
Part 5

Part 5- Kaitzen manor

I felt exhausted. I've slept a wink while riding to the capital earlier, however, how could that be enough?

If I only knew the exact date of the prologue, I would've indulged in sleep for the past few days. Sadly, the author didn't write the exact date of the prologue.

I could feel my eyes giving up. It's hard to fight back, so I decided to give in a little.

'.. yeah, just a little while.'




".. oi!"

I was slightly woken by the call addressed to me.

Slowly, I opened my eyes, and light immediately entered my vision.

"Can you wake up now? We're almost there."

Even without those words, I'd definitely wake up. I can no longer sleep with this sunlight burning my face!

As soon as I got my senses back, I realized that I was leaning on someone's shoulder. I immediately retracted my head.

Just when I was about to convey my thanks, the man complained.

"Goodness, you made my shoulder ache."


Hehe.. I'm sorry for burdening you literally.

"Thank you for lending me your shoulder. I was a bit careless."

I turned my head toward the man and looked him in the eyes.

Dirty blond hair, a pair of pale blue eyes.. he would've passed off as a novel character. Sadly, I don't seem to remember reading this description in the novel.

'An extra with a main character-tier appearance.. wow.'

The man nodded, accepting my thanks. As he turned his head away, conveying his intent not to speak any further, I quietly turned away.

Fortunately, the trip to the Kaitzen mansion wasn't long and rough. We're able to reach the destination in roughly half an hour.

The carriage was put to halt, signaling our arrival at the destination.

That day has finally come.


The Kaitzen mansion, just like its description in the novel, is grand in size and appearance. The Kaitzens seem to be an extremely wealthy family.

Upon our arrival, several servants welcomed the arrival of Caleon who's become an important personnel of the Kaitzen family.

"Where's the master right now?"

"The young master is still asleep, milord." The servant who had been asked immediately responded to Caleon's question.

I see he's a well-respected person here. It's only natural, given that he has the master's trust most.

"Put these humans in their assigned quarters."

"Understood, milord."

Caleon quickly left and headed to a place, probably to Lyle's room.

The servant who had been tasked to bring us to our places looked at us with sharp eyes. Red blood eyes then narrowed when she met my reluctant gaze.


I didn't notice that everyone else here except us, the newly arrived people, are blood-sucking creatures.

Ah, yes, of course, the servants of the Kaitzen household should also know how to defend their master's territory. Given that Kaitzen House is one of the strongest households in the empire, many would attempt to eliminate the master of the house.

"Follow me."

The servant led us to the second floor of the big mansion.

Everything in the mansion has a touch of mysteriousness and elegance. For the past 16 years, I've never seen such a grandiose display.

Medieval armors, different types of gun, and several paintings occupied the wallpapered wall.

My eyes looked left and right, feasting on such elegance I've never seen before.

Oops, I shouldn't be feasting on such scenery. My life is still in danger, so I must think of an effective plan, perhaps an approach to get on the villain's good side.

Suddenly, the maid stopped. She then glanced over her shoulder.

"Clean yourselves thoroughly. Make sure you're presentable to master. Leave no filth, understand?"

Upon her words, my throat suddenly felt dry. Nonetheless, I responded with an understanding nod.

"Get yourselves ready within fifteen minutes. Your clothes shall be on the bed."

We nodded once again.

After that, I entered my designated room, then heard the door lock.

'They're really cautious.'

I sighed, exhaling the air I held while I was in the presence of the maid.

Fifteen minutes, I only have fifteen minutes to clean myself.

I quickly took off the bandage around my chest. My breasts felt numb from being bound for so long. It's not exceptionally big, but it's size is still difficult to conceal with a bind.

My breasts are still growing, and this bandage might stop them growing. Sigh..