
The Vengeful Lover

[ WARNING: EXPLICIT LOVE SCENES] "She was going to pay...." Li Fei is a renowned model, socialite, a spoilt daughter and heiress of the wealthy Li family. On one dreadful night, she causes an accident which ended up killing the pregnant wife of the most powerful man in the whole of Asia, Jin Liwei who vows to make her life a living hell. How far will Jin Liwei go to make Li Fei's life miserable? _______________________ #Excerpt The sound of an ambulance siren wails as it makes its way to the emergency entrance of Paramount hospital. Before it could park, the doors were pushed with great force and two nurses rushed out with a pregnant patient on a stretcher with an oxygen mask on her face. Jin Liwei jumped out of the ambulance with a panic striked face as he stared at his wife with spiritless eyes. The nurses seemed to be more in panic as they dragged the patient inside the hospital while calling the others to help them. The patient was immediately rushed to the ICU and Jin Liwei attempted to enter but he was stopped right at the entrance. "Please Young Master Jin Liwei, let us handle this," pleaded the doctor and he gave him a cold look before saying," She's my wife." The doctor gulped before saying," I know but you're presence won't be needed in here. It will only complicate things." Jin Liwei decided to listen to him for Jin Shan and their unborn baby. "Fine. I leave them in your hands," he said before stepping back and the doors of the operating room were shut close. Just then, his personal assistant Wang Mel approached him with hesitant steps well knowing how furious his Master was considering the way he cherishes the Young Miss. With a grave face, he bowed his head and said," I'm so sorry Master Jin about what happened!! How can I be of help to you?" "Find out the owner of the car and if they are dead, track down their family," he instructed his assistant who bowed once again before disappearing from the sight. He released a sigh of relief when he was told to do research work other than staying behind with his cold Boss. ___ "More of a man than I? You slept with him?!!" he asked and grabbed her wrist. She felt him squeezing her hand and she winced in pain. "Let go of me! You're hurting me," she screamed. "You slept with him, yes or no?!" he asked again with a murderous voice and she quickly said," No, I didn't." It was then that he released her arm and she rubbed her wrist with her other hand before muttering" You're a beast." He chuckled before replying, "And you're beauty." The glare in her eyes intensified.

Kironde_Mariam · Urban
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254 Chs

Chapter 102 Anything for you

A while later, she got done with her food and pushed the trolley to the side. Coming back to sit with him, she said," Ah...when I think about the future, I honestly get scared." He looked at her and asked,"Why's that?" "Because, I don't know if we are doing the right thing. People will talk," she whispered. "Let them talk I don't care. If this is a mistake, let it be. I have done many wrong things anyway."

Just then, his phone rang interrupting them and he saw Wang Mel calling. "It's time," she said looking at him anxiously and he saw it.

Standing up with her, he pulled her into his embrace and circled his hands around her waist. "I will be back sooner than you expect. Stay safe for me, okay?" he asked and he felt her nod her head. "Take care of yourself too and come back safely to me," he heard her murmur. "Of course. I will do anything for you," he said before bending down and gave her a slow assuring kiss.

"Get going before I change my mind and follow you," she said the moment the kiss ended. "I will be more than glad," he said before taking steps towards the door and on reaching it, he turned to look at her. She smiled before saying," Go already." Smiling back, he opened the door and left.

The moment the door closed, Li Fei started feeling the emptiness in her heart but she decided to brush it off since it wasn't like he had gone forever. She went to have a bath. Li Fei looked at her body in the bathroom mirror, which was covered by hickeys. Most were on her neck, chest and thighs. He had really done a great job marking her body, she thought gazing at his artwork.

After the long shower, she came back wrapped in the bath robe and immediately called Liling. "See what time you remember your best friend," said Liling the moment she answered. "You have so much to answer. Where are you?" she asked. "In the hotel room. Where are you?" asked Liling. "Of course you know where I am. Come over quickly, he left," she said.

A moment later, the door opened and Liling came in. The moment she spotted the hickeys on her neck, she said," Hmmm, I can tell that someone was busy throughout the night."

Li Fei blushed before asking," And whose fault is it? Tell me Liling, how did you plan this?"

"Well, what can I say? I planned it with Jing Yue," she said. Her eyes widened and she asked," Jing Yue is involved? Where's he?"

"I left him in our suite. Earlier I was worried that our plan didn't work but seeing those hickeys, I can tell that everything went well. Tell me, did you talk things out?" she asked. A blush appeared on Li Fei's cheeks and she said," Yes we are together now. I honestly can't believe it. Can you believe that my wish before blowing the candles was seeing him again?!"

Liling smiled and said," What can I say, I guess it's destiny." Smiling, Li Fei said," Liling, thank you so much. You've made me the happiest woman in the whole world. I don't know how I will ever repay you." "You don't have to give me anything. It makes me happy when I see that you're happy. What matters is that you two love each other." "I honestly appreciate everything you've done for me. I have to go home right now. You're coming with me ain't you?" she asked. "Not really. I'm going back to Shanghai with Jing Yue. I'm sorry," she said. "I understand, you don't have to be sorry," she said.

After there, Li Fei went to her hotel room and got a long dress so that the hickeys could not be seen. Getting a scarf, she wrapped it around her neck and called Liling who informed her that they were at the parking lot.

When she reached there, she caught sight of them acting lovey - dovey. When she reached where they were, Jing Yue said," Long time no see Li Fei."

"Indeed. How have you been Mr Jing Yue?" she greeted him. "Good. How are you?"

"I'm okay. I want to thank you for what you did for us. Thank you really," she said expressing her gratitude. "You don't have to thank us. What are friends for?" he asked. "Okay. I'm so sorry I won't be accompanying you to the airport as my mother is waiting for me," she said when she saw that her chauffeur had arrived. "It is fine. We so much enjoy each other's company after all," joked Jing Yue and they burst into laughter.

Sharing a long hug with Liling and a brief one with Jing Yue, she went to her car and the two went in theirs. On the way, she asked the chauffeur to stop by a pharmacy and she went to get after pills. She swallowed one the moment she got them before going back to the car. Throughout the drive, Li Fei leaned her head and took a nap. She was later woken up by the chauffeur telling her that they were home.

Walking inside, she asked the Butler where her parents were and he told her that her Dad was resting in his room while her mother wasn't home.

Going to her room, she laid on her bed and that instant, she drifted off to sleep. She was so tired because of the party and the sleepless night she spent with Jin Liwei.

Later, she was woken up by a maid telling her that it was time for lunch and she said that she wasn't hungry before going back to sleep.

By the time Li Fei woke up, it was four in the late afternoon and she couldn't believe that she had slept that long. Remembering that they were together with Jin Liwei, she couldn't help the smile that settled on her lips. She checked her phone and found a missed call from him and she gasped.

She immediately called him back but he didn't answer.