
The Villain's Hero

for personal use

Peto · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


Su Weiran, I really misunderstood you!

It turns out that you are also the one who climbs the social ladder! "

Upon hearing Chu Tian's sarcastic and questioning tone, Su Weiran's pretty face also turned gloomy.

She genuinely valued Chu Tian, considered him a good friend, and even had a certain level of goodwill towards him.

However, this doesn't mean she has to tolerate everything from Chu Tian!

Su Weiran is the noble daughter of the Su family, a prominent clan in the imperial capital, and her grandfather is the current emperor.

Despite the Sushenhou Mansion having a deeper background than the Su Family, she will not favor Chu Xu!

Su Weiran is also an extremely arrogant and cold-tempered woman. Since becoming a small celebrity, when has she ever gotten angry?

Now, being ridiculed by Chu Tian for no reason, she couldn't help but feel angry.

Although she wanted to explain that it was just a matter of family rules and etiquette, she was too lazy to do so at the moment.

Su Weiran merely smiled and walked towards Gong Yueshuang, never looking at Chu Tian again.

However, after Chu Tian uttered those angry words, he regretted them in his heart.

He had said too much!

Although he was extremely dissatisfied with Su Weiran's initiative to visit Chu Xu, he truly loved Su Weiran and wanted to spend his life with her.

Seeing Su Weiran's angry expression, Chu Tian's anger suddenly disappeared, and he immediately panicked.

He stuttered, saying, "Wei Ran, I said too much, don't take it to heart. You know, I have a grudge with Chu Xu..."

Upon hearing Chu Tian's apology, Su Weiran couldn't help but sigh softly, "Brother Chu, I know you are extremely uncomfortable with that Chu Xu."

It's just that you can't..."

In fact, what Su Weiran wanted to say was that she couldn't be too biased.

Just by looking at Chu Tian's excited expression, she knew that if she continued speaking, Chu Tian would be provoked again.

She could only stop herself from speaking further, but secretly shook her head in her heart.

Brother Chu, a bit too extreme...

In the hall, a heaviness settled, and Su Weiran and Chu Tian fell into silence, in stark contrast to the laughter and joy they had shared before they met.

Chu Tian wanted to say something several times, but held back.

He looked at the beautiful figure of the girl, and his heart ached.

Because he could sense that despite being next to Su Weiran at the moment, the distance between them seemed to be growing wider and wider...

As the top-class auction house in the imperial capital, Wanxianglou was more than just a place for auctions.

Before the official auction took place, there was a small bartering process.

The Vientiane Tower had strong connections not only with the major powers in the imperial capital but also with some extraordinary experts.

Many of these independent cultivators were well-known experts.

Although they lacked strong backing, many of them had cultivation bases at the Jade Terrace level, and some even reached the level of godlike power!

They roamed through the vast lands of Zhongzhou, exploring countless secrets.

They had accumulated various ancient artifacts in their hands.

Some of these artifacts contained significant secrets and were extremely valuable, while others were worthless, making it difficult to determine their true worth.

Therefore, these independent cultivators hoped to sell these artifacts in exchange for cultivation resources.

To cater to this demand, the Vientiane Building held a "small auction" for these independent cultivators in a side hall.

And Chu Tian's goal was

precisely this!

Although the treasures being auctioned were extremely valuable, they were beyond his means.

As the eldest son of the Hou Mansion, he didn't have many spirit stones in his possession...

And there were existences like Qi Shu who had an extraordinary vision and could easily discern the value of those artifacts!

Chu Tian resented in his heart: Chu Xu, you would never have imagined that I am a person blessed by heaven.

The day will come when you meet your demise!


Vientiane Building, side hall.

The interior of the Vientiane Building was an independent space, a small world spanning hundreds of thousands of miles.

Wanxiang Tower had spent a substantial amount of money to enlist the help of a powerful celestial expert, who created this space by refining a portion of the sky.

Although it was called a side hall, it was still grand in scale, with a radius of hundreds of miles and a height of tens of thousands of feet!

The side hall was bustling with people.

Many independent cultivators sat on the ground, surrounded by various artifacts.

Children of aristocratic families and other dignitaries also wandered among the stalls, showing great interest in these artifacts.

The true value of these artifacts was unknown—some were expensive but worthless, while others were cheap but extremely rare.

Even the strong independent cultivators couldn't fully understand their worth.

Therefore, the selection of these artifacts was like a gamble.

And that was precisely the thrill sought after by these powerful individuals.

Chu Tian and Su Weiran also entered the side hall. Despite the gap between them, Chu Tian continued to apologize.

Moreover, Su Weiran was a forgiving person, and the two could be considered reconciled as before.

At least on the surface, their reconciliation seemed perfect...