
The Very(x12) Great System

A classic system novel (maybe not)

apple2apple · Games
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


[Jack Sheet] - Very Weak Human (Level 1)

Physical - 0.4

Spiritual - 0.1

Aptitude - 0.06

XP Progress - 0 / 1

Jack looked down at the floor. From time to time, his gaze moved to the screen displaying his stats, but was quickly targeted back to the floor.

'Sigh, this is me...'

After some time, Jack had a firm resolve. He steeled his will and fixed his gaze onto the screen. He sighed again, and directed his thought towards the Mission tab.

[List of Mission]

1. Rabbit Killer


'Hmm? Looks like there is a mission available?' Jack thought as he moved his mind further in.

[Mission Description]

Rabbit Killer - Do you remember that time when you got destroyed by a rabbit in arm-wrestling? Now is time for your revenge.

Requirements: Kill 1 rabbit.

Special Reward: Kill the rabbit that crushed you in the past.

Reward Level: Low 1 Star.

'Shit! Stop mentioning that' Jack screamed in his heart, but his face was actually displaying glee. This time he can finally take his revenge? And with rewards too? 'Ke Ke Ke...'

"System! How does the reward level work?" Jack asked urgently.

*Ding* The reward level is split into nine stars, each star is further separated into Low, Mid, and High. The host can acquire XP and Coins as rewards for sure, and additional rewards may be acquired at times. Also, the higher the reward level is, the better the reward...stupid host...

Just by hearing that, Jack's eyebrows are closing up together to form a frown. What a shitstem.

But above all else, he really needs to level up, his stats are way too low... Who knows if he could even get a hit on a rabbit?

To level up, he just needs to fill up the experience (XP) bar. Right now, it is at 0 / 1 XP, when it reaches 1 / 1 XP, he would level up. According to what the system said, every time the host levels up, the host will get a qualitative change in his overall stats, that is to say, all of his stats will increase every time he levels up. To get XP points, he could either kill living things, complete missions, or he could get it under special conditions.

'Hmm, right now, killing things is the easiest way to gain XP points. As for what to kill...' Jack looked up towards the ceiling.

'Aha!' Jack's eye sparkled and he quickly went into the kitchen.

Jack's grandfather has a small cottage, and Jack who lost his parents when he was young, lives with him. His grandfather has always been taking good care of him, he was the only person who didn't mind his presence, but also took care of his daily needs. His face always displayed a smile, no matter what stupid thing Jack has done, and no matter how dumb Jack looks. Other than farming, fishing, and cleaning up the little house, during the other times he would be found laying down on his rocking chair, his body moving back and fro along with the rhythmic squeaking noises. This continued on until one day, he simply laid down on his rocker, and he never got up again...

Looking at the rocking chair by the side of the kitchen made him think back to the past. Jack's eyes turned misty and his emotions became clouded. He knew that everyone has their own deadline, and its even more so for his grandfather, an ordinary human. But he was too feeling angry, angry for he cant do anything to stop it. Had he been a strong warrior, he would've let his grandfather take all the precious medicine, if that happens, maybe his grandfather would still be alive today... Jack gritted his teeth and he tightened his fists. He has the 'system' now, and he will become strong at all cost!

At this moment, Jack suddenly felt a sudden change in his body, it feels like moving around became easier, the actions felt much smoother. Just like adding oil to a rusty machine, the machine will stop making squeaking noises and its movements will become more fluid.

*Ding* Your stats have been increased.

Hearing that voice, Jack woke up from his trance, his mind wandered into the statistics...

[Jack Sheet] - Very Weak Human (Level 1)

Physical - 0.4

Spiritual - 0.3

Aptitude - 0.06

XP Progress - 0 / 1

'Huh?.. Looks like the spiritual aspect increased by 0.2... So you can gain stats like that?' After trying many times to enter the same 'mode' he was in before, he gave up. It was simply too difficult to replicate the exact same feeling, at least for the current him.

Jack shook his head and stepped his feet into the 8 meter square wide kitchen.

To most people, the kitchen is the dirtiest place second only to the toilet, but it wasn't the case for Jack. Looking around him, he sees the cleaning apparatus in one corner, the cooking tools in another, and the cooking materials right in the middle, they were all neatly arranged. Since his grandfather died, he had a habit of keeping everything nice and clean, his actions were somewhat a kind of respect for his grandfather.

His gaze lingered around the kitchen tools for a second and he grabbed out a pot. Then, he opened the cover of a thin, cylindrical metal container beside him. This container was quite big, the base circle has a radius of about 2.5 foot and is around 3 foot tall, it is the water reservoir for the small house. Every so often, he would need to clean and refill it with water from the river outside.

Jack took the water bucket and scooped up water enough to fill half of it, and he heated up the water until it boils. He then quickly carried the bucket and walked down along the stair to the basement.

The basement is a very dirty place. The last time he opened it was around a few years ago, when he peeked into it, all he sees are insects, insects, and more insects! Other than that, the basement seems to be incredibly wide, that time he was carrying a torch, but he couldn't even see a single end point on all three sides. Supposedly, this insect infestation would've cause a lot of trouble for him, but luckily the basement is located very deep down, and the door's slits were sealed up.

Jack carefully unsealed part of the door's bottom slit, and very quickly he grabbed the water bucket and slowly poured out the contents into the clear slit.

*Tssssss!* Almost instantaneously, he could hear the boiling water reacting with something behind the door.

*Ding* You have killed an ant! +0.004 XP

*Ding* You have killed an ant! +0.004 XP

*Ding* You have killed a scryqobug! +0.011 XP

*Ding* You have killed a dung beetle! +0.008 XP

*Ding* You have killed an ant! +0.004 XP

Suddenly, a flood of message streamed into his mind. There was so much to take in that his brain started to hurt.

"Arghh! System! Display a summarized record!" Jack yelled in his mind while he emptied the water bucket.

*Ding* Acknowledged.

Right after the system's reply, all the flooding messages disappeared, a single notification appeared in their stead.

*Ding* You have killed a total of 549 insects of 21 different species! +3.142 XP

*Ding* You have leveled up!

*Ding* As you have reached a level checkpoint, you have been rewarded with 2 one star mystery box and 500 Coins!

Upon hearing the system's notifications, Jack felt elated right away. He quickly resealed the slit, and entered into the statistics tab.

[Jack Sheet] - Weak Human (Level 2)

Physical - 0.6

Spiritual - 0.5

Aptitude - 0.15

XP Progress - 2.142 / 5.000