
Chapter 46: Kylie thinks its a pity proposal

There’s something weird going on with Brandon. He finally came to my room, but something was off. It was like he was trying to be nice to me, but that it felt forced even to him. I guess he really doesn’t like me. I do have one more chance though, one more place to spend time with him and hope to get him to feel that same spark I feel.

Am I wrong to do this? I want him. I know that. I want him the way a starving man wants a banquet, the way a poor man wants a bar of gold. I want him the way, um, the way a really horny girl wants a really cute guy. Okay, that one wasn’t as clever, but it was more accurate. And now, I only have one more chance to get him. If it isn’t at the airport, it won’t happen at all.