
Part 2

Part 2- Trip to the capital

Mother was so reluctant to part with me, however, she knows not to make any notions as the people outside can kill us for that reason.

I couldn't properly pack my things and just threw them into the rucksack. I just bring necessary things such as extra bandages, a couple of clothes, and some snacks in case they decide to starve me.

"I'm sorry for the- cough, cough- the wait, mister."

I deliberately made my voice like a male's, not to mention that I coughed in between.

Did I do it right..?

The men looked at me with narrowed eyes. For a moment, I was struck with fear.

'Did they find out? Did they learn that I'm only faking it?'

My mind was bombarded with nervous questions that sprouted from my fear.

"You look one or two coughs away from dying."

The black-haired man then turned away after he insulted me. At least my acting is just fine that I even made them think I'm dying.

Along with other tributes, we were put in a cage. Word that we're going to be assessed first before we're sorted to different noble houses.

My memories of the novel are quite hazy. I only remember the most important events. I don't remember every detail.

It's only natural since I've been in this world for 16 years. I can't possibly remember the whole book that I had read 16 years ago.

The cage I was put into is a cage for young males. It's so uncomfortable, but I have to endure it for the rest of the trip to the capital.

Thank God my period is done. I'd feel more discomfort if I had one today.

"Papa… sniff, sniff.. papa…"

"Cough… cough, cough!"

Oh, in addition to my personal discomfort, I'm also blocking my ears from uncomfortable noises.

There are some coughing as if they're only one cough away from dying, some are vomiting their guts out, probably from being in motion. Honestly, it disgusted me a little bit.

Endure it, endure it, Lucia!

"Hey runt, will you stop crying?!"

It was then someone scolded the child for crying nonstop. From the start of our trip, the child was crying. I pity him. He's still a child, yet he has to part from his family.

Childhood is supposed to be the happiest part of our lives, yet this kid among many more kids are being deprived of that happiness.

'Damn you, author!' I cursed the author in my mind for creating such a scenario.

The kid, however, couldn't stop his tears. I decided to step up, fearing that it'd cause more problems.

"I'll handle this matter, mister." I smiled at the man who had scolded the kid.

The old man gave me a click of tongue and turned away.

I approached the kid, bringing him to my side.

He felt so thin and little, as if he's made of fragile glass.

Seriously, those people in the government need a good beating! If they want people, they should just hire us appropriate people instead of these kids!

"Shh, don't cry now. We'll get to the capital soon."

I patted his back soothingly, as if to calm him down.

I felt him nod. Upon it, I smiled in relief.

'Good thing. We should get there in the next hour.'

I hugged the little child, burying him on my warm body.

The fall breeze felt painfully cold on my skin. It feels as if needles are piercing into my skin.

Just when I was about to change my position, something fell on my shoulder.

When I noticed it, I saw a head leaning on my shoulder. Ah, can't move now..

I stayed frozen until we reached the capital where something big awaits us.