
Prologue: Sky Awakening

Giotto made a lot of terrible decision in his life- well- in both his life as Giotto and Tsuna. As Giotto, it was the lack of choice to accept Vongola ring from Sephira. She was a good person, his intuition said so and Giotto was young enough to believe in humanity's altruistic side. He should have known better, living under the oppression of tyrannic folks in his younger days should tell him to always second guessing a contract. So he never asked about the fine print on the contract of Trinisette, accepting wholeheartedly to do good for the world with the newfound power.

Even after he realized what a pit hole Trinisette holder position was, he didn't regret it. Someone had to take the job, and it might as well be him. Then Daemon happened-

In hindsight, letting Ricardo and Daemon get what they want wasn't a good idea. Then again he was so sick of playing Messiah of mafia world, so he made his escape to Japan with Ugetsu. Unlike in the fairy tale, there's no happily ever after. He had done enough, and he wasn't disillusioned that he could fight for life. That resolution pulled the curtain of his story to a close.

If there was a God that wasn't Checker Face up there, obviously they didn't get the memo that his retirement was forever. He even left a piece of his soul/his time in Vongola ring, so surely that was the clue for them to leave the rest of his soul be.

It was not meant to be when nine generations later, Sawada Tsunayoshi was born. And people wondered why he was vehemently objecting to taking his previous life's occupation up again. Not that Sawada Tsunayoshi remembered it, but it was ingrained in his soul that he had enough but the world doesn't care.

At least as Sawada Tsunayoshi, it was inevitable- and Reborn was to blame as a natural force, not even Vongola Boss could stop.

Then Midoriya Izuku was born in a world of hero and villain, which wasn't a bad thing because there's a lot of hero fighting for the weak and justice so there's no shortage of manpower on that front. Unfortunately, said world also see it fit to brainwash the young generation that hero is the best job in the world.

Izuku wasn't an exception, he dreamed to be a hero.

If Giotto's consciousness was awake at the time, he would say he approve the desire to help others in need. However he also strongly object making it a profession- a lifetime occupation- because that was the worst idea in-universe. Next to Checker Face's Arcobaleno tournament, at least Tsuna fix that one.

Fortunately, he was a Quirkless- an unspoken requirement to be a hero. Izuku would be miserable for abandoning his hopeless dream, but at least he won't be locked in unending battle against injustice and evil. Contrary to Izuku's misery of his dream breaking in pieces day by day, he should rejoice for the chance for a normal life.

Then one day, Bakugou Katsuki took his bullying too far, saying too much.

"If you want a Quirk so bad,

why don't you take a leap of faith off the roof and see if you get one in your next life?"

In another universe, Midoriya Izuku would fish his notebook from the pond and go home. However, in this one, a vindictive part of his mind drove him to walk up the stairs to the rooftop of his school. A logical part of his mind knew to ignore Bakugou's taunt because it was just another thoughtless and cruel words from the boy.

It was malicious, but also out of bad habit nurtured by a toxic environment of their society towards the Quirkless. Bakugou's mother certainly tried to stir her son in the right direction, however, her own unkind words weren't convincing her son that he was wrong. And nobody else saw it fit to tell Bakugou that he had been a villain for most of Deku's life.

Izuku was smart, and he knew if he wanted to he could ruin his ex-friend's dream as much as the boy ruin his. All it took was a suicide note of what Bakugou had said and taken the leap of faith he suggested. Bakugou's wish to be a hero would be up to flame like he did to Izuku's notebook. It didn't lose on Izuku of how villainous he could be when cornered as he wrote the note, it was a plot he wouldn't dare to go through.

"Put the note here." He put the paper and used his charred notebook and pencil case as weigh so it wouldn't be blown by the wind. Then he skipped towards the wire barrier separating him and three four-story free falls to the ground. "Kaa-chan, if I follow your advice… you will get in trouble you know."

Trouble was putting it lightly, more than a powerful quirk- a hero's most important asset was reputation. He wanted to soothe his heart and mind at least a little, feeling the sense of equality that even as a Quirkless he could have ruined Bakugou's dream when given proper ammunition. It didn't take long for him to be awake of his daydream and for shame to take over his mind.

All Might wouldn't approve.

However as luck would have it, an accident like his previous life happened. Izuku was distracted enough to not notice the wire mesh he was leaning on had rusted badly and there are weak spots on the railing. So when he pressed on the wire in distress, the barrier couldn't hold on and broke. Izuku fell-

As he fell he couldn't think of anything but regret-

He didn't want to die yet-

Also, he didn't want to die and ruin someone's life-

Katchan's dream!

Then a pillar of orange flame erupted and amber eyes snapped open.

Midoriya Izuku didn't have Vongola blood, his body and mind weren't attuned by the biological evolution of Vongola line to deal with high purity Sky Flame and Hyper Intuition. Giotto accepted Vongola ring for more than just power to protect the weak, it was also to ensure nobody in his line became permanently disabled because of their power. So nobody had to suffer like him to get used to them without risking their lives to master their bloodline. At least not at the degree, he went for, hyper-sensory overload was something he wouldn't wish even upon his worst enemy.

Unfortunately- while he brought along Hyper Intuition and flame in his soul, the same couldn't be said for Midoriya Izuku's body. His mind became a jumbled mess- and in a world when Quirk fueled both heroism and evil, it wasn't a good place for Hyper Intuition to show up.

Izuku remembered he had been someone else in previous life- someone strong- foolishly righteous- but not on the side of justice. The world wasn't black and white, and justice was an abstract context anyone could twist because the law is made by humans. It wasn't always wrong but not absolutely right either.

The pain, blood, and regret- all jumbled up in a sickening cocktail that sent his mind reeling.

'I am tired… sick of fighting- I just want to stop.'

The most vivid of newfound of memory was a desire to escape the burden of shouldering the world and protecting his comrades from the world.

Izuku sat up, wincing at the insistent pounding of his head. Instinctively he knew he had screw himself over beyond help, and he hadn't counted the scorched crater beneath him yet or the bruise all over his exposed skin. It was a terrible emergency landing, he would be ashamed as a sky but he was in too much pain to care.

In this world it doesn't matter- there's no mafia- no flame- there's no shame a sky just failed landing.

'How to suppress my intuition again? Merda---'

He didn't even have enough energy to fully seal his intuition, not if he still want to move. At least the headache was bearable enough to move around with. Midoriya Izuku made his way home from school slowly, mind and heart too full to care about the mess he had left behind. On that supposedly uneventful and headache-inducing trip, his newly awakened Hyper Intuition alerted him of incoming danger. Or rather, something dangerous was wandering close and someone was dying in its clutches. Izuku happened to be crossing an overhead bridge and got an excellent vantage point to see who was in trouble.

His tormentor and ex-friend were suffocated by a villain with sludge body, and the disgusting concoction was trying to fill up Bakugou's orifices. Karma was a bitch indeed, and were those heroes procrastinating instead of doing their job over there?

Izuku recognized them as young heroes on the rise lately, Kamui Wood, Mountain Lady and- whoever they are and how awesome their Quirk is- he didn't see them being heroic. Herding civilian out of the battle scene was good and all, but with this kind of villain, anyone with a healthy amount of self-preservation wouldn't need to be told to get the hell out of the way.

From his encyclopedic memory of heroes, he understood none of the heroes present had the right quirk to deal with Sludge Villain. Someone like Endeavor or temperature changing quirk would be the best bet because the villain was almost liquid. Still- they couldn't seriously be planning to wait for a hero with the right Quirk to arrive, right? How long had the boy been in the company of Sludge Villain? He couldn't survive long enough for reinforcement because human body could function without oxygen before suffering brain damage- never mind - it was ironic that the closest one that could save the boy aside from Izuku was Bakugou himself.

He was in no condition to save himself though, must be too panicked and short of breath to think clearly. For all bravado he boasted, Bakugou Katsuki was an amateur in life and death situation. Izuku wasn't sure if he was in good condition to do so either, because he wasted so much energy breaking his fall, his whole body was also in pain, and fortunately, none of that would stop him from saving a life.

Retired or not, Izuku wasn't going to let someone he could help die. This was just human's basic decency. So Izuku raises his arm that already had a first degree burn up and let his flame roar to life. How painful his back slammed against the concrete wall reminded him of every skill he gained in his previous life was through pain and more pain.

It was a good thing soft flame was easy to command, so nobody died, not even the villain. It was unfortunate the speed was soddy that he had to use both hands to make up for it, so there was no stopping the wall slamming.

Ouch- note to self- retiring from heroism/vigilantism or not he still needs training so he didn't accidentally kill himself or anyone else in this world. Not every hostage had natural heat resistance like Bakugou Katsuki after all.

Izuku wanted to go home- he really did but- he had to use the last of his strength to call for an ambulance for himself halfway to home. He was never a fan of the hospital, but when your flame reservoir was dangerously low and your body was protesting the strain he needed a doctor.

How he wished for a certain priest to be here, Izuku vaguely recalled comforting presence like the sun and missed it even more as medical staff lifted him off of the road with a stretcher. It was a good thing he was registered as Quirkless, nobody would suspect he was the vigilante coming out of retirement to stop a villain.

Yeah, civilian life sounded good.

At the time Izuku forgot the world was always out to ruin his life plan. ( it is written by forlorn story teller not me) . too read more of this fanfic pls go to archive of my own to support the original author