
The Vilain Wife of PDG

We all know her stories where the evil sister steals her poor sister's husband then humiliates her sister. Do you hate the villain too? You know, I'm the bad guy in this kind of story and I don't care if people like me or not. ----- - I told you that I was going to make you regret ever setting foot in my family -That's why you drugged me -Haha yes, she giggled, good luck for the rest I'll leave you His gaze darkens as his breathing becomes heavier. -You're not going anywhere, he said as he approached, if I suffer then I'll make you suffer -What do I have in exchange?, she whispered, biting her lips impatiently.

Lilitee · Urban
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26 Chs

Now everyone will think we're together...

We arrive in front of the school, the parking lot already bustling with students getting ready for the day. Lorenzo stops the car and gets out before coming to open the door for me. I walk out slowly, staring at him coldly as he smiles at me, displaying his usual provocative look.

The murmurs immediately begin around us. The students, surprised to see us together, were quick to whisper among themselves. It's common knowledge that Lorenzo and I are enemies, and this new dynamic is sure to attract attention.

-What do they make together? 

-Do you think they made peace?

-Impossible, they have always hated each other.

The voices intermingle as we walk side by side, creating a strange contrast. Lorenzo, always smiling, seems to revel in the attention. I keep a cold expression, trying not to pay attention to the curious looks.

"Stop smiling like that," I whispered through my teeth. You're making things even more complicated.

Lorenzo laughed softly, not seeming at all perturbed by my remark.

-That's exactly what makes the situation interesting, he replies, his tone light.

We continue walking, attracting more and more looks. I feel the tension rising within me, aware that every gesture, every word will be scrutinized by others. Lorenzo seems perfectly at ease, which only adds to my irritation.

"Listen," I said, turning slightly towards him, trying to keep my voice low but firm. We must be discreet. Just because we're pretending to be a couple doesn't mean we have to attract so much attention.

He nodded, but his smile didn't falter.

-I understand, but it's not every day you see something this unusual. People talk, it's normal. Use that to your advantage.

I grit my teeth, knowing he's right, even though it frustrates me. We finally reach the main entrance of the school, and I turn to him, ready for a day full of quizzical looks and prying questions.

-Alright, let's play the game, but remember we have a goal, I whispered before entering the building.

Lorenzo follows me, still with that provocative smile on his lips.

-Yes, I don't forget, he answers simply.

As we separate to go to our respective classes, I can't help but think about the complexity of the situation. The looks, the whispers, it's all part of the game. But despite the challenges, I am more determined than ever to achieve my goal, even if it means having to navigate this maze of rumors and pretenses.

Lorenzo walks me to my classroom, attracting even more curious looks and intrigued whispers. Just before leaving, he approaches me with this mocking smile that I'm starting to know too well. With a quick and unpredictable gesture, he ruffles my hair, knowing full well that I hate being touched like that.

-See you later, he said to me with a provocative wink before walking away.

I watch him leave, fuming. I try to put my hair back in place, feeling the amused looks from my classmates. The whispers begin again, each person commenting on this unexpected scene.

-Are they really together? 

-She must be crazy to allow him this. 

I stop with a frown.

Did I hear correctly what she dared to say?, I thought 

-Who are you talking to? I asked him with furrowed eyebrows. 

-N…no I was talking about my friend, stammered the student 

-I prefer, I replied, continuing on my way 

The murmurs continued throughout the students present in the corridor. I took a deep breath and decided to ignore these unnecessary comments.

-I never thought I would see them like that.

Good thing I was going to see Rhea and Nyx soon.