
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 2: Exam (1)

Kayra saw that the person who attacked her was Emre Can, the most handsome boy in the class. Emre Can was a basketball player who was almost six feet tall and had big hands. Unlike other boys, instead of attacking girls, he attacked someone in his own mold.

His courage could have been appreciated at another time.

But it wasn't the time. He threw the chair he was holding hard at Kayra.

The target was the head. Although it was not strong enough to instantly smash the skull, it was enough to knock it unconscious.

Which was synonymous with death.

Kayra sighed and threw the thick book of Crime and Punishment on her bench into Emre's eyes.

"Fuck it!"

When Emre Can ate the thick book in his face, he staggered a step back and had to stop his attack.

"I'm going to kill you."

After rubbing his eyes, he opened it. The blow he received was very harsh, and the hard zone of the book had arrived. He wouldn't be able to keep his eyes open if he didn't push himself.

The timing and accuracy were flawless. Although Emre Can was not aware of it, the book that caught his eye was thrown from a random position. This meant that he lost his strength and speed.


When Emre Can tried to attack again, he reflexively grabbed his stomach and bent his body when he suddenly kicked his solar plexus.

That was the biggest mistake he made.

Kayra grabbed him by the hair and lifted him up, exposing his unprotected neck.

Emre Can felt his stomach burning and his heart beating in his throat. When he came eye to eye with Kayra, a great uneasiness engulfed him.

His lips were dry.

"I want to live... please..."

When Kayra saw the helplessness in his eyes, she hesitated for a moment.


Emre Can's eyes widened. When the ligament of his knees was resolved, he fell on his knees.


When he fell to the ground so as not to get up again, no one looked back at him.

A hard elbow to his throat was enough to guarantee his death.

[You have completed the task minimally!]

[Get to the gym, the next mission area, as soon as possible.]

"Mission zone?"

When Kayra saw this window, she was sure that what she had experienced was not a dream.

And he was pleased that he did not react childishly.

The events were strange and unfathomable. Although he was naturally inclined to make logical decisions, when Emre Can attacked him, he made decisions with his emotions and finished him off.

Giving life to a life created a fear, but that fear came and went.

He turned his head and looked at his frontier mates.

Apart from the lifeless bodies lying on the ground, 38 people were trying to kill each other.

"These people could be my enemies in the future. If it's not what I thought it was, it's in my interest to eliminate them."

This was his 2nd year at school. For two years, these people nicknamed him and ostracized him. This caused him to become depressed for a while and revealed the problem of insecurity in his self.

Now there was an opportunity to take revenge on all of them.

He looked at John. The boy in the class to the person who is loved by everyone without the girl noticing. He was bullying, foul-mouthed, unsuccessful, rude, and stupid. Whatever the wisdom, everyone was eager to talk to him.

He was currently banging the head of one of his closest friends on the ground. He seemed desperate, he seemed to have lost his mind.

Kayra sighed and headed for the door. No one cared about him or bothered to glance. They were in a hurry to kill each other.

However, no punishment was imposed. The result was not conclusive. What started was the history teacher's murder of Aise Nur.

He lowered the handle of the door.

[You're leaving the Practice Zone.]

[An unidentified constellation was pleased with your performance.]

[10 Karma Point granted!]

[An unidentified constellation says it expects good things from you.]

The concepts she came across made Kayra think about her situation from a different point of view.

Concepts like karma and constellation meant he was in something live-streaming. But who would want to watch a broadcast where people kill each other?


Or demons?

He realized that if he took the time to make absurd assumptions, he wouldn't be able to get out of it. He stopped thinking and focused on his current situation.

He was in the hallway. All classrooms A-D were located in this corridor. Kayra came to the door of class A and looked out the window. But on the other side of the window was an ash-gray wall.

He tried to open the door, but he didn't move an inch, just like in his classroom.

He hit and kicked, but it was in vain.

They weren't even shaken.

As such, he had no choice but to go to the next examination site.

After taking a broom handle from the toilet, he stepped down with quick steps. The strange thing was that he hadn't met anyone until he got to the gym.

After he arrived at the gym, a window opened in front of him.

[Welcome to the next test site!]

[You will be rewarded for successfully passing the first exam!]

[10 Karma Points earned!]


[The second exam has not yet been started because there are not enough participants.]

[Please wait in the test area!]


Kayra frowned when he saw the window opened in front of him. As he thought, it was more than just a hallucination. It was either a game of civilization far above humans, or it was in a very strange dream.

"There's no point in thinking. I need to guarantee myself both ways. That's why I'm going to survive."

He raised his head and looked around. He saw a few more people coming out of school. It was a few girls who came with tears. If he doesn't remember correctly, they were from the last year. He knew the two girls were from the volleyball team. They were extremely talented.

Kayra turned her head without taking another look and entered the gym.


[The second exam has not yet been started because there are not enough participants.]

[Please wait in the test area!]


He looked around, ignoring the windows that opened in front of him. Twenty-four people, boys and girls, gathered in the hall for the first year and the last year. They kept as far away from each other as possible.

Seeing that almost all of them were Eucharist, Kayra felt nauseous.

"They dare to cry shamelessly even though they have brutally killed someone else to survive. I'm sick to my stomach."

Although there were many people in his school, it was built in a very narrow area. As a matter of fact, he crossed paths with people of all classes and reluctantly chatted.

This meant that there were a lot of people who excluded him.

"For some reason it left a bad taste in my mouth."

When he took a few steps, the gaze turned to him. They didn't care much that one more killer had joined them. After seconds of examination, they returned in front of them.

Kayra didn't care about them either. He chose a secluded corner away from the others and sat down to gather his energy. The population of the school was one thousand five hundred. This meant that seven hundred and fifty people had to die.

If there was someone else in his place, he might have gone crazy out of anxiety, but Kayra had no reason to be upset. In other classes, he had neither a friend nor an acquaintance. Of course, not everyone excluded him or left him alone. There were people with whom he felt good things.

But why would he care about them in such a dangerous situation? In the end, this was just a good intention and would not bring Kayra any profit.


Accompanied by the sound coming from the ventilation pipe, the sounds of crying multiplied. People slowly began to fill the gym. In about half an hour, hundreds of people crowded into the huge gym. There were so many people that there was no place to step.

"You bastard! Where's Leila?!"

A high-pitched children's voice echoed in the gym.

"Wasn't Ali in your class?"

"Did you see my sister?"

"Wait, why isn't Amine here?"

"Aren't you his friends? How could you do that!"

Voices began to rise and curses began to be heard from all quarters. As Kayra expected, the 'friends' began to call each other and ask for accountability.

Even if they only killed one person, that person's value could be invaluable to someone else. Although it is certain that these relations will not last long, what people need most now is a comrade. They needed a man to comfort him and carry his burden.

The guilt of having killed someone was disgusting. No one wanted to see themselves as murderers. Even though they were telling themselves this, it wouldn't be as effective as others saying it.

Kayra raised her head and looked at the ventilation. The gymnasium was carefully built by the municipality and hosted many official matches. So it was big and equipped. It had extra features such as ventilation, floor heating.



[Maximum number of users reached!]

[The second exam begins...]

[Loot or Be a Comrade]