
Chapter 44: Vegas is starting to get to her

I still need to get her e-mail. And her phone number. At the very least, I need her phone number. I need a chance to talk to her again. I can’t just let the last two days go away. They were too wonderful. But I can’t go ahead and rush off to her room and talk to her right now, either. If I do, that’ll ruin everything.

I hated Catch-22 when I read it, and I still hate the idea now. What do I do?

Well, first thing’s first. I need to find out Kylie’s phone number and e-mail. Of course, to do that, I’d have to talk to her. And if I talk to her, I’ll want to keep talking to her. And if I keep talking to her, I’ll want to kiss her. And never stop kissing her. That’s not a good idea. I don’t want to come on too strong.

Maybe there’s some other way to get this information. Maybe I could just ask someone. There’s probably an e-mail listed with the convention. Not a phone number, most likely, but an e-mail. They have my e-mail, why shouldn’t they have hers?