
The Villain's Hero

for personal use

Peto · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


The commotion at the entrance of the Vientiane Building had already caught the attention of many onlookers, and the entrance square was completely cordoned off.

Chu Tian wore an extremely unpleasant expression as he found himself caught in a difficult situation, torn between two choices.

No matter what, this middle-aged man refused to let him enter the Vientiane Building. However, if he were to leave, he couldn't bear the humiliation.

He knew that after today, news of his embarrassment here would spread throughout the entire imperial capital, making him the subject of mockery.

With these thoughts in mind, Chu Tian grew increasingly anxious and infuriated.

Why hadn't Su Weiran made the necessary arrangements?

If they didn't want him to come, why deceive him? Everything was supposed to be arranged, right?

Why was he left here, looking like a fool?

Chu Tian's resentment towards Su Weiran intensified...

At that moment, Gong Yueshuang appeared at the entrance and witnessed the scene.

Seeing Chu Tian's panic, Gong Yueshuang wore a mocking and disdainful smile on her face. However, she quickly put on a surprised expression and whispered, "Master Chu?"

The middle-aged man also recognized Gong Yueshuang and responded with a slight nod, saying, "Gong."

Chu Tian also noticed Gong Yueshuang's presence and, in a state of despair, exclaimed anxiously, "Gong Yueshuang, I don't have an invitation letter. They've blocked me here!"

Gong Yueshuang nodded slightly and then turned to the middle-aged man, saying, "Master Chu is a friend of Wei Ran. Can Master Chu be allowed inside?"

The middle-aged man nodded and replied, "If Master Chu is indeed a close friend of Su, then he may enter."

With that, he bowed to Chu Tian once again, apologizing, "I apologize, young master."

However, Chu Tian glared at him and snorted coldly, "I will remember today's insult and make sure to settle the score!"

Having said that, he walked into the Vientiane Building with his sleeves, emanating an air of heroism and unruliness.

But Chu Tian's self-righteous and exaggerated behavior left the onlookers speechless.

In everyone's eyes, the Vientiane steward was merely following the rules and being extremely polite in his words.

Even when faced with Chu Tian causing trouble, he patiently explained without driving him away.

So why was Chu Tian so angry at the steward?

In the eyes of everyone, his behavior seemed arrogant and domineering.

Moreover, everyone knew that Chu Xu, the eldest son of the Sushenhou Mansion, possessed extraordinary talent and held a far more noble status than Chu Tian. Yet, Chu Xu always maintained politeness and respect.

On the other hand, Chu Tian, who could only enter the Vientiane Tower using someone else's name, acted recklessly.

Such a comparison only served to highlight Chu Xu's excellence and Chu Tian's lack of bearing.

Inside the main hall, Chu Xu was engaged in a conversation with several visiting noble children.

Upon learning that Chu Xu had personally arrived, these noble children came one after another to pay their respects.

Sushenhou Mansion was one of the powerhouses of the Great Zhou Divine Dynasty. While these noble children also came from prominent backgrounds, their family influence paled in comparison to that of Sushenhou Mansion.

They held a deep respect for the mansion.

As representatives of their respective families, it was only natural for them to pay a visit, ensuring they didn't come across as impolite.

Chu Xu wore a smile on his face as he

conversed with everyone, displaying a friendly attitude that neither appeared overly affectionate nor indifferent.

It felt as refreshing as a spring breeze, and it was hard not to feel fond of the son from the prestigious academy of the goddess.

In their hearts, they couldn't help but sigh at how exceptional Chu Xu was—a true dragon and phoenix among men, serving as a role model for the young masters of noble families.

For Chu Xu, as the eldest son of the mansion, in order to establish himself in the Great Zhou Dynasty, his cultivation alone wasn't enough. How he interacted with others was equally crucial.

Especially when dealing with these noble children who were potential competitors for the position of young master or held significant power in their families.

Utilizing these connections could prove greatly beneficial.

Among them was Li Changsheng from the Li Family of the imperial capital.

The Li Family of the imperial capital was a first-class power in the Great Zhou Divine Dynasty. Over the years, they had been striving to climb higher and hoped to establish a relationship with Sushenhou Mansion.

To be more precise, they aimed to establish a connection with Chu Xu and the princess.

Thus, when the Li Family of the imperial capital clashed with Chu Tian before, it was an attempt to earn their favor, though it backfired due to Su Weiran's intervention, leading to some loss of face.

However, Li Changsheng was a person of discerning appearance and extraordinary temperament. He was a renowned young genius within the Great Zhou Dynasty, currently at the seventh level of Nirvana, highly regarded by the Li Family of the imperial capital.

As the young master of the Li Family in the imperial capital, he was held in high esteem by others.

But now, in front of Chu Xu, he wore a flattering expression.

At that moment, Song Zheng entered the main hall and respectfully announced, "Young master, Su Weiran has come to pay a visit."

Upon hearing this, many noble children stood up and left. They were well aware of Su Weiran's identity and knew that he had arrived.

Their visit to Chu Xu had merely been a coincidence...

Li Changsheng also left, feeling somewhat disappointed.

He had hoped to seize this opportunity to connect with Chu Xu, but fate hadn't granted him the chance.

The gap between the Li Family of the imperial capital and Sushenhou Mansion was immense, making it difficult for him to visit Chu Xu in the future...

Just as Li Changsheng was departing, Chu Xu's soft voice suddenly reached his ears from behind, saying, "The imperial capital Li Family did a good job a few days ago. We should connect on WeChat."

Li Changsheng was shocked by those words but soon found himself elated!

He turned around to see Chu Xu sipping tea, appearing incredibly elegant, as if he hadn't said anything.

However, Li Changsheng understood the meaning behind Chu Xu's words.

His heart raced, his face flushed with excitement, and he bowed deeply, saying, "For the sake of the imperial capital Li Family, I am willing to do anything for the young master!"


After Chu Tian and Gong Yueshuang entered the Wanxiang Tower, Chu Tian's emotions remained complicated.

To be honest, despite their acquaintance through Su Weiran, he had never been fond of Gong Yueshuang.