

Carlo was discharged from the military hospital after two weeks. His body felt a little odd and numb, probably from staying such a long time there. The effects of the drug that is administered to him begins to wear off and he feels better than before.

Traces of the drug can be found in Carlo's blood which is examined by the government owned laboratory in the country's capital. It may be the cause of his hallucinations and my sudden anxiety attacks. He hopes that's just the case, for it could really affect his job in the military.

Carlo's C.T. and medical exams shows no abnormalities, everything is normal and nothing seems to be odd. As he gets better rapidly compared to when he was found in an abandoned hut, hundreds of meters away from the combat zone. He wondered if that slight memory of me seeing that Cobra person with multinationals and some terrorists could be true.

Carlo always wanted to report the man to the authorities, but his alibi could be weak. He is induced with sedatives and hallucinogenic drugs and what he see or hear that time of the incident may be dismissed as hallucinations. Thus, Carlo will have to dig deeper if he wanted more information with these people.

Carlo is on his way home, traveling three days in bus from Samal to the city of Sugbu. His immediate family lives there. He received calls from them, asking him if how he was and were glad he was safe.

Carlo's phone rang as he watched the countryside, green with plants and teeming with life. He saw farmers that are plowing their fields and their beasts, mud buffaloes that aided them with their tasks.

He opened his phone and saw the same number that tried to contact him. He couldn't bear to ignore it this time since its vibration in his pocket is annoying for him to relax. He placed the phone's speaker near his right ear and responded the call.

"Hello, can you hear me?" Carlo heard Juliana's voice on the phone.

"Yes, I can hear you. My apologies I slept!" Carlo used an alibi in ignoring her calls.

"I was wondering if you are okay. You were cold to me last week on the hospital." Her concerned words pierced jos heart.

Carlo's pride however dictated him to be cold towards her, he could not bring himself to be affected by his emotions for he stood firmly in his beliefs.

"I am fine! No need to worry." Carlo assured her as he sat watching the news in the television.

As she continue talking in the phone, the news caught attention as scenes from the ambush zone was displayed on air. He seen the wreckage of power armor scattered with their dead comrades on the ground. Their equipment and their gear were taken and some components from the power armors were stolen as well.

Carlo was so absorbed watching that he forgot that Juliana was still on the phone talking.

"Are you still there?" Juliana's voice caught Carlo's attention.

"I am sorry!" He said and focused on her once more.

"It's okay, maybe we'll just talk some other time. Take care, goodbye!" Juliana hanged up the phone.

As Carlo returned his attention to the screen, the broadcast shows a different news. He sighs in disappointment being interrupted earlier.

It is almost sun down and Carlo is two hours away from home. The bus suddenly stopped as some passengers disembarked to their respective destination. Some passengers also embarked and took seats near of him.

The bus started to move moments later after all of the passengers are in. A lean looking lady stood before Carlo and asked if the seat was taken. He glanced towards her and replied.

"You may take it!" Carlo smiled at her.

"Many thanks!" She smiled in reply to him in return.

The lady, despite being of darker complexion looks foreign as her features are more defined especially her face. She is beautiful and her nose is long, she also has a sharp jawline. She is wearing a pink blouse, blue jeans and flat shoes.

Carlo stares at her because her beauty is different compared to the locals. Her figure and features astonish him as he look at her.

"Is there something on my face?" She asked in reply to Carlo's stare towards her.

"My apologies!" Carlo replied then looked away from her with his blushed face.

She chuckles at his reaction and said, "Do not worry, you Verlusians are timid and shy as they say!"

"Oh, I am really sorry for that!" Carlo said trying to regain his composure.

"I am quite new here actually. My name is Ivana, I am from Java. Nice meeting you!" She reached Carlo's hand for a handshake.

"T-thank you!" Carlo stuttered at the beauty before him and returned the gesture. " I am Carlo, Carlo Montenegro by the way."

"Ah, nice meeting you!" She said and looks on the screen of the television.

Java is a country in the south west from the Republic of Verlusia. They are similar to Verlusians but are of purer blood. Their complexion is darker than the Verlusians as well. Most of Verlusians consider them as friends especially those who come from the region of Morong in the south which is closer to them. Seeing someone like her in these regions is kind of rare. Since most of them usually can be seen in the south.

The two of them have an animated conversation about their lives and their jobs after they introduced ourselves. She was working from a Pharmaceutical company and has a position there. She works in T.M. Allison, the company that produces pain killers and anti-depressants. In return Carlo have to lie a bit about his job, he told her that he is from the military and work as an office clerk.

Luckily Carlo have changed to his civilian attire, for disclosing information about his real job to civilians or to anyone is a serious offense.

The dispatcher inside the bus is shouting the next stop, "Opon! Opon!"

It is Carlo's cue that he is close to his destination. Carlo did not notice the time as he talked with Ivana. He can see his house near the road, beside of it are houses and some commercial buildings.

Carlo have to bid farewell to his new friend that he have met in the bus. She told him that she had a good time talking to him and I thanked her for the time. Carlo stood up from his seat and they parted ways.

Outside the bus Carlo's phone rang and it was his father. He asked Carlo if he have arrived and told him that he did. Moments later, his siblings and mother went out from the black gate where their house is located. After the light turns green for the pedestrians Carlo crossed the road to meet them.

Upon arriving on the opposite end, Carlo's siblings greeted and met him along the way. He can tell that they missed him as well. Carlo's mom is with them and escorted him inside the house. Carlo's siblings were asking a lot of questions while his mom was asking how he was, if he were eating well and how he is doing in the Army.

"I am great! I am doing fine, don't worry, here I am safe and sound!" Carlo replied to them.

The sound of chattering suddenly stopped when his father arrived to the scene. He is standing along the stairway with his arms crossed. He looks displeased but Carlo can tell his concerned for him.

"My son, we have a lot to talk about!"