hero

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Peto · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


The ancestors of the Xiahou clan are already on the verge of passing away, and Xia Houyun will definitely make a frantic bid to obtain this Xuandu Jade Zhao Dan!

If the competition continues, even if you manage to acquire the Xuandu Yuzhao Pill, the price will be exorbitant.

This is somewhat unacceptable to everyone.

After all, the ancestors of the Divine Palace Realm in their clan are not on the verge of passing away, and there is hope for them to achieve a breakthrough on their own...

At this moment, Mo Ji, who was beside Chu Xu, whispered, "Second son, Xia Houyun actually possesses the Yin Yuan glaze body, which is an excellent cauldron physique.

However, the Xiahou clan is currently unable to protect her, so it has always been kept hidden..."

The Yin Yuan glaze body?

Chu Xu raised an eyebrow slightly, and his interest was piqued.

The Yin Yuan glaze body is a cauldron physique. If he can cultivate with this woman, they can absorb the yin and nourish the yang, which would bring great benefits!

Chu Xu looked at the girl who had relaxed a lot because of the Xuandu Yuzhao Pill, with a smile on his face...


And this Xuandu Jade Zhaodan immediately intensified the atmosphere of the auction!

One treasure after another emerged, including divine artifacts, magical medicines, and mystical techniques.

Almost all kinds of secret treasures were presented at the auction, including some unheard-of treasures!

One after another, the high-profile individuals spent a fortune to acquire some of these secret treasures.

But Chu Tian looked at this scene with extreme envy in his heart.

He was perhaps the most powerless among them...

Under the suppression of the eldest princess, he had to obtain cultivation resources on his own, living the life of a wandering cultivator.

Meanwhile, these aristocratic children could effortlessly fight for treasures simply because of their privileged backgrounds!

This made Chu Tian feel a great sense of injustice!


Chu Tian coldly muttered to himself, "Hey, the wine and meat behind closed doors may be fragrant, but the road is littered with frozen bones!"

Su Weiran, who was next to him, naturally heard these words, and her brows furrowed slightly.

She had grown tired of Chu Tian's attitude countless times.

If it had been before, she would have only thought that Chu Tian was unhappy due to his life circumstances.

She might have pitied Chu Tian even more and offered words of comfort.

But now, after those misunderstandings, the distance between Su Weiran and Chu Tian in her heart was growing further apart.

Now, upon hearing Chu Tian's mockery again, her heart became even more irritable.

The wine and meat behind closed doors?

Her Su family was also part of the aristocracy...

At that moment, Zhao Lao smiled and presented another treasure.

This treasure was a sacred flower.

The sacred flower was incredibly stunning, with petal-surrounding pathways emanating an intense cold aura that even froze the surrounding space.

Everyone felt that the temperature in the Vientiane Building had dropped several degrees!

Mr. Zhao sighed, "This sacred flower is a mysterious flower that grows in the deepest part of an extremely cold glacier. It only blooms once every 30,000 years.

There is no need to elaborate on its preciousness. The starting price is 5 million high-grade spirit stones!"

Indeed, this sacred flower was exceedingly valuable, and aristocratic families immediately started bidding: "Eight million spiritual stones!"

"Ten million!"

Su Weiran's eyes lit up, and a desire surged within her.

She cultivated the Tianyuan Xuanbing Jing, a celestial-level cultivation technique that focused

on the attribute of coldness. Thus, this mysterious cold flower was of immense value to her cultivation!

With that in mind, Su Weiran wanted to speak up: "12 million."

Seeing Su Weiran's move, some forces hesitated due to the Su family's influence and refrained from bidding.

However, a few children from aristocratic families continued to compete as they also desperately needed this profound cold magic flower.

Although the Su family was formidable, they couldn't afford to pay too much attention.

Moreover, it was normal to compete for treasures at auctions, and they were not worried about offending the Su family.

In just a few moments, the Xuanhan Divine Flower's price soared to a staggering 30 million high-grade spirit stones!

When Chu Xu noticed Su Weiran's bid, a peculiar expression flickered in his eyes, and he directly stated, "Thirty-three million!"

Seeing that even Chu Xu had joined the bidding, the children from aristocratic families finally gave up.

Thirty-three million high-grade spirit stones was already an incredibly high price.

Not to mention that Chu Xu had also bid, and they didn't want to compete against both the Sushenhou Mansion and the Su family at the same time!

However, Su Weiran didn't expect that Chu Xu would cease bidding. After contemplating for a moment, she gritted her teeth and said, "35 million!"

She truly needed this profound cold magic flower, but 35 million was her limit.

Although the Su family held a noble position in the current dynasty, they had only risen to prominence a few hundred years ago.

Compared to the Sushenhou Mansion, there was still a significant gap in their foundation.

To Su Weiran's surprise, Chu Xu did not raise the bid again!

Considering the formidable background of the Sushenhou Mansion, 35 million would not be an issue for them; it was merely a possibility.

Chu Xu was showing goodwill towards her.

Realizing this, Su Weiran was also slightly moved.

Since she had visited Chu Xu before, her opinion of him had undergone a significant change.

Furthermore, Chu Xu had shown her respect previously and helped Chu Tian.