
The Vilain Wife of PDG

We all know her stories where the evil sister steals her poor sister's husband then humiliates her sister. Do you hate the villain too? You know, I'm the bad guy in this kind of story and I don't care if people like me or not. ----- - I told you that I was going to make you regret ever setting foot in my family -That's why you drugged me -Haha yes, she giggled, good luck for the rest I'll leave you His gaze darkens as his breathing becomes heavier. -You're not going anywhere, he said as he approached, if I suffer then I'll make you suffer -What do I have in exchange?, she whispered, biting her lips impatiently.

Lilitee · Urban
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26 Chs

Why are you playing the victim?

The corridor leading to the principal's office was eerily silent, a stark contrast to the tumult of the canteen a few hours earlier.

-No, but it's a joke! Rhea suddenly exclaimed, breaking the silence in the corridor.

-She looks for trouble and then her friends will call the director tsss, Nyx adds, rolling her eyes

-It makes things more fun, don't you think? I asked them, laughing.

-If you say so, said Nyx

-How is that more fun? asked Rhea perplexed

-Because we will make everyone who helps him pay, I answered him

-Oh yeah even the director?, murmured Rhea interested

-Of course, I replied

-I can't wait to see what you come up with!, said Rhea excitedly

I glanced at the portraits of the former headmasters hanging on the walls, stern faces that seemed to judge everyone who passed.

-They still haven't changed the decor here, said Nyx in a disgusted tone.

-And I don't think he'll change it, added Rhea

Why hang pictures of dead people?, I thought dubiously, they should hang my portrait instead if they really want to scare someone

-Girls, see you soon, I said to them

Arriving in front of the solid oak door, an authoritative voice invited me to enter. I pushed the door open and discovered the director, Ms. Chantirah, sitting behind her huge mahogany desk. His piercing gaze scrutinized me with an almost disconcerting intensity. Across the room, the girl I had thrown water on sat, her face still scarred from the humiliation of the incident.

-I heard people say that you were looking for me?, I asked him, closing the door behind me.

I sauntered over and sat down without prompting, displaying a cocky smile. Mrs. Chantirah folded her hands in front of her, the knuckles white from the pressure.

-Miss Neeri, she began in a calm but firm voice, can you explain to me what happened today in the canteen?

I shrugged casually.

-Hasn't she already told you her side of the story?, I retorted, looking at her askance

His gaze darkened.

-You know very well that it was not a simple accident, she replied. This type of behavior is unacceptable in our institution. I therefore ask you to present a public apology in front of the entire university. You have two days to prepare.

-Okay so if I understand correctly because you already have a bias towards the question and you don't like me. You decided to impose this on me?

-For once you listen to what we are telling you, said the director, simulating a delighted voice.

-It's normal, I replied in a soft voice, I only listen when it's interesting

A smirk tugged at my lips. I loved playing with boundaries, and this situation was a perfect opportunity.

-Are you sure what you are asking me, Madam Director?, I replied with a touch of challenge.

She stared at me with renewed intensity, but I didn't look down. I could almost feel the tension in the air.

-Quite sure Miss Neeri, the director replied dryly, and besides I will summon your parents for your attitude which shows a total lack of respect

Keep it up, I thought amusedly, your sentence will only be heavier

I stood up, ready to leave, but I couldn't help but throw one last jab.

-Very good, I replied with a hint of mischief in my voice, I hope you like the show

I turned on my heel, my smirk still on my lips. As I walked past the girl, she avoided my gaze, a look of worry in her eyes.

-He who plays with fire gets burned, I whispered to him

-Miss Neeri then whisper low masses, said the director sternly, you had better get out of this office quickly

-That's what I'm already planning to do, I replied, rolling my eyes.

I left the office, my mind already racing, planning how I would turn this situation to my advantage. The director was going to regret having forced me to make a public apology to her.

We're going to remove them one by one, until he understands.

The devil never apologizes.

The devil cannot be dethroned.