
Chapter sixty-four

Meng ran casually. As a Rank 6 martial Cultivator running 50 laps even in this huge library was easy. Within no time she was finished.

As soon as Meng completed the laps, on reflex, she went for the nearest couch. Unfortunately, to her disappointment, her training for the day was far over.

"Not so fast! This old man isn't done yet!" Rong You disappeared off the chair he was sitting at and appeared in front of Meng in seconds. Warning bells went off in Meng's heart as soon as she felt his presence closing in. Though she wasn't a good fighter, her survival instincts were something not to be reckoned with.

Rong You received a shock to the heart when Meng found time to even attempt to dodge a Cultivator as strong as himself at her level. Her eyes even seemed to follow his movements! Yet, a cultivation gap was still clearly present. Though Meng's mind moved quick enough to follow along, her body was another story.

The quick reflex actions turned as slow as a snail in Rong You's eyes as he gently touched Meng's forehead. When the finger came into contact with Meng, she felt all of the energy nodes in her body light up like candles only to be put out. As soon as the candles were out Meng's body collapsed like a rag doll. Even one step would be impossible in this state.

Rong You used his aura to pull the chair Meng was running for beneath her before she fully fell. Thus she limply sat in the chair as of dead, but her eye had hit new levels of cold.

"R-rong Yu?" Meng mumbled out nearly incoherently due to lack of energy.

Rong You, who had at this point picked up Meng's arm to check her vitals, responded half heartedly. "Hmm?"

"How do you wish to die?" For this statement Meng voice was extremely clear officially gaining Rong You's attention. He looked up to see Meng's eyes that were nearly covered by her eye lids from drowsiness. Only to hair standing up on the back of his neck made him aware that she was looking at him.

"What exactly are you thinking about." Rong You lightly knocked her head, which 'coincidently' turned it away so she could no longer look at him.

"As this old man said before your body itself is important to grow in power, however your cultivation energy makes it easy to ignore. Relying on cultivation energy always needs to have boundaries. It can make up for food, water, and air but physical workout is different. Therefore, I've drained you to find out exactly how dire your situation is." After Rong You finished he shook his head and a line of worry appeared between his eyebrows.

"However, your situation is worse than this old man thought. I'm guessing you gained cultivation early in life, which is why your body is showing that you haven't moved in years. It seems my training plans need a lot of editing. I won't give you your cultivation energy back for now as you get used to your actual body. Thankfully, I have a plan for you that doesn't require too much movement." With that Rong You turned and swiped his hand lightly. This swipe caused Meng's chair to slide along the ground slowly after him.

The walk was peaceful as the long tales of threats on the tip of Meng's tongue were unable to be told due to lack of energy.