
The Villain's Hero

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Peto · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


And Mr. Xu Da is also one of the high-ranking members of Guanghan Building. Knowing that the owner of Guanghan Building is Chu Xu, he naturally came to please the lord...

When Chu Xu learned that Su Weiran and Chu Tian had agreed to be in this Vientiane Building, he also felt that it was such a coincidence!

Chu Xu smiled and shook his head, as Vientiane Tower is his property.

Now his many plans are much easier to implement...

Chu Xu summoned Mr. Xu Da and whispered something.

And Mr. Xu Da couldn't help but nod and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, my subordinates will surely handle these trivial matters!"

Chu Xu nodded slightly, turned to Song Zheng, and asked, "Is Su Weiran already here?"

Song Zheng nodded and said, "Yes, Su Weiran has already arrived, but she is rather low-key and has not revealed her identity."

"Has Gong Yueshuang made the arrangements?"

Song Zheng showed a strange smile on his face and whispered in a low voice, "Don't worry, Master, she has already agreed."


In front of Wanxiang Tower, everyone was also talking about Chu Xu's recent arrival. After all, Chu Xu is a true noble person, and he will definitely reach the level of a virtual god in the future.

They were fortunate enough to witness his arrival!

At this time, a young man also walked up to the front of Vientiane Building.

His clothes were not extravagant, but his face was determined and stern, emitting a breathtaking aura. It was Chutian!

Chu Tian looked at the majestic Vientiane Tower in front of him with excitement in his heart.

Soon, he would be able to see the person he has been dreaming about again!

At that moment, everyone saw Chu Tian and couldn't help but ask, "What is that person going to do?"

"Is he going to Vientiane Tower?"

"Look at his shabby appearance."

Indeed, Chu Tian's appearance was quite modest.

While the rest of the wealthy and powerful arrived in grand style, riding their treasures with great pomp, Chu Tian came alone without any attendants.

In front of Vientiane Tower, the middle-aged man naturally noticed Chu Tian.

He observed Chu Tian's appearance, and a flicker of unfamiliarity passed through his eyes, but he maintained a calm demeanor, smiled, and said, "Young man, do you have an invitation letter from Wanxiang Tower?"

Chu Tian smiled and replied, "No, but my friend has already informed the management."

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "The rule at Vientiane Building is that entry is only allowed with an invitation letter. I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave."

The smile faded from Chu Tian's face, and he spoke solemnly, "My friend is Su Weiran from the Su family. She has already made arrangements with your establishment!"

The middle-aged man put on a thoughtful expression, then smiled and said, "Indeed, the Su family is associated with Vientiane Building, but... they have not made any arrangements with us.

I must have a poor memory, young sir."

Although the middle-aged man's tone remained gentle and polite, a hint of sarcasm could be detected.

Chu Tian was taken aback, his face immediately flushed, and disbelief filled his heart.

Did Su Weiran really not make any arrangements?

How could that be!?

Did she lie to me?

Or did she forget?

Chu Tian had experienced a difficult life since childhood. Although he had a strong will, he was also highly sensitive.

He had thought that he shared a close relationship with Su Weiran, that

he held a significant place in her heart, and that he was an important person to her.

But now, Su Weiran hadn't made any arrangements with Vientiane Building?

Whether she had lied or forgotten...

It indicated that she didn't hold him in the high regard he had imagined!

This realization was a blow to Chu Tian, a reality he couldn't accept!

Witnessing this scene, the onlookers laughed and jeered, mocking him without restraint:

"Hahaha, he thinks he can enter Vientiane Building without an invitation letter!? Who does he think he is, Master Chu Xiaohou?"

"He should return to Su Family University. Who would recognize him as Su Weiran's acquaintance?"

"Could his cultivation have affected his intelligence? Something seems wrong with his mind..."


Hearing the ridicule and mockery around him, Chu Tian's face reddened, and he felt a mix of shame and anger.

Suppressing his anger, he spoke in a deep voice, "I am the eldest son of Sushenhou Mansion, Chu Tian! Can't I enter Vientiane Building with my status?!"

In reality, Chu Tian didn't want to reveal his identity, considering his current situation in Sushenhou Palace was embarrassing.

However, leaving like this would leave him unsatisfied!

He wanted to know whether Su Weiran had made arrangements with Vientiane Tower and what position he held in her heart!

But the middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Sushen Hou Mansion is a pillar of our Great Zhou Divine Empire. The young master has just visited personally. Wanxiang Building naturally extends a warm welcome. It is an honor for our establishment!

But, young sir... hehe, I'm afraid an invitation letter is still required."

Upon hearing this, the surrounding people laughed even louder. "Who is he? Turns out, he is a worthless person! He truly brings shame to Sushen Hou Mansion!"

"He really thinks he is the son of Shenhou Mansion? That's impossible."

"The young master of Shenhou Mansion is exceptionally talented and elegant. Having such a concubine is truly beneath his status!"

Chu Tian's status as a person with abandoned potential veins had already become known throughout the imperial capital, making him a target of mockery.

Everyone knew that Sushen Hou Mansion had completely abandoned Chu Tian, which led to unscrupulous ridicule.

Chu Tian trembled all over. He had revealed his identity, yet he was still rejected.