
The Vengeful Lover

[ WARNING: EXPLICIT LOVE SCENES] "She was going to pay...." Li Fei is a renowned model, socialite, a spoilt daughter and heiress of the wealthy Li family. On one dreadful night, she causes an accident which ended up killing the pregnant wife of the most powerful man in the whole of Asia, Jin Liwei who vows to make her life a living hell. How far will Jin Liwei go to make Li Fei's life miserable? _______________________ #Excerpt The sound of an ambulance siren wails as it makes its way to the emergency entrance of Paramount hospital. Before it could park, the doors were pushed with great force and two nurses rushed out with a pregnant patient on a stretcher with an oxygen mask on her face. Jin Liwei jumped out of the ambulance with a panic striked face as he stared at his wife with spiritless eyes. The nurses seemed to be more in panic as they dragged the patient inside the hospital while calling the others to help them. The patient was immediately rushed to the ICU and Jin Liwei attempted to enter but he was stopped right at the entrance. "Please Young Master Jin Liwei, let us handle this," pleaded the doctor and he gave him a cold look before saying," She's my wife." The doctor gulped before saying," I know but you're presence won't be needed in here. It will only complicate things." Jin Liwei decided to listen to him for Jin Shan and their unborn baby. "Fine. I leave them in your hands," he said before stepping back and the doors of the operating room were shut close. Just then, his personal assistant Wang Mel approached him with hesitant steps well knowing how furious his Master was considering the way he cherishes the Young Miss. With a grave face, he bowed his head and said," I'm so sorry Master Jin about what happened!! How can I be of help to you?" "Find out the owner of the car and if they are dead, track down their family," he instructed his assistant who bowed once again before disappearing from the sight. He released a sigh of relief when he was told to do research work other than staying behind with his cold Boss. ___ "More of a man than I? You slept with him?!!" he asked and grabbed her wrist. She felt him squeezing her hand and she winced in pain. "Let go of me! You're hurting me," she screamed. "You slept with him, yes or no?!" he asked again with a murderous voice and she quickly said," No, I didn't." It was then that he released her arm and she rubbed her wrist with her other hand before muttering" You're a beast." He chuckled before replying, "And you're beauty." The glare in her eyes intensified.

Kironde_Mariam · Urban
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254 Chs

Chapter 175 You are now stuck with me

The next day as Li Jiang was driving Li Fei to the airport, he said," Li Fei, don't hesitate to tell me if that man does anything to you. Even the slightest." "You worry too much. Jin Liwei will never hurt me," she assured him before adding," I will also be waiting for any updates. Between you and Xinyi."

He lightly chuckled at that before nodding his head. Not long after, they reached the airport and Li Fei boarded.

Getting off the plane, she looked around for Wang Mel but didn't spot him. She started looking for her phone when she heard," Ma'am."

She turned to see that it was him and she said," I thought you were not here." "I was here," he said and picked her luggage before asking her to follow him.

During the ride, she leaned her head against the seat and closed her eyes. A while later when she opened them, she realized that they were driving on unfamiliar street and she asked," Ain't we heading home?"

"Yes Ma'am. Mr Jin Liwei got another place for the two of you to live," he let her know.

She nodded although she wondered why he hadn't mentioned it to her.

Not long after, they reached the house and Li Fei was pleased with their new house. It was bigger to the previous Villa in which Jin Liwei resided. Walking inside, she was awestruck with the beauty and art that was put in making the place. Still looking at the house, she heard a voice.

"Oh my dear, you are finally here!" said Yin Chen coming to where she was standing.

The two were so happy to see each other and they hugged. "You've come to stay forever right?" she asked and Li Fei nodded enthusiastically. "I'm here with you, forever," she confirmed.

"That is so great! Li Fei, once again I'm sorry for the loss of your father. I couldn't make it to the burial because of my illness," she said.

"As I told you Yin Chen, it is okay. It is enough that you managed to give me a phonecall," she replied. "Okay thanks for being understanding. Are you hungry? I prepared a lot of food for you so come and eat before I tour you around the house," said Yin Chen.

"Let's do the touring first," suggested Li Fei.

"Are you sure? Ain't you eating first?" she asked. "I will eat after," she said and they did the touring.

"I'm glad you finally healed," said Li Fei as they walked around the back yard of the house. "I'm glad too because the feeling of being sick is horrible," she said before adding," I had been living at the Young Master's parents' house and the two seemed to be very fond of you. They always talked about you."

"I'm glad they see me that way," she replied.

A while later after seeing the whole place, they went to the kitchen and from there, Li Fei ate her food after which she went to the bedroom.

She looked around the new place where they were yet to create memories.

Laying on the bed, she contemplated on calling him but she remembered that he had said that he was going to be busy. She then remembered that she hadn't informed Liling of her arrival and after doing it, she drifted to sleep before she knew it.

Sleeping, she felt a brush of fingers on her legs and she changed her position in sleep. A while later, she felt fingers massage her cheek and she opened her sleepy eyes to see that it was him. "You're here," she whispered.

"Yes. I'm sorry for being late but it was very important," he said. "Late? What is the time?" she asked. "Coming to ten," he said removing his coat and she immediately sat on the bed. "Ten?! I can't believe it! I slept at three in the afternoon," she said stretching her limbs.

"You must have been tired. How was your flight?"

"As usual," she said and his eyes narrowed. "As usual? Weren't you excited that you were coming to be with me? And forever?" he asked her. "Well..I didn't think of it. I think I even forgot about it," she decided to tease him. "In that case then, you have to know that you are now stuck with me. You're not going anywhere," he said removing his shirt and she felt her throat dry at the sight. She had seen him naked a number of times but she couldn't get used to it. "I-I don't mind it," she replied and he saw how her eyes were glued onto his body.

He was glad that they both affected and wanted each other the same way.

Wrapping himself in a bathrobe, she asked," You're going to bathe?" "Yes." "I will come and bathe with you," she suggested getting up.

"No. I will go in first. I'm afraid that when you come in, I might fail to control myself and we still have four months," he said and she glared at him. "It is two months Jin Liwei! In fact, it is a month and three weeks left. And perhaps.... I don't think it may be effective even though it happens. We can take it slow," she said and he hurriedly walked to the bathroom then locked it from inside.

That statement alone was enough to seduce him and he would never forgive himself if anything happened to her because of his failure to control his desires.

Li Fei sighed and decided to go to the kitchen to get some food for him. Even though he didn't mind it, she wanted to learn on how to take care of him as a dutiful wife and luckily, Yin Chen was here to help her.

Coming out of the bathroom, he walked to the closet and changed to his sleep wear before coming to the room. He found her serving food on the plate and he approached her. She asked him to sit and he did after which she gave him food.

"I will go take a shower," she said. "Ain't you eating first?" he asked. "I won't eat. I ate a lot in the afternoon," she let him know.