
The Villain's Hero

for personal use

Peto · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


What a shame!

Especially when he heard that Chu Xu had also arrived here, he was still considered a distinguished guest by Wanxiang Tower without an invitation letter.

In contrast, he was like a clown!

Chu Tian clenched his fists, and his expression became distorted. At this moment, anger and resentment filled his chest.

He hates it!

He hates all of this!

He hates Chu Xu and the eldest princess, as he is in this position because of them!

I will kill these two people!

Even in Chu Tian's heart, there was resentment towards Su Weiran.

If it weren't for her failure to arrange things properly, how could he be humiliated here?!

In the hall, Chu Xu suddenly heard the sound of the system's improvement.

"There is a gap between Chu Tian, the Son of Qi Luck, and Su Weiran, which affects the fate of the Son of Qi Luck. Plundering 10 points of Qi Luck and gaining 2000 points for the villain."

Chu Xu's face also showed a satisfied smile.

Su Weiran could be considered as Chu Tian's nobleman. With her support, Chu Tian had the opportunity to rise high.

Now that he succeeded in provoking them, he could say that he had changed Chu Tian's fate to some extent.

So he also snatched a part of Chu Tian's luck...

And Chu Tian's reaction was completely expected.

Although Chu Tian, the Son of Qi Luck, had an extraordinary background, his situation was no different from that of an ordinary servant.

Therefore, Chu Tian developed an extremely sensitive character.

Since childhood, Chu Tian had grown up under ridicule and scornful eyes. Although he seemed unfazed by the ridicule of the outside world, deep down, he was quite radical.

Such a character was easier to manipulate.

If one wanted to break the relationship between Chu Tian and Su Weiran, they had to start with Chu Tian.

Because Su Weiran was sensitive and resourceful.

If Chu Tian broke his trust, Su Weiran would think that Chu Tian was facing difficulties or was delayed by something.

She would not suspect Chu Tian.

However, if Chu Tian thought that Su Weiran had stood him up, then he would become suspicious.

Chu Tian was someone who constantly strived for self-improvement outwardly, but in his heart, he detested deception and betrayal from others the most!

It could be said that even though what Chu Xu did was a small matter, like preventing Chu Tian from entering Wanxiang Tower, it had already created a rift between Chu Tian and Su Weiran.

This method could be considered as a masterstroke!

It could be seen that Chu Xu had an extremely deep understanding of human nature...


Vientiane Tower, in a large hall.

A young girl sat in meditation. She exuded elegance and grace, with a light and spirited demeanor. Her beautiful appearance made people's hearts skip a beat. She possessed refined and elegant temperament.

She was Su Weiran, the granddaughter most beloved by the emperor.

Beside Su Weiran, another young girl sat with a pleasant face. She was also exceptionally beautiful.

However, compared to Su Weiran, she seemed somewhat dim...

This girl was named Gong Yueshuang and came from the palace clan. She had an extraordinary background. The palace clan was also a prominent family in the imperial capital, and their ancestors had reached the Heavenly Palace Realm.

However, in recent years, the palace clan had experienced a decline.

Gong Yueshuang's father, who was the head of the Gong family, had only reached the Shenfu Realm and served as a middle-ranking general in the Great Zhou Dynasty's military.

One could only say that he had barely

entered the ranks of high-ranking officials and was far from the Su family's status.

Nevertheless, Gong Yueshuang and Su Weiran had a close relationship. They were intimate friends and could confide in each other.

Gong Yueshuang's beautiful eyes shimmered suddenly, and she smiled while whispering softly, "Wei Ran, I heard that the Young Master of the Sushen Marquis Mansion came to Vientiane Tower in person. Won't you go and greet him?"

Su Weiran's pretty face displayed a contemplative expression.

To be honest, as a prominent figure in the imperial capital, she naturally knew Chu Xu.

However, due to her relationship with Chu Tian, she had a negative impression of Chu Xu.

She didn't have much favor toward Chu Xu.

But Gong Yueshuang's reminder made her consider personally extending her greetings.

Since childhood, Su Weiran had been guided by the emperor and received an education befitting an aristocratic lady. She understood that her every move outside represented the Su family!

The Su family was a prominent clan in the imperial capital, but compared to the Sushen Marquis Mansion, they lacked a certain background.

Now that the eldest son of the Sushen Marquis Mansion was also present in Wanxiang Tower, it was reasonable for her to pay a visit.

Otherwise, it might be misconstrued by others that the Su family disregarded the Sushen Marquis Mansion, which would lead to strained relations between the two powerful factions!

Su Weiran couldn't afford such consequences...

With these thoughts in mind, Su Weiran sighed softly and said, "Well, I will pay a visit to this Marquis Young Master. But Brother Tian hasn't arrived yet; I wonder if something has delayed him."

Gong Yueshuang smiled and said, "Wei Ran, go ahead. As for Master Chu, I'll go and see what's going on."

Su Weiran nodded slightly, then stood up gracefully and made her way towards Chu Xu's hall.

Watching Su Weiran's retreating figure, the smile on Gong Yueshuang's face gradually faded, and a peculiar gleam appeared in her eyes.

She also got up and left the main hall, heading straight for the entrance of Vientiane Tower...