
The Vengeful Lover

[ WARNING: EXPLICIT LOVE SCENES] "She was going to pay...." Li Fei is a renowned model, socialite, a spoilt daughter and heiress of the wealthy Li family. On one dreadful night, she causes an accident which ended up killing the pregnant wife of the most powerful man in the whole of Asia, Jin Liwei who vows to make her life a living hell. How far will Jin Liwei go to make Li Fei's life miserable? _______________________ #Excerpt The sound of an ambulance siren wails as it makes its way to the emergency entrance of Paramount hospital. Before it could park, the doors were pushed with great force and two nurses rushed out with a pregnant patient on a stretcher with an oxygen mask on her face. Jin Liwei jumped out of the ambulance with a panic striked face as he stared at his wife with spiritless eyes. The nurses seemed to be more in panic as they dragged the patient inside the hospital while calling the others to help them. The patient was immediately rushed to the ICU and Jin Liwei attempted to enter but he was stopped right at the entrance. "Please Young Master Jin Liwei, let us handle this," pleaded the doctor and he gave him a cold look before saying," She's my wife." The doctor gulped before saying," I know but you're presence won't be needed in here. It will only complicate things." Jin Liwei decided to listen to him for Jin Shan and their unborn baby. "Fine. I leave them in your hands," he said before stepping back and the doors of the operating room were shut close. Just then, his personal assistant Wang Mel approached him with hesitant steps well knowing how furious his Master was considering the way he cherishes the Young Miss. With a grave face, he bowed his head and said," I'm so sorry Master Jin about what happened!! How can I be of help to you?" "Find out the owner of the car and if they are dead, track down their family," he instructed his assistant who bowed once again before disappearing from the sight. He released a sigh of relief when he was told to do research work other than staying behind with his cold Boss. ___ "More of a man than I? You slept with him?!!" he asked and grabbed her wrist. She felt him squeezing her hand and she winced in pain. "Let go of me! You're hurting me," she screamed. "You slept with him, yes or no?!" he asked again with a murderous voice and she quickly said," No, I didn't." It was then that he released her arm and she rubbed her wrist with her other hand before muttering" You're a beast." He chuckled before replying, "And you're beauty." The glare in her eyes intensified.

Kironde_Mariam · Urban
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254 Chs

Chapter 104 After everything he's done to you

Jianyu looked at her and said," It's okay with me. But you told me that you were single." "Our relationship had some complications by then and luckily, everything is settled." "So, you were with him the night of the party?" he asked to confirm. "Y-yes," she said. He felt as though something was piercing his heart before saying," Okay. I'm happy for you." Smiling, she said," Thank you." "Always. About your gift, when can we go so that you can see it? Or you're afraid of being seen with me by your boyfriend? He seemed to be a possessive person." "Not really. I will be letting you know when we can go. Please excuse me," she said before leaving the office. Jianyu looked at her back until she disappeared from his sight. He wondered who the lucky guy might be and he only hoped he was worthy.


The next day in the afternoon, as Li Fei was busy with work, she heard someone knock on her door and raising her eyes, she saw that it was Hu Feng. "May I?" he asked. "Yes come in," she said and he walked in holding a gift bag then took a seat in front of her. "Good afternoon," he said. "Good afternoon. How are you?" she asked. "I'm okay. I was heading somewhere and I decided to pass by," he said. "That's so thoughtful of you," she said looking at him. "Yes. I'm sorry for not making it on your birthday. I wasn't around. I just came back yesterday but nevertheless, I have brought your gift," he said before placing the gift bag on the table.

"Thank you," she said smiling. "It's nothing. I saw the photos everywhere on Weibo, WeChat and I must say that you looked beautiful." "Thank you once again," she could only say. "I actually came to tell you something," he said and it caught her attention. "Please tell me." "I am finally letting you go Li Fei. I got someone else and we are going to get engaged," he said. "That is good. I'm so happy for you," she said. "Thank you. I wanted to inform you beforehand because I know there's going to be a lot of words from people," he explained.

"I'm used to that and it's okay. You just go ahead," she said. Hu Feng looked at her for a while before asking," Is that all you have to say? That you're happy for me?" Confused, she asked," What else should I say? Did I forget something?" "Ain't you going to ask me who the girl is? Or when we started seeing each other?" he asked. She chuckled before saying," That is not my business Hu Feng. I only hope she deserves you because you're a nice person." He glared at her before asking," You're happy, ain't you? Tell me Li Fei, have you ever loved me even once?" "We talked about this in the past didn't we? And even if I didn't, you have finally gotten someone who loves you," she said. "Who do you love then? Is it that loser Yan Jianyu? Oh, now I remember, is it that man Jin Liwei?" he asked and Li Fei's eyes looked at the door to see if no one was there.

Standing up, she said," I don't have to explain anything to you. I don't think your girlfriend will like it if she finds out that you're here and asking such questions."

"Is anything wrong?" they were interrupted by a voice at the doorway. "No. Everything is fine. He was just leaving," Li Fei said looking at Hu Feng. Hu Feng stood up from his seat and when he reached Jianyu, he glared at him before leaving.

Jianyu saw it and he came in, his eyes fixated on the gift bag that was on the table. "Are you alright?" he asked and she nodded. "Okay. Ah...is he the one? Your boyfriend?" he asked. "No. He's my ex fiancee," she said internally rolling her eyes.

Throughout the entire time, Li Fei was trying to come up with the best strategy to tell her parents about her relationship with Jin Liwei.

She thought it was best to first talk about it with Li Jiang such that the both of them find a way of telling their parents. Since he was coming over the weekend, she decided to wait for him at home.

Over the weekend, Li Jiang came home but he spent the entire day with his Dad in the study room. At the table when they were having dinner, Li Fei whispered," I need to talk to you about something." "Now?" he asked. "When you're free," she said and he nodded.

After supper, the four gathered in the parlour and started talking about random things. They then started reminiscing about old times until their Dad said," Wait a moment, isn't that that man Mr Jin Liwei?"

With this, all their eyes shifted to look at the television and it was indeed him.

"Put on the volume and we see what the devil has to say," said Li Mei. "The devil?" Li Fei couldn't help but ask. "Yes. He's even worse than the devil," she emphasized much to her surprise and Li Fei kept quiet so that she could listen to what he was saying.

In the news, it was said that Jin Corps branch in Japan was facing a great fall back due to the low quality it provided to it's clients for over a year.

Many of it's customers had turned to it's competitors and at the moment, Jin Liwei had made a press conference during the day ensuring their customers that they were coming up with strategies to provide the best and go back to being the leading company.

When it got done, Li Mei said," I wish the whole company falls not only in Japan but China as well." Li Fei looked at her mother and asked," Why?

"Why? After everything he's done to you in prison Li Fei?" she asked. "What do you mean?" she asked. "You thought we wouldn't know the things he did to you? That he was the one who stopped us from visiting you and making phone calls to us? That he paid the prison warden to make your life a living hell?"