
The Vilain Wife of PDG

We all know her stories where the evil sister steals her poor sister's husband then humiliates her sister. Do you hate the villain too? You know, I'm the bad guy in this kind of story and I don't care if people like me or not. ----- - I told you that I was going to make you regret ever setting foot in my family -That's why you drugged me -Haha yes, she giggled, good luck for the rest I'll leave you His gaze darkens as his breathing becomes heavier. -You're not going anywhere, he said as he approached, if I suffer then I'll make you suffer -What do I have in exchange?, she whispered, biting her lips impatiently.

Lilitee · Urban
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26 Chs

What the hell is going on here?!

I get up as usual to the sound of birdsong...but rather to the rooster's cries and in fact it's my neighbor's.

With a soft smile on my lips, I get up from my bed to open my window and observe with a malevolent eye the rooster who continues to crow.

-So you're not going to last long, I whispered with a smile at the corner of my lips

I put on my slippers and walk out of my room quickly. I go down the stairs.

-Where are you going, my little carrot?, asked my surprised mother

I roll my eyes at the nickname my mother gives me. She could have found better, frankly.

Let's get this out of the way, I mentally sighed.

-Mom last time you told me that you liked chicken soup, I asked her

My mother looks at me suspiciously.


-Perfect!, I replied, heading towards the door.

-Neeri, you're not coming out of here until you tell me what's on your mind!, my mother suddenly exclaims with furrowed brows.

-Trust me, I replied in the softest voice I could muster.

I leave our magnificent house to head towards the neighbor's. My neighbor had a fence as a barrier. But how can I explain to him that this won't stop anyone from entering?

I climb the fence to find myself on the neighbor's territory. I head towards his henhouse where I find myself face to face with the rooster.

-So we're less smart

I jump on the cock and take it by the throat. He tries to escape but my firm grip prevents him.

-Don't worry, I'll tell my mother to kill you quickly, I said with a toothy smile, that way you won't suffer.

I climb the fence to land on my land. I enter my house and head towards the kitchen.


My parents hurry to the kitchen worried.

-Don't tell me it's the neighbor's chicken…, sighs my father

-Dad, I'll let you slaughter the chicken, I said to him, flashing my sweetest smile.

-Put down that chicken, my mother told me

-On one condition, I said

-No, we won't say the name of your sister's fiancé!, my father told me categorically

-Too bad then, I replied to him

I take a huge kitchen knife and cut the head off the chicken.


-MY CHICKEN!, the neighbor yells from his house

-Father and mother, I'll let you manage all that since I have school, I told them as I went to wash my hands at the sink

-What are we going to tell the neighbors, it's the twentieth time, sighs my mother looking at my father

-We will say that the dog ate it, my father said to him in a tired tone.

-Besides, where has my dear sister gone?, I asked them suddenly

-Your sister won't be home for a while, my mother admitted to me.

So no chance of extorting the name of her future husband from my dear sister, I thought.

I go back to take a shower then get dressed for school.

A few hours later -

At school I am the devil incarnate and everyone knows that there are rules to respect when I am around.

As I walk down the halls watching students avoid my gaze. I suddenly hear someone call out to me.

-Neeri, call me a teacher in the hallway

-It's Miss Neeri, I retorted coldly, turning around.

-Miss Neeri, my teacher gets annoyed, can I know why you never come to my classes?

-My good grades aren't enough for you?, I replied, I don't want to play dinner in your classes

I feel the students in the corridors staring at the scene in amazement.

-Mademoiselle!, the teacher takes offense

-If you have anything to reproach me for, call my parents, I added, they were the ones who raised me

I resume my walk towards the canteen.

-More time wasted not saying anything interesting, I thought bored

Arriving near the canteen doors, I am quickly joined by Rhea and Nyx.

-Girls code black, I tell them

-What's going on? Rhea asked me

-Let's go eat first, Nyx suggested.

-Good idea, I replied

-Hey neeri is here, someone whispers

-Quickly lower your head, idiot, another quickly whispers

I look at the queue and when I move forward the queue splits in two to let us pass.

As usual, the canteen had left us dishes. We take our trays before heading to our table which is reserved only for us.

As we walk towards the table, I notice a posed figure.

-Get out of there!, exclaims Nyx furiously

I hear gasps of fear and loud whispers everywhere. These people at school are always so nosy.

I turn my attention to the guy and watch as he raises his hands in the air in a peace sign before turning around.

He's missing more than that, my sworn enemy, I thought ironically

-What are you doing here?!, I said to him, making a disgusted face

-You didn't understand when we told you to get out of our place, adds Rhea, a look just as disgusted as mine

-We need to talk, he said simply.

-And of what?, I asked him, staring at him.

-The fact that your sister is going to marry my brother