
The Villain's Captive

What happens when you have to live with your mafioso ex-lover because your husband used you as collateral to pay his debts? The past that she's been trying to erase is coming back suddenly. Ayuma was in a dilemma; she missed her former lover Rollan, but she also couldn't betray her husband Bastian because faithfulness in marriage was everything to her. "I've already let you go, Ayu. But this time, I'll never let you go again." I tried to close my eyes and block out the image of his nudity in my mind. I tried to block out everything about him from inside me, but our togetherness rekindled the sparks of longing. He was the villain in our story, and it was insane that I was willing to kneel in his presence. Rollan had always known how to control me. Being with him for the first time, I was willing to break all of the rules, even though bad things might happen to me soon. It's time for the story to change. This time, the villain would win the story, and the hero would die without being able to fight back at all. It's about time this story became more interesting, isn't it?

Kala_Spica · Urban
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10 Chs

5. The storm is coming

Rollan Pov's

To hell with all the ghosts and demons that haunted this house! I walked to my room, still naked, not caring that some of the staff were looking at me curiously.

It was all because of Ayuma. That woman made me feel crazy for wanting her so badly. I wanted to sink my teeth into her breasts, lick her neck, and enter her body, but again, we had barriers, both then and now.

If it was religion that was the barrier for her, then now it was her husband who was the barrier. I'm unlucky!


My frustration seems to have peaked. The tequila didn't help at all; the tequila bottle fell onto the wooden floor of my villa, made of the finest ironwood from the Borneo jungle. Well, I've always had the best things, and the only thing I can't have is Ayuma Ralline Wijaya, my girlfriend, who is now probably longing for the arms of her new husband.

The door to my study was knocked on.

"Who?" I asked in a hoarse voice.

"Its me, sir, Ridwan."

"Come in," I ordered, and I sat on the chair.

Ridwan entered, his eyes immediately seeing the broken tequila bottle on the floor; the bottle had made the ironwood floor a little damaged. Seeing that, my confidant just let out a long sigh.

"It's been a while since I've seen you this emotional, sir," he said faintly.

"What news have you brought?"

"We'll talk later, but first I think we should call the working staff to clean up the tequila spill and broken bottles.

"Cleaning up is not an urgent matter, Ridwan; they can do it later. So, what news do you have today?"

"Well, I have some good and bad news at the same time.

"The bad news."

"Your stepbrother, Anthoni Gavriel Chislenko Shah, is coming from Russia to Indonesia; tomorrow night his entourage will arrive in Jakarta."

"What the fuck?"

"Yes, sir, it seems your father, Lukman Shah, still doesn't trust you to be the leader of this place."

"That's why he needs his son? His illegitimate son?"


"Looks like I have to kill old Lukman first before taking care of other matters," I hissed in annoyance.

Ridwan just smiled at my swearing. "According to our informant, Mr. Lukman wants to expand his territory in Southeast Asia. One of the triggers is that our gambling houses in Genting Malaysia and Singapore, according to him, are experiencing some problems. Not to mention that the fictitious company we created on the border of Thailand and Cambodia has been raided several times by the police and the Indonesian Consulate General."

"I know," I said with an annoyed wave of my hand. It's all because the fools who are my men can't supervise the employees properly; hence, some of the employees who ran away also reported to the Consulate General, which made this problem go viral and grow like a snowball.

Are you able to sever our relationship with that company? I don't want the government to track us down."

"You can rest easy, sir; we have paid the ministry a considerable amount of money as well as a legally valid agreement. Our men are also constantly following those officials; if they dare to open their mouths, their lives will be taken."

"Good, now the good news."

"Our profit from the marijuana plants in Thailand is over a million dollars, and Mr. Lukman's people still haven't been able to trace the source of your other money. Your wealth is still greater than the inheritance you will receive from Mr. Lukman."

"I know, but I'm not willing to let him take my share," I said angrily. "Well, did you get what I was looking for?"

"Which one, sir? About your father or Ayuma's husband?"

"Both Ridwan. Proof of my father's crimes as well as Bastian's rottenness."

"There, sir," he said, handing over the thick envelope he had been carrying. "As ordered, I used writing that would not be read by the general public."

I opened the envelope, and true to Ridwan's words, the writing in the file he gave me did not use any language; I deliberately used the ancient script in this country. The ancient Malay script is the script created by my ancestors in the land of Sumatra since the Srivijaya kingdom, and I studied it for fifteen years with Ridwan. It was in this ancient way that I communicated with him so that if anyone stole work files from me, they would be confused.

People call me paranoid, but who cares if you live with a demon that is ready to stab you at any time?

"This person, is he willing to testify?"

"Yes, sir. You can rest assured; he's bound for us. And he knows very well what his fate is; traitors in this country will die a miserable death, so he is willing to do anything as long as he and his family are safe."

"The new law is working," I said with a sly smile because the originator of the law was me. I managed to infiltrate my people in the House of Representatives; those corrupt Senate members became my accomplices in enacting a law that would benefit all my businesses, of course.

"And that man?" I continued.

Ridwan smiled, and the man who was ten years older than me opened another file he was carrying.

I reached over and read it carefully, and it seemed Ridwan could see the hue of excitement that appeared on my face.

"Isn't it fun?"

I chuckled. "You're right, but it's not time for this ace up our sleeve."

"Then what's our next move?"

"We have to go to Jakarta; I want to meet old Lukman first. We have to meet him before he meets his illegitimate son."

"Alright, the plane will be ready in an hour," Ridwan said. "But before that, you have to get dressed first, and..."


"And do not try to touch Ayuma, sir. And this is an order from me."

I bit my lip; Ridwan's order was something I could not do. I wanted it so badly.

"You must remember, sir, that your goal is not just to have your former lover back." Ayuma will be yours, but not by force. Let her come to you herself."

"You can rest assured; I will not touch a woman who has another man in her mind."

"That man is you, sir," Ridwan said with a smile. "But it is her bond made with another man in the name of God that is the barrier between the two of you."

I frowned at his words.

"I'm sorry, sir, but don't let your feelings for Miss Ayuma ruin everything. You've been preparing for this for a long time."

I let out a long sigh and was forced to agree to his words. My business with Ayu could be put on hold; I had to focus on more pressing matters now.

Papa, Anthony, and Bastian, your turns will soon come one by one.