

|SUTON| n. The approach of death or the end of something "What did I do to deserve this?" He chuckled at my question before saying, "You were born princess." She bathed in her own tub of blood, And he watched her, Finding pleasure. He was killing her When she tried saving him

theAkuhle · Urban
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74 Chs

18| partners


I was in blood.

My legs and arms were covered in blood.

I ran.

So fast.

So fast.

As far as my legs could possibly take me. There was someone- or something, that was chasing after me. I didn't know what it was. I didn't look back. Afraid of what I may see. Until my feet touched more than one thorn, I collapsed to the ground, reaching for my foot as I cried out in pain.

My heart was racing out of my chest. I could hear my own heart beat as I inhaled and exhaled deeply. I was sweating and the feeling of blood on my skin wasn't helping. I panted and all the energy I had, had vanish. I needed somebody to help. It was like I was meant to step on that thorn. Like I couldn't actually escape.

Like I didn't deserve to.

"Kill me already! Kill me!" I yelled at the person or thing that was chasing me. "I don't wanna suffer anymore. I'm tired of trying so hard to be the perfect daughter. The person that can deal with anything- I'm dead inside!" I choked once I said the last three words.

"I won't kill you. You're going to live,"

Then everything went black.


"Alright students, I've got your assignment ready."

Oh yay!


"As I remember saying, I'll be the one to group you all up..."

"That's completely unfair," Genesis mutters and I nod, agreeing with her.

It was really not fair. To have you work your ass off in a group task and there's always that one person who's not even in it. Just expecting a mark to be given to them. "The marks go individually. Meaning every member of the group or rather, pairs has to do their own thing. No one will be presenting nothing,"

This brings a ton of relief to my brain, knowing that I'd totally ace this. "You will all be in groups of two- that I myself will put you in"

He goes on saying all the things- not allowing us to forget that he'll be the one who has chosen them. He talks more on what he expects and what the task is about. We've got a max of 2 weeks and nothing can be handed in later.

That's what they all say.

"Williams and Genesis,"

What a good start.

"Connor and Troy,"

"David and Amber,"

And it's already bad.

All I need now is for Kelly and I to be paired together- God forbid.

"Levine and Nina,"


He goes on mentioning the rest of the groups and I become restless once my name hasn't been called in a while.

"Angelo and Kelly,"


"And lastly, Serine and Alexander" You have got to be freaking kidding. As If on queue, I turn my head to my partner. A smirk is plastered on his face, like he had already won.

I open my mouth to say something but somebody already does that for me. "Perfect," They fix their now wrinkled t shirt in their seat. "I don't think we'll have any problems, right Princess?"

I glare at him before my glare turns into a sinister smile. I get up from my chair, looking at him directly in the eye as I do so. "Oh I trust that we won't, don't test me and we'll be... peachy." Just like that, everything in my body went cold.

Just like the day I met him.

He was my partner but that didn't mean anything. After this, I don't want anything that involves him. I think about brushing pass his shoulder but then my body shivers at the thought.

Exactly, no.

I walk right pass him and exit.


"How do you feel?"

"Angry. I mean who puts a bimbo and the brightest guy, in the same group?"

"Baby, I told you it was nothing to worry about."

"I'm no worried about it, I'm just pissed off. Every little thing keeps on going wrong," I groan as we make our way to our spot. Angelo sighs and I regret raising my voice at him for no reason at all. "I'm sorry. I'm being such a child about this," I cover my face with my hands.

All I wanted was peace.

And all I got was the total opposite. Once again, I'm making mistakes. Taking out my anger on my partner. Just because I think they can take it and be unaffected.

What a mistake.

Do not ever deliberately do that to your partner, ever.

His arms wrap around my body as I wrap my arms around his neck. His head rests in the crook of my neck as I hug him tight.

All I needed was a hug.

"Well if it isn't the lovely couple," I shut my eyes tight and only after a few seconds, do him and I let go. I don't let go of his hand as I hold it tight. "Don't you ever get tired?" Angelo squints his eyes at her, exhaustion skating along his features.

Kelly smiles brightly. "Nope," she shakes her head nonchalantly. I roll my eyes. "Let's go," I mutter.

"Are you running away?"

Don't give into her.

Don't give in.

One thing I hated the most about Kelly, is she pushed my buttons way too much and she knew just the right ones. Right now I wasn't in a good mood and I'll be damned if I will stand to hear another word from her.

Her voice just irks me.

"I think you should really watch your little angel right next to you, because his coming to me. Rather sooner than later," I glare at her, my heart racing with undeniable anger and irritation.

The smirk she has falters when I step closer. Still glaring at her. "Maybe you should watch your man too and keep him on a leash while you're at it, because damn is he making it obvious that he's available 24/7."

"So get my mans name out of your God damn mouth, before I force it out. Don't test my patience."

And with that, I walk off.

Once we made it to our spot, we're the first ones there. "Damn that was hot,"

Did not expect less from him.

I shake my head. A smile making it's way on my face. "You're crazy,"

"For you and only you." He places kisses on my lips for almost every word. My heart does a little flip at this.

"There's nothing you need to worry about," he reassures me.

I know.

He wouldn't betray me.

writer's block hitting me hard.

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